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Posts posted by Anoroku

  1. Grayson grumbled as he walked through the rest of the town, finishing up his deliveries. It turned out that the sisters had no time to look at the clocks in his store and had quickly headed off for home.

    He was headed back there now, his bag filled with new books from the library. Hopefully he could read those to try and pass the time until some business showed up.

  2. A bit more mature as well, he noted, probably helped raise her sister with the parents gone...

    "It was no trouble, there's little to worry about in Ponyville and she seems more than capable of taking care of herself. As for the clock, have I got a deal for you. I've got quite a few at the store, for a good price, and if you're a short on bits, just come pay the rest later. You two seem like the trustworthy sort."

  3. "Oh there's no need to worry. We just happened to bump into each other and I offered her a clock from the store I work at. She said both of you could use it for when you start at work?" Grayson tried to evaluate this new Pony, she seemed a bit more...brash, than her sister.

  4. Growing up is most certainly hard. You need to watch out, or like will punch you right in the face. I wish I had some better advide to give, but all I have is the tried and true, "Don't give up."

    It's something I've been hearing a lot, being in the same position and everything.

  5. "Hurm, I see," Grayson could tell there was much more to the story, but he knew that trying to pry would do him no good. "Hey, how about we go back to the store to check out the clock, I've built quite a few. If there's one you like you can take it back to your sister. And don't worry about the price, you can pay me back later, we've honestly got more than enough clocks to spare."

  6. "Well, I guess we could use one for when our first day at work starts. We both have part time jobs at a cafe, and-" Raincloud thought for a moment, "How much do your clocks cost? I don't have any bits with me..."


    "Well the cost depends on how extravagant you would like the clock to be, I do have a few simple ones at the store that..." he stopped, going over what she had said, "Wait, bot you and your sister work? That's rather mature for your age, what do your parents do?"
  7. "Oh no, I've lived here my whole life. I actually live in a shop down the road, I build clocks and repair the odd device people bring in," he paused for a moment, "Actually, I don't suppose you and your sister might need a clock for your new home?"

    ((I think the Mane 6 are just simple mentions unless the author says otherwise, they might be more lenient for background characters but I'm not sure.))

  8. Grayson nodded, he still felt it was somewhat his fault, but he had earned long ago that trying to argue with the younger ponies in the village was a pointless endeavor. Actually, he didn't recall ever seeing this young pony before.

    "Very well, but how about we move away from the door, we tend to be blocking traffic a bit. And if you don't mind me asking, are you new in Ponyville? I don't recall seeing you around before, and most Pegasus tend to stay up in Cloudsdale."

  9. Grayson stumbled, trying his best to avoid falling and possibly smashing the clocks gathered in his bag. Managing to steady him hooves on the ground, he was able to get a good look at the purple Pegasus he had run into.

    "Oh, hello little one, are you all right? I guess I was too focused on getting out of the crowed rather than looking out for other ponies."

  10. Checking his bag, Grayson figured that his first delivery could be for the Cakes. Their old clock had been unceremoniously shattered by a magic surge by their little unicorn Pumpkin Cake testing out her magic.

    They had commissioned a new one shaped like a large cupcake. He was particularly proud of how the design stood out, but part of him worried that their assistant, Pinkie, would try to eat it if she got too hungry. You could never really tell with that pony.

    He was able to working he way into the busy streets near the center of town and slid into the store. The cakes, and Pinkie, were obviously swamped with orders, so rather than distract them, Grayson got their attention with a nod and placed the new clock on the counter.

    The delivery done, he did his best to get out of the crowd. He always enjoyed being around other ponies, but he always found large condensed crowds like that to be too stifling.

  11. Grayson let out a sigh as he looked up from his work again to see no customers in the store. It looked like today wasn't going to be a big business day. Packing up his finished orders in a bag he figured that he could deliver them, and in doing so, try and meet some new customer.

    He was almost out of the door when he stopped and decided to add a few library books to his bag. He'd held on to them for quite a while and it was high time he returned them.

    Two birds with one stone, as the saying goes.

  12. Grayson yawned, propping the door to the store open while all the clocks in the shop ticked in sync behind him. He peered down the empty street hopefully, but it was too early for any real business to start.

    The shop was off the main center of the town, so the only customers it received were those that knew their way around town. On slow days he would have to pass the time on books borrowed from the library, but today he still had a few orders to complete. They mostly consisted of clocks for ponies that felt they needed new or improved ones to go with their redecorated homes, but there were always a few broken ones that needed repairing thanks to overactive fillies.

    Shaking his head in an attempt to wake himself up, Grayson stepped behind the counter to begin his work.

  13. I feel like anyplace worth being is Ponyville. All the exciting things tend to happen, except for Gala parties, and I wouldn't really mind missing out on those stuffy things.

    And...yeah, the chance to run into the Man Six would be really nice, even if it was just for a moment or too.

    Also, if I moved there, Pinkie would throw a party for me to make sure I had new friends.

  14. Discord, without a doubt. He was just so much fun to watch. He was able to destroy the world, turn the Mane Cast against each other, and the whole time, I couldn't really bring myself to hate him.

    Also, all the work required to take him down was just a fantastically written plot element.

    To be a complete jerk, yet stay entertaining, is a mark of a great villain, and character.

  15. Argh, wish I could help you out. But unfortunately, I really haven't really made an OC yet, though the thought has crossed my mind. Only pic I would like to see would be pinkie pie throwing a party for Princess Luna. Just a silly image, though I understand if you pass.

  16. Well it is because guess what? They are making a My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Movie! This is why there are only 13 episodes! Because I heard from one of the writers that is working on the movie about it. And he is looking for bronies opinions, Scott Alexander.


    Hurm, I want to believe you, I really really do. But when anyone brings up the "I heard it from the writers," warning bells tend to go off in my head.

    Though considering the nature of this board, and the show that brought it about, I shall choose to believe you.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. I think that this was done to lessen the work load on the writers and animators. Only 13 episodes means easier production, and less wait between seasons. Or maybe it's just a one season thing and they'll have like...50 episodes for the season.

    Though I would also enjoy a big dang movie.

  18. You never no what sorts of this they'll do with the show for the third season. Maybe they have only 13 episodes so they have time to work on a super movie of some sorts.

    I have also read that they are simply going to have the seasons be 13 episodes each to lighten the workload for the developers, and to decrease the time between the release date for each season.

    Just my two cents really, I apologize if theories similar to this have already been brought up, but 19 pages is quite a trek to go before making a post.

  19. My my, some of those badges look like they could take some effort to achieve, looks like I'll need to get to work on taking over Feld0's life...or perhaps I could just post more.

    Hurm...decisions decisions...


    And when did when did MLP get the new reaction image for welcoming people to this wonderful place. I assumed this was the appropriate image for welcome, or was it too...odd?


  20. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle

    How did you find MLP Forums?: The magic of google.

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I recently got the channel that has the show and found myself watching a few episodes of the second season. After that I watched the rest of the series on youtube in a week long binge.

    So I am a twenty year old male that has found himself in the interesting position of finding MLP not only a great show for kids, but a great show in general. After watching the entire series in one of the most entertaining and friendship-filled binges of my life I figured it would be nice to go somewhere to talk with people that, hopefully, share my opinion.


    In short, greetings everyone, I do hope this place is going to be as much fun as it appears.

    • Brohoof 1
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