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About Stereopony454

  • Birthday 1991-04-22

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    The Southwest
  • Interests
    Animation, Comics, Doctor Who, and Ponies (of course)

    Also enjoy classical literature and 80's music.

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  1. Twilight As President AJ as Vice President,and peace would be had. Oh yes, so very much peace would be had! And Spike for Secretary of State.
  2. I would think given the target audience that would INCREASE the chance of the two ending up together, little kids probably root for spike just as much as some of we bronies/pegasisters do. And I'm sure a little girl doesn't question it as much as we cynical teens and adults do, lol. I mean I would think a show as positive & sincere as MLP would want happy endings for its characters, but hey thats just me. But hey i'm a non-lineaer thinker, so yeah.
  3. Well we know the Crystal Empire DVD from Shout comes out the 1st Week of December, so it has to start sometime between Late September-Mid October for that release to work imo. But ahh yeah just have to wait & see.
  4. Personally I like to think Rarity is actually younger then she lets on and just likes to act older. I've always guessed that if the ponies were humans, Applejack would be the oldest, followed by Fluttershy & Twilight then and Pinkie & RD on the younger side.
  5. I'm not fond of people who write extremely dark pony gridmark. I respect their right to do so, but nope, don't like it at all. Makes me cringe.
  6. I'd have to vote for Big Mac, he's a good hardworking pony, unlike some of the other more lazy colts n stallions out there. Also pick Doctor Whooves as a runner up, because I mean, c'mon .... he's a tribute to the Doctor, how can you NOT enjoy that!?
  7. Background Ponies need more time in the spotlight, would love to see a whole episode dedicated to background charcters in a future season... that, would be rather nice.
  8. Wait, am I also a Pony or has set pony been turned into a human? Either way a kiss from Twilight would probably make me melt like a stick of butter. And then after that the real fun would begin.... *shot repeatedly for having mind go towards a dirty place*
  9. Probably something like this crystal_is_the_cutest_kirin_by_sweetchiomlp-d5bjn58.png But ahh yeah, Overall I don't think we even need to worry about something like a potential spike/rarity child until a G4.5/ G5 type situation, lol.
  10. Lauren is currently working with her Husband on his latest toon "Wonder Over Yonder" which premies on Disney sometime in 2013. And as said by others outside of coming up with the initial ideas for Discord & Cadance, she didn't really work on season 2 either.
  11. Odds are sometime in Late September-Mid October to coincide with the release of the Crystal Empire Toyline, it takes awhile for pony toys to trickle into stores nationwide.
  12. Asylum of the Daleks was a pretty fun episode IMO, not really the best Dalek-centric episode ever like they hyped it up to be, but pretty fun none the less, and I gotta admit, I did not see that ending coming till almost right before it happened.
  13. I would say my favorites are.. Spike x Rarity (it just think its cute, and i like rooting for the little guy) And I also like Rainbow Dash paired with either Pinkie or Twilight, and have also grown fond of Twilight X Trixie. Oh and Derpy X Carrot Top, just because Carrot Top needs more love in general, she's a great background pony imo, lol.
  14. This I agree with, people like to overanalyze the wrong things when it comes to cartoons & fictional works in general IMO. In the end saying something can or can't work in a form of fictitious media, especially an animation is overall a rather silly thing IMO. Given its part of human nature to over think things at times, I still don't see how Jessica Rabbit can stand up straight with those giant things on the front of her body, lol. Or how A Donky could have kids with a female dragon 50X his size, yeah its not even the dragon thing that makes me go wut? its the size, lol. But yeah, animations only limitation is the writer(s) imagination, *and for all ages shows standards & practices, lol* And it shouldn't be any other way. Anywho BOT, yeah I support Sparity, because I like rooting for underdog characters like Spike.
  15. @Hiron: Indeed, I do hope we learn more about Dragons, especially Spike as the series progresses @Silvadel: Maybe Unicorns are just naturally more drawn to romance then other types of ponies, must be that ancestral Unicornia bloodline, lol. And yes I agree as adorkable as Twilight is, she would probably either completely freakout or melt in a romantic situation. In fact that would probably make for a pretty fun episode, Twilight commenting on how Spike's crush on Rarity is hindering his efficiency of his work or some such then later in the episodes falling for some colt or some such herself. Ahh the comedic possibilities... but ahh yeah i'm rambling. Any who I just look forward to seeing how the writers develop Spike and the others as the series progresses, again I doubt outside of a series finale we would ever actually see Spike & Rarity hook-up but that doesn't mean the two can't share some heartwarming moments once in a blue moon during the shows run.
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