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Everything posted by HungryTroll

  1. Do I love children? - I dont think so. Do i want children? - Yes. Why? - Cause honestly I got a feeling that I'm on right place now, yes I still have things to do and ways to improove myself, but thats not chaotic path into unknown I got before, and now I want to share my world. I think that the best reason to have kids, bring new life to the world you know and want to share.
  2. Almost every one I know drink tea every day. As for me: 1. Green tea in the morning, it fills you with energy, Usually its green tea with ginger. 2. In course of the day i drink black tea (usually earl grey) with addition of dried fruts or orange/lemon skin. 3. In the evening weak black tea with honney.
  3. 25. In fandