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Future Allie Way

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Everything posted by Future Allie Way

  1. equestria: where having drawings of apples on your buttcheeks clearly makes you a satanist referencing the forbidden fruit.
  2. I feel like everyone hates me and people just pretend to like me. Like, even if it's my best friend that we're talking about I never really believe it even if she tells me that she doesn't hate me. Once i made the mistake of talking about that to my parents and they just made fun of me UwU
  3. Warning: HUGE picture I never even finished this. The cutie mark is incomplete, the hoof seems too short, and the letters look weird. But I'm Not Going to finish drawing it any time soon, so I decided I might as well post the thing before it drowns in my pictures. BUT ANYWAY Ye it's my OC Lemon Frosting. His (yes his) cutie mark is a magnifying lens with words underneath, because he's into mysteries and all that :3 I should make a separate post with his description but meh. In a nutshell: A kinda mare-ish colt that likes mysteries and clues, is lazy, reads a lot, likes to eat, and is overall a pretty lax to the max pony, almost to a point of complete carelessness sometimes. He's pretty much a sloth. He also has some sort of weird illness idk and he's slowly dying. His right ear was damaged too. My other OC Starcatcher has a crush on him and she went slightly insane when she found out about his illness. He has a platonic crush on his broski Bone Cave, is extremely oblivious to Starcatcher's crush on him, and bluh bluh. I DERAIL EVERYTHING UH. :3
  4. I had another weird clockwork nightmare :v

    1. Pinkazoid


      I hope you get super squirrel aids

    2. Future Allie Way
  5. I woke up at seven for some reason and I was bored so I decided to draw ponies. I don't have a picture of the original sketches but I drew my OC again, only in my computer this time. Allie's Half-assed Sketchy Thing Semi-tutorial (I used ArtRage btw :3) Step 1: Sketch some figures and outlines and basic shade thingies Step 2: Choose random colors like there's no tomorrow Step 3: ??? I don't even know Step 4: Slap some colors on that thing and final product. As you can see she's 2cool to have two eyes. It's definitely not because of my inability to draw both eyes the same size and looking at the same side. OH WELL. I don't have a good understanding of coloring+anatomy+shading+dimensions. I'm sorry if it's really as crappy as I think it is. Yeah, sorry for weird sketches. I just can't draw straight lines /sobs and flies into the sun.
  6. Wow, reading the replies, I feel like my way of "escaping reality" is weird xD I always take in many details about my surroundings and turn them into problems. So, I usually just curl up into a ball on my bed, put on my headphones, play music on my iPod, close my eyes, and talk to myself. ALLIE WHAAT
  7. OH ASHDGKJFL That is the coolest pony-related thing I've seen this year (literally xD) It's so amazing OuO Sobs because I will never be able to sew anything so awesome ;v;
  8. Oh my god, the song, the song I recognized the song right away, holy schnitzels. I had completely forgotten how much I loved playing Kirby games over and over again because I loved the music (pff definitely normal), and that song, oh god, I spent hours with that song in the background :3 k and on an actually-post-related side note, my sides fell off. So much wat eue
  9. As excited as I am for this game to come out, I must say I don't like the new graphics. I don't know, it just looks kinda weird, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna buy the game. Ah, sometimes I think I'm the only person who's not excited about a 3D Pokemon game... I mean, it's awesome that the game has specific animations for the attacks and stuff, but it just seriously doesn't even feel like Pokemon anymore. Idk i might just be crazy or something ok dont hate me
  10. -is back to Allie because Halloween had been over for over two months-

  11. I haven't forgotten about my Bromosapien ;w;

    1. Akemi Homura

      Akemi Homura

      I haven't forgotten about you either, Allie ^^

    2. Future Allie Way
    3. Akemi Homura

      Akemi Homura

      *hugs back* ^.^

  12. I started reading The Scorch Trials yesterday while I was on my trip back home, but today I also started reading Born Wicked and Delirium, though I occasionally read several pages of The Gunslinger and The Hobbit (I'm re-reading both) and The Titan's Curse. I can't read just one book at a time why
  13. Funny thing, though I was a wimp as a kid (and I still am), I never feared that there would be monsters under my bed. I think it was because my bed had too little space under it, and by the time I got a new bed I was old enough to realize that there wasn't a monster hiding under anyone's bed xD Three things that scared the living daylight out of me: 1. Clockwork-like decoration on red walls near stairs. DON'T JUDGE ME >:V I know it sounds weird and also quite specific, but as a child I had a series of nightmares involving those, and they were all so weird and reminded me of Alice in Wonderland and Spirited Away lel 2. Clowns in empty circuses at night. Again, it was also my nightmares that mentally scarred me with this one ;_; Now, they still scare me but sometimes I like the feeling of being scared. So I don't mind Gamzee ohoho. 3. Floods. I have never been a good swimmer, and I learned to swim when I was 9. So when I was like 7 and I didn't even know how to float by moving my arms around, I worried that if there was a flood at night, I would never make it to the surface alive. Or that I would get trapped in my room with all the water and I wouldn't notice that my house was getting flooded with water, if I were sleeping.
  14. I usually have a lot of trouble falling asleep, and then I give up on sleeping and do something else instead. The longest I've went without sleeping, about three days in a row. The night after the third sleepless night, I didn't have any trouble falling asleep, though 0u0
  15. AW YUS MANE. I will jump around on my pogo stick when I buy the tickets. It just looks like so amazing; I can't even. I had a small spasm when I saw the trailer and OH MY GOD :3
  16. No replies? Whut. It's such an amazing cosplay ;w; Just look at dem eyes and dem pigtails. Really, it's such an amazing cosplay; I can't even find any flaws. You are an amazing cosplayer :3
  17. I'm okay with it, as long as Disney doesn't touch Star Wars with dirty fingers. I just really hope that they don't alter anything, and just keep it the way it was. ...because if they do anything lame to Star Wars I will strangle a plushie.
  18. Oh wow I'm more excited than I should be. Like is it normal for me to be jumping around being obnoxious because it is getting closer to the date in which s3 will come out I think I lost my ability to can.
  19. In all honesty, I don't think the bronydom is going to die any time soon. So many people are getting into ponies even now, though many others (just like me) are becoming more distanced from ponies. It doesn't matter, many of us are still part of the fandom and still enjoy FiM :3 And, even after FiM ends, so many bronies will still have their figurines, their DVDs, and everything pony related. Maybe some will pass it on to their children, but many will keep them just for the memories. Maybe in the relatively near future of the next generation some kids will still watch FiM and even if they are not the exact definition of the fandom, the show could still reach a lot of people. Those are just my thoughts, though. I could be wrong and maybe the fandom will disappear some years after FiM ends, although it does seem pretty unlikely that the fandom "dies" or "disappears", as many bronies will probably keep liking and watching FiM for even years after it ends :3 And, yes, the fandom could still spread like a wildfire even for more years than it is expected to xD
  20. I really miss Crazy Misty ;_;

    1. Jokuc


      Hey what phone do you have?

  21. So... What have I missed? :3

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Future Allie Way
    3. Fluffykins the Cat
    4. Musical-Mettaur


      Quit yer hugging and make that OC! And make it good, ay? Then again, you can always give me one for the cop buddy picture.

  22. nuuuuuuu ;_; **takes off top hat**
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pinkazoid




      wow, he's mentioned bronies and Tara strong a couple more times o3o

      I was checking to see if it was real xD

    3. Nas



    4. Pinkazoid


      I'm not a fan of him.... but he's 20% cooler in my book now xD

      ...I was a fan of Andrew W.K. and when he turned into a brony I was so excited xD

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