I can't remember butt here's my conversion story:
So I watch the new death battle. STARSCREAM VS RAINBOW DASH. I'm all like "uhm.... Ooooooooookay" then I watch it, RAINBOW DASH WINS. I'm like "that, was bada**" then I secretly watch "griffin the brush off" while my little brother was watching it. Then I properly watch the pilot episodes of season 1. HOLY. CRAP. I was converted about 16 minutes in... But when they destroy nightmare moon and twilight gives her speech thing... I got the chills like crazy. I watched about... Say, 5 more episodes, then I went to sleep... Or whatever I did. Then came denial. I thought to myself "why am I watching this? This is a show for little girls" but by season 2... All my doubts were gone. This was the most amazing show I have ever watched. Then... I took a step into the community... Starting at the worst place: the slendermane fanfic. This made me recoil a bit from the community. (even though I liked the fanfic) Then something worst happened: cupcakes. I got insomnia... I didn't even read it. I read the comments... And realized what happened in it. THAT MADE ME RECOIL A LOT. I think it was another week before I went back to equestria daily. Then one day, on the magical date of december 7th (I think) I found these forums. I went on the chat as soon as I posted on the forums a bit, and noticed how amazing and awesome this community really was. And then... Well... Now were here.