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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Shiki

  1. Mourning over the end of my incredible dream last night And also eating cereal
  2. Personality: 90% feminine Physically: 100% masculine
  3. I dreamt I was dating my anime waifu and now that I'm awake I wish I had just died in my sleep so I could have ended it all on the most peaceful note possible 

    1. Shiki


      You've heard right

    2. Shiki


      It's really good, really great, amazing and wonderful, but like... My waifu...

      Just look at her...



  4. I have concluded that anyone who views my profile wants the succ

    1. Snow


      Fool, A wiser man could easily tell you all I seek is the electrolysis of water. :sneer:

  5. If I don't wake up to at LEAST 10 notifications, I'm going to raise some hell

    1. Prospekt


      *gives two* ^-^

    2. Jokuc
  6. YO i love driving Driving is like... me time. It's where I sing and it's where I cry and it's where I ponder life and stuff. Mostly sing, though. I SCREAM my heart out as I'm chuggin' down the interstate at 90mph
  7. I'm choosing bap because wtf "bap" is amazing
  8. Callie. Cuz I'm trans. And that's the name I chose. Pretty boring I guess.
  9. https://clyp.it/yjtm22xt
  10. People that outclass me in terms of wit and dominance, and can outdo me in banter sessions. When someone finds that perfect balance between bullying and playfulness and consideration where it just gets me all flustered and stuttery and my knees are wobbling and oh lord please tease me until I cry On the flip side, I also love pure and innocent people/hearts. Those tend to be my partners, while the formerly mentioned tend to be my uhhh, play mates?
  11. Therapy, psychiatrist appointment, cried a bunch, ate a bunch of ice cream, depression napped, watched the honey play games, played games with the darlings, and now I'm going to midnight snack a bunch and head to bed Oddly enough, I feel okay at the end of the day
  12. B E P I S Although honestly I don't drink either really
  13. There was ants in my coke once. I didn't notice they had formed a trail into the glass until after I took a massive swig I wanted to die
  14. Twitch streamer I require male attention and adoring fans
  15. horny???? on main????????

  16. *plums you*

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shiki


      Yeah, let's chitchat tomorrow. uwu

    3. Jokuc


      >implies I'll actually remember going on mlp forums tomorrow


      I'll put my brain vault to work

    4. Shiki


      Um excuse me

      You better come back 

      for me 

      i'm worth it

      I'm worth remembering 

      I'm important 

      And special 

      And amazing

      And dazzling

      And you better come talk to me tomorrow

      Or else

  17. Watching the honey play bloody palace in DMC 5
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