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Posts posted by notdog1996

  1. 40457




    Yup, the new spelling that nobody ever follows because it makes no sense and that exists for the sole reason of accommodating people who can't spell :D

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Tons, and tons and tons.  A lot from My little pony, at that.  To be honest, I never really cared too much about the genders of the characters in shows and video games.


    Kind of off-topic (and kind of relevant at the same time), but I've actually come across numerous people who refuse to believe Sheik is female. Like, they know that Sheik is Zelda in disguise, but they make up the most backward-ass scenarios to justify the thought that Zelda somehow transforms into a male whenever she becomes Sheik. The reason for this? They desperately want to maintain their headcanons that Link and Sheik have some kind of yaoi thing going on.


    Stupid, stupid, stupid. -_-


    Sorry for continuing to be off-topic, but I personally see Sheik as male, simply because Sheik is a costume meant to be seen as male, like if a girl was playing Romeo from Romeo and Juliette in a play.  It's a matter of perspective whether you see him as male or female for that reason.

  3. I'm only 5'4'', which is about 163 cm I think.  I just hate it, everyone is tall on my father's side and I'm a freaking midget! Dx


    But um, I guess I am quite short to some people. Not super short but yeah. ugh all these weird numbers are confusing me. Why is the US still using feet and inches? :unsure:use cm so I understand what you mean :c


    What's funny about this is that where I live (Quebec), we do use the metric system, except for height and water temperature for whatever reason.

  4. When I'm alone, I sing all the time. I just when to know if I can remember all of this song or that song's lyrics and pronounce them right.  I also talk to myself in English, Spanish and Italian, basically anything that isn't French.  I just want to know if I could come up with the words quickly if I ever spoke to a native speaker.  I swear, I speak more when I'm alone than when I'm with other people.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. I have just one, which comes from my father.  I don't know how divorce is supposed to change your name, my parents are divorced and none of us changed names (do you take your mother's last name or something?).  Where I'm from, it's not permitted to change your last name after a marriage, so I guess it has to do with that.  I would love to have my mother's last name since it's Irish and so cool, but my parents wanted us to have the same last names and it didn't fit the others.  Such a shame.  I'm actually thinking about making it part of my full name now that I have to have a legal name change.

  6. I got white:


    Your Aura Is White!
    Personality: Cool and calm, but not laid-back, whites are the ultimate in class. Whites are one of the best at what they do, and they don’t make a show of it, but they get the recognition anyway. White’s always getting the job done, always making the perfect play, never demanding the credit and always getting it anyway. With a wink and tiny salute of acknowledgment to the crowd, everyone will always remember you.You are neat and immaculate in your appearance, in the presentation of your home almost to the point of being fanatical. You are far-sighted, with a positive and optimistic nature. You are well-balanced, sensible, discreet and wise. You are cautious, practical. You tend to have a great deal of self control. You are confident, poised and self-assured when at your most positive, but can also be very choosy and fastidious when the mood strikes. You can be very critical of yourself and others. You are self-sufficient and a loner. You may appear to be shy, but you do have strong beliefs about most things and love the opportunity to air those beliefs.
    It does suit me really well :P
  7. Never been directly hit on by anyone.


    There have been some occasions on which guys have had interest in me, but I indirectly rejected them (I'm gay, but at the time, I was extremely confused about my gender identity and certainly didn't want to be hit on as a girl).  That's about it.  Anyway, if anything, I'm sure that would be the creepy one!  After all, I already stalked one of my crushes (that went absolutely nowhere... How depressing...)  I even made a drawing with me being a creep xD.

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