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Everything posted by FlareChaser0096

  1. I'M NOT CRYING Not at all! That's ridiculous!
  2. GOOD CELESTIA PINKIE PIE THAT GOT DARK And yeah come on you guys, books And okay the songs have good messages but they feel forced. Idk ya'll
  3. Spike honestly concerns me, he has stalker-ish tendencies
  4. Awww our babies don't know what the frigglefruit they're doing <3 They should all move in together!
  5. I'm BACK. Season 5 has brought me here again :) I've been so busy with college asdfghjkl but I have my priorities straight now. Ponies. Ponies > GPA.

    1. thegoodhen


      Happy birthday tho.

  6. Personally I was fangirling over their awkward romance, and I would love to see their relationship progress further. That being said, Flash still needs a lot of character development- hopefully he's an undercover nerd and will read books with Twilight into the wee hours
  7. I love the remix- after three seasons of the same-old same-old, I liked the new vibe. The regular theme isn't the best anyway- I wonder if they'll change it for season 4? Probably not, but a mare can dream
  8. Perhaps they age differently in the human universe? I noticed the age thing too, I would've expected Big Mac to be in college, but it's whatevs. It IS an AU, it's going to be, well... alternate.
  9. Senior year kinda happened and applying for colleges and I've just been stuffed up the bum with work but HAY here i am! Hopefully I won't be going on another hiatus from the web

  10. I'm back!!! It's been... i don't know how long ;_; I've missed my brony family!

  11. Hey ya'll! After a lengthy hiatus, I return!!! (crickets.... yeah it's okay I've been gone for awhile ) My OTP is Captain Swan. It's so unhealthy. I'm currently writing two fanfics about them- one serious and one is a Skyrim crossover. Anyway, who has been watching it? I need my bb Hook back! But in the meantime I must rant about it because it has captured my life. Who else is obsessed? And what are your theories? *spoilers* I think that Henry will run away to Neverland, as he wants to be with his family forever. Hook and Emma will go after him, hopefully fall in love, and find out that Hook is Peter Pan or something craycray like that, I wouldn't put anything out of the realm of possibility!
  12. My German teacher is from New Zealand and has the most precious accent! xD When she gets mad she says "OH SHIVERS!", like the time when she stained the Promethean board. My freshmen algebra teacher is also the wrestling coach. One day, a kid fell asleep in class. Typical, right? Until said teacher PICKED UP HIS DESK WHILE THE KID WAS STILL IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah. We were all terrified. XD My english teacher last year hid behind her door dressed in a ski mask on Halloween and jumped out at the kids who walked in late. :3
  13. On weeknights, 9-10 p.m. I like my sleep. On weekends 10-11. I usually stay up on tumblr or youtube. :3 I used to have insomnia O.O so glad that's over!
  14. 1: leave anonymous note in crush's locker (she's a girl... and I'm a girl... but I'll leave my number so if she happens to not be straight she can call) 2: I've never done anything romantic.... but I'd like to cuddle and play old-school video games with a significant other :3 3: Dream date? A WEEK AT DISNEY WORLD! Holy Luna that'd be spectacular 4: Dream girl/guy. Okay, they're different. (I'm bi, just to clear that up lol) Girl: a bit shorter. dark hair. brown Bambi eyes. sweet, quiet, nerd. A lot like my current crush actually. Guy: darkish hair, blue eyes. Old fashioned gentleman with great sense of humor. Loves and tolerates. (that goes for dream girl too )
  15. I think we're all still alive... unless we all died and this is just a fantasy, some form of inception. I suppose it's possible. If this is a dream... *tries flying* OH HEY no it's not a dream!
  16. It's possible that there's already a thread on this. If so, oopsies! There's a new Tomb Raider slated to come out early 2013. Personally, I think it looks AMAZING. I'm a die hard fan. I beat Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation at age four. :3 Bam. Little girl in pigtails and glasses. Lara Croft was my idol. I digress. What games have you played? Opinions on games past and future?
  17. I truly feel like I was born in the wrong generation. XD I should've been born earlier 90's or 80's. I get along better with more mature people... At my school, we have "gangsters". Please. This is a midwestern town surrounded by cornfields. You're not ghetto. xD sagging.... don't get me started... and the short skirts. A great number of girls at my school have their tiny bums hanging out, and then complain about being cold. GAH. And no one can go 10 seconds without electronics. The kids on my bus (10-ish) have IPADS and update FACEBOOK. When I was their age I drew pictures in the condensation of the window. And played with G3 ponies. xD Oh teens... let's grow up.
  18. End is neigh... lame puns make me LOL. If dolphins cause an uprising, I don't stand a chance! They're flood the world and squeak their little squeaking sounds until we all lose our minds!! But in all serious, who knows? Pretty sure December 21st isn't doomsday but we can't know. The chance that the apocalypse is truly neigh is .00001 to 55,669,522,330,454,634.00002222229. ** ** approximation
  19. Critics (and people in general, like politicians) think that they're superior and/or uber important and like shoving their views down peoples' throats as well as in their faces. They exist because our individualistic society and "the whole world revolves around moi" attitude. My 2 bits.
  20. What really rustles my jimmies is when people chew gum obnoxiously and smack it. This chick in my English class last year fell asleep... still chomping gum and spraying her saliva onto my paper.
  21. I'm too picky when it comes to biology, I admit. I've * regrettably* spent 300 hours simply derping around Skyrim. Not productive but I enjoy every moment nonetheless. FUS ROH yay
  22. Underneath- Adam Lambert Strip away the flesh and bone Look beyond the lies you've known Everybody wants to talk about a freak No one wants to dig that deep, let me take you underneath. Baby, better watch your step. Never mind what's on the left. You're gonna see things you might not wanna see, still not that easy for me underneath.... (chorus) A red river of screams underneath, tears in my eyes underneath, stars in my black and blue sky. And underneath, under my skin, underneath the depths of my sin, look at me, now do you see? ................................................
  23. Short and sweet: The ENTIRE game of "Okami". Japanese. Looks like a water color painting. Epic story line, characters, game play.... <3 And also beating Tomb Raider... when I was four years old. Heheheh, my dad's face when I beat the final battle for him....XD
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