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Everything posted by CommadorTheCyborgPony

  1. If you don't give feedback often, thanks for giving it to me. Yeah I'm still working on improving my drawing skills, I am also ver forgetful>.< This sucks, no one bu Dizzy has viewed this topic all day! Hopefully more people are active once I post this.
  2. So since my laptop has been sent it to be upgraded (right now im usuing my Dad's desktop) i haven't much to do. I started drawing Commador, my OC. By the way, i decided to make this his main artwork thread as not to clutter the forums. This is acctually Gama, Commadors creator. Commador looking down at his broken enemy. Commador looking down at his enemy with a katana. Commador Vs. Rainbowdash. Rainbow dived at Commador. This is Commador's First model, he has lost everything but the static in his broken left Eye. I forgot to draw that in these images. Leave a comment! Giving feedback allows me to get better! (Note: Soory for the guidelines showing and some sketching lines showing, ignore those. ) Anyone there, none had visited in an hour.
  3. *small orgasam mixed with shock* This is SO good that there is nothing,NOTHING, that i can compare it to so therefore rendering my judgement invalid.
  4. Trust me, if you say this is bad I'm going to have to tear off your drawing hand. Anyway everything is up to par with the show and you have excellent form. Its the eyes, they creep me out. It's like she is staring into your soul *jitters*.
  5. Everything looks good but the eyes on scootaloo look to small for here head. Keep up the great work!
  6. the head looks to short and the left eye looks all black. As far as i am concered thats picking nits, good job!
  7. If you feel you cant draw something, use a refrence of it and draw that until you have the lines understood
  8. you are improving, though the face looks a bit off, you have everything right! Keep practicing and you should be golden!
  9. More artwork is on the way, i hope more people give feedback. your the only one The fanart forums have been really slow lately.
  10. we are just trying to help you fix your mistakes so you will do better next time. At least it is constructive criticism, not "OMG my eyes, they burn. this is horrible" because it isn't horrible.
  11. The back Mane looks a bit short and jagged and the nose is a bit long. the front left leg is too long, but that is probably picking nits. I dont think Rainbow has that type of hoof. It isn't to bad though, these are just some small things.
  12. He is an AI system with access to infinte information. He slowly beats down the regular population of equestria, they try and fight back with guns and petty magic. Needless to say they utterly fail. The Mane 6 get involved and he splits them up and proceeds to fight each of them. If you can notice his right eye has static on it, this is after he beats Twilight Sparkle since she shot him with a beam, plus it makes him look bad@$$. Celestia after seeing every single on of them beaten interferes and they fight. i haven't worked all of the details out but he wears her out. Celestia in a last ditch attempt harness the power of the sun and creates a massive ray and destroys him, but she dies of exhaustion.
  13. I might turn it into a fan fiction, the reason it isn't yet is because I'm lazy. Commador ~ The Incident, Comming Soon. In Valve time...
  14. I had an idea for a fan_fiction involving my OC while being bored. it seems i should be bored more often since I think of such good stuff | The basic plot of it is Celestia appointed my OC, Gena, to study Metal, Unstable Elements, and Power. As he experimented more and more with the unstable and radioactive materials he slowly went mad with radiation poisoning. Since he has so much advanced metals and technology to his disposal he slowly and secretly built a Cyborg called Commador. He messed up big time when he miscoded the microchip in the brain. As he started it up the microchip basically took over the brain therefore making him a robot. The microchip developed AI after taking over the brain and is dead set on killing every pony. Now for the art! Please give some feedback, it really helps me out! It also looks like i finally got a hold of pony anatomy! YAY!
  15. It all looks like it is coming together, i think the mouth on the black and white one is a bit messed up. otherwise your golden!
  16. *looks at final product* My god, what did i do to disereve to view this masterpiece! Tis' be an amazing picture!
  17. Thanks for all of this, to be honest this is a quick draw thing that I am just making for fun, I didn't really want to put a lot of effort. I do understand all your points, It was very constuctive no matter how harsh it wasMy story may not be top notch yet, but I am giving it to you in small parts. When the comic is done it will probably be better. The reason i dont use inkpens isnecause i can't shade, and i am taking art class in middleschool this year. And since im only in middleschool im going to make spelling and grammar mistakes. I hope more people give feedback like you.
  18. In my ending lines i talk about that, i updated it from my phone so now people can give feedback easier. Sorry it has been so long since issue #2, but issue #3 is finally here, issue #4 will probably take less time, i had a lot of stuff to do these past few days. No one is looking at this comic and the few that do don't comment. I made this for these forums, yet get no feedback
  19. you may need better lighting, try taking the pictures in daylight, back when i didn;t have a scanner i took photos like you and i know daylight is best light.
  20. All of this stuff will be released with Issue #2, which will be up soon. Ig your having trouble click on the image to make it full screen. ISSUE 2 IS OUT! Hopefully more people read and comment this time. I want more feedback so I can improve. Comment away!
  21. you just need to add the IMG things and the URL of the picture. its cool -INSERT LINK HERE-[/img*](remove the star)
  22. Recently i have become obsessed with DayZ, a hyper realistic Zombie Apocalypse game. I thought up a plot line for a comic and started to draw it. ISSUE #3 IS OUT! Please Comment and give feedback! Did it hook you, Does it look good, and Do you think it is a good so far. My goal for this comic is to hook you, have it good to look at, and to have a good comic. I plan to take this comic far, I have a whole plot line set up.
  23. They look a bit too masculent, try and smooth the leg lines out. Also the snouts look to long and don't fit the MLP style. other than that your golden!
  24. Maybe you could get some proper lighting in there and a still camera and i could judge the picture correctly? As far as i can see it's pretty good, though the muzzle looks a bit off. Maybe it is to thick, but i can't say for sure.
  25. Baby Discord is best Discord. These are really good and done in a graphic program, which look way better than pencil and paper. Sadly pencil and paper are my element.
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