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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by BlossomBloom

  1. I really loved this episode! Discord just stole the show! BUT The ending was really rushed :/ and actually didnt like the ending. I don't like that Discord turned good in the end. I actually liked him better when he was bad. But you know, it's for the good of the show. So I liked it but I didnt.
  2. I was the same as you OP! I didnt care much for her but then I saw Anthropology the musical and fell in love! I then read it and looked more into her through fandom search and other things. Now I am a fan and she is one of my favorite ponies!
  3. "Ooo I've heard of that one... But there's just so little information on it.. It's like they're trying to keep it secret. I'm not exactly sure what it does. There is no info about it." Blossom said as they walked out of the room. "I mean, I hardly know what it looks like!"
  4. Blossom gasped and looked up at him with sparkling eyes at the mention of "rare plants" Her mind began to race through all the different kinds that she knew and which ones were the hardest to get. She had gathered enough money to buy at least one rare plant each year for the past 2 years. She wasn't sure if she would be able to afford it this year. The thought of asking Draco came as it being a little too much. Blossom stood up, getting ready to leave with Draco "Really? I mean... I couldn't possibly-! It's just so much to ask!"
  5. "Oh... I'm sorry..." She hugged him gently and kissed him on the cheek. Blossom felt bad for asking and decided to wait until he was ready to reveal anything to her. Until he was comfortable enough. "Hey, let's get out of here." She smiled "we could have some cookies and milk and cuddle next to the fire if you want."
  6. "I'm not really bored but I do like talking to you a little more than singing. But where would we go?" She asked while tilting her head a little. Blossom blushed as he nibbled on her ear "And...what do you mean by gone? If you don't mind me asking..." She didn't want to pry too much but she couldn't help asking.
  7. "Ok. Well maybe later." She smiled "It seems that your great great great grandfather passed down a lot of things to you, huh? That sounds exciting. I wish my grandparents passed down things to me. Most of all the stuff went to my mother and sister. By the way, do you have siblings?" (OOC: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!)
  8. Blossom blushed and didn't say anything toward his comment about her being cute. She looked at his pocket watch as she leaned on him a little "oooo I like you pocket watch. My mother used to collect them and she passed a few down to me. I have them in a small display somewhere in the house. I kind of forget where...they're really nice though!"
  9. Blossom kicked her feet a little "Yes I'm having lots of fun!" She giggled. "I wonder how long we get to rent this room... Because in other karaoke places, we only get about 1 or 2 hours. Speaking of which, what time is it anyway? I don't have a watch on me so..." She laughed nervously.
  10. She sat next to him and looked at him with a worried expression "Well is there anything else I can do to help get that chain off? I don't want you to feel that heaviness." Blossom took his hooves in hers and smiled again "I'm here for you if you need anything, ok?"
  11. "Yea..." She looked down at the empty cup in her hooves. "Well then I guess it's my job to warm your heart up!" Blossom smiled and leaned over and kissed his cheek. Her face was all red now from embarrassment and couldn't believe that she had said something so cheesy.
  12. Blossom gasped "THAT'S YOUR HOME?! I've flown by there millions of times! Your house is huge! And it's the same for me... But I guess it won't really be like that from now on, huh?" She smiled up at him then grabbed her hot chocolate and drank the rest. "You think I could come over some time?" She hoped she wasn't being rude and pushing anything onto him.
  13. Blossom sighed a little "Not really. My father passed away when I was very young. My mother lives with my sister in Canterlot. She lived with me for a while but my sister got a job working for the princesses and became very wealthy. She insisted on mother living with her and so she did. Now it's just me in my little cottage. But that's ok. Because if my mother was there it would be quiet awkward and we wouldn't be where we are now." She smiled up at him and winked. "Which reminds me... Where do you live? If you don't mind my asking."
  14. "Well..why wouldn't I? You're just everything that is amazing. I can only describe you in one word; amazing." Blossom giggled and kissed him on the cheek as she nestled into his arms. "What about you? Why did you choose me of all the mares?" (OOC: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!)
