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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Modphase

  1. MC Ren saying "Nineteen-Ninety motherfucking one" at the beginning of the song "Alwayz Into Somethin" by N.W.A. 1969
  2. Hello. I am a user who last frequented this site nearly five years ago. Since then, it seems like a lot has changed around the forums. I myself have changed a lot. There are many unfamiliar faces; maybe some will remember me. For one reason or another, I have decided to return to the forums, which may seem strange considering I don't call myself a Brony anymore, or have any interest in watching the show or any of the new episodes. But... I just get the feeling that no matter what, this forum is my online home, regardless of what show it is centered around. I've tried other forums, but none of them give me the same feeling of community and friendship as this one. If anything, I'll probably be in the Everfree Forest part of the forums a lot, but who knows. Who knows how long I will stick around, either. I hope for a while. But at the very least, I want to get on the right track with everyone, and start anew. If you remember me, please say hello! And, know that I don't have any qualms with anyone that I might have had in the past. Hello old friends :')
  3. I say way too many curse words for my own good, it's pretty much an expletive thing now, and sometimes I even do it when it's not appropriate. Basically, the thing I saw most often when I'm pissed off is simply, "Awwww sh*t."
  4. Matthew. But everyone calls me Matt. Besides it being a very common name, it's time-tested, there's a lot of famous people with the name, and I like it. Now, my middle and last names, those are the exciting ones, makes me sound like I'm a viking.
  5. I would think that Equestria would have a police force, I think it would be silly for them not to. I also don't think that it's the royal guard, because, well... just imagine this, the British Royal Guard policing around Britian, driving police cars and using police gear and all that, in their not-so functional ceremonial dress.
  6. "I hate idiot fundies making me look bad by association." Pretty much that, except I don't believe in hate.
  7. Bioshock Infinite. It was ten dollars and twelve hours wasted. Luckily I got it during the Steam Winter Sale. Good game.
  8. Just listening to Leppard and saw this on the recommended bar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBRWGpozuQ8
  9. MLPForums Gmail Steam Skype Facebook Google + Youtube Xbox Live Ebay Amazon Photobucket Origin Minecraft Reddit WeLoveFine Intensedebate Nexus Fimfiction Tumblr Derpibooru Twitter Instagram Snapchat Edmodo Turnitin.com If you want to know my Steam, or Skype, just ask. Don't even bother with the others, I either don't use them anymore, didn't use them in the first place, or won't respond to anything.
  10. Hmm, I know all of my friends pretty well, and I haven't seen any of those signs from my acquaintances. I have, though, seen people wearing merchandise, which makes me happy. I have my fingers crossed that I'll be able to convert some of the people I meet, like I did at my previous school.
  11. Definitely! Socal Bronies is a meetup group, by the way. You should join!
  12. Hmm, I'm pretty damn strict with myself when it comes to analyzing who are my friends. I guess basically, anyone that I would (and have) hung out with outside of school, on my own time. I just started at a new school two weeks ago, I haven't made any new friends yet, but I see a lot of potential friends and acquaintances that I have talked to. So, I would say that, IRL, I have 3 best friends, and 4 friends regular friends. Online, hmmm, rating who's my friend is a bit different. I would say I have at least 10 online, but I don't know if they're friends with me anymore, after what I did.
  13. If I was a boss in a video game, I would probably be the gunslinging type, such as the ones in Red Dead Redemption that you must duel with.
  14. Well, that's a very nice thing to say. It also makes me look bad, for anyone that reads that, and not my original post. Please take your disrespect back to the 'Chon, where it has at least a small chance of being received well. I hope to god I don't meet any people like you when I travel to the Northwestern United States this summer. I'm guessing you're contributing to the stereotype that people on the East Coast are rude and disrespectful.
  15. I would, because I'm not a lazy ass. Where there's a will there's a way.
  16. Be chill, kind, and try to reason with them. Give them a bit of insight in the process, too. Also, be able to laugh at yourself, and don't deny any of your mistakes, but in fact use them to empower your conversation.
  17. I heard rumors that Rarity and Octavia, my two favorite ponies, would have an episode together, and even sing a song. If this actually happens, I would be in a state of speechless delight. Either that, or let my joy out verbally at the top of my lungs.
  18. I've actually never thought of that XD
  19. Funny thing is, even being in Southern California, immigration isn't a very controversial subject here. I guess it's because generally the population doesn't mind it. One thing that is a bit controversial, now that I think about it, is gang violence, what with the nearby city of LA being having a reputation for that. I can remember a few years back when there were reports of people shooting at passenger buses at night, and I was scared to death of going there.
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