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Posts posted by !Surprise!

  1. Well the only reason the posts are getting better is because we're being forced 100 characters, really.


    Well the only reason the posts are getting better is because we're being forced 100 characters, really.


    *Braces self for hate*

  2. 'Dear Sister, we are very jealous of your sun's attention, and wish to have our graceful moon in the sky more >:U'


    'TO THE MOON!'


    'Hello, Tia, it's Discord! I'm going to turn your world upside-down and turn Equestria into Discordland <D'


    'Hmm, TO THE GARDEN!'


    You're right. Celestia's punishments seem to be very unfitting and strange </3


    Her sister turned evil, and had no choice but to send her to the moon.

    And I think chaos would get well, too normal after a while.

    But still, chocolate rain <3

  3. I love Celestia,

    she's a great princess and I prefer her to Luna easily (: ~

    although the thousand year banishment seems a little harsh o.o


    Well imagine if you had awesome powers that you and your sister were trusted with... Then because of dark forces she could not handle, your sister turned into this evil overlord and tried to test your powers.
  4. When you fall into a black hole, what universe/galaxy do you go to?


    It's this really really weird world where these tall, hairless animals can stand on two legs! I don't know how they did it, but when I asked them how they did it, they just gave me a weird look. Maybe I surprised them?

  5. Posted Image

    Hi! I'm Surprise. I was once going to be in the show, but a pony named Pinkie Pie replaced me! Anyways... Ask me anything!

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