  15. Blossom smiled at him when he finished the song "that was beautiful" She looked down at the song book being held in her wings and she flipped through the pages "I've got a song we can both sing! It's fun and nice. Do you know 'baby it's cold outside'?" Putting the book down, she grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Then she put in the song number on the number pad on the remote. "Well even if you don't know it," she grabbed his hoof and pulled him gently on stage with her, continuing to hold it once they were on "the words are up there on the screen and you'll get the rythem quickly and easily." The music started and Blossom began to sing her part. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwGrg8UPTY8
  16. Blossom smiled at him as he looked through his notepad. She caught glimpses of words as he flipped through and tried to make out which word belonged to what kind of song. When he finally stopped, she clapped her hooves lightly "yay!" Blossom giggled.
  17. "Yes, of course." She said then added "and I don't think that's crazy. It's a pretty good idea. I'm not a very good songwriter so I can't really do that. That's pretty cool that you can though." Blossom sensed that he was embarrassed and kissed his cheek to reassure him that whoever he was, she loved him.
  18. Blossom blushed at his comment and kissed him gently. Then she asked "but what about the music?" She wanted know how he would sing his songs without his music here. The door opened at Joe came in with a tray that carried two steaming cups of hot chocolate. He set the tray down on the table and nodded at them once again before finally leaving.
  19. The stallion named Joe led them through a hallway and around a corner to a room with a wooden door and one big window. As they walked behind Joe, Blossom whispered to Draco "That sounded a bit dirty" and giggled a little. Joe opened the door for them then disappeared into a nearby opened door with a sign above that said "Kitchen" She walked in and looked around with big wandering eyes. The walls were a dark color, she wasnt sure exactly what color because the lighting came from different colored spotlights that were placed at each 4 corners of the room. There was a big black couch that spread to two corners of the room. In the front was a big flat screen TV, mounted to the wall, which was where the lyrics would be displayed. The middle of the room had a small glass table that was topped with 8 big songbooks and 2 microphones. There were microphone stands as well right next to the TV. "wow." was all Blossom could say.
  20. "But even so. It's still good." She kissed him back passionately. When she heard him cough, she looked at Draco with worried eyes and said "maybe we should head inside somewhere. What was our destination again? She laughed nervously and was embarrassed that she forgot so soon.
  21. "yes it would" she said with a smile and she walked closer to him. Blossom nuzzled him as they walked "Thanks for keeping me warm" As they walked, she wondered where there would be sleigh rides and how much they would cost. Then she heard Draco humming and looked up at him "You're very good!"
  22. "Huh Wha? It is?" Blossom asked dumbly. As they passed sugar cube corner, there was a big sign over the door that read "HEARTHSWARMING COOKIES NOW 3 BITS OFF! GET THEM BEFORE THE WINDIGOS GET THEM!!" Across the street, a flower shop with a big banner spread across the windows announced "HEARTHSWARMING FLOWERS RED WHITE AND GREEN" Blossom gasped and face hoofed as well as soon as she saw the other big banner over the whole town being held up by two wooden poles "HAPPY HEARTHSWARMING!!!" "I can't believe I forgot!" She exclaimed with a huff. "We'll at least you're here."
  23. Blossom blushed some more "I-I guess.." she stuttered quietly in response. After a while, she returned to her normal state and folded her wings back in. She looked around at all the other ponies going about their daily business and noticed many ponies around with other ponies alongside them. Blossom wondered if there was a special event today that required so many pairs of ponies. (It's fine)
  24. Blossom was nodding and was about to ask another question. When she heard his last comment, her mind went blank and she blushed. "W-where did that come from?" she asked quietly as she blushed. Blossom extended her wings and did her best to hide her flank with them as she continued to blush. She didn't really mind his comment but it caught her so off guard and she got embarrassed.
  25. "Oh I like that nick name. And are you that good? I would like to hear one day!" she exclaimed, continuing to giggle. "How long have you been working there? And how come I didnt see you last time?" she asked Draco as they kept on walking. Blossom was trying to remember if she did see him or not.
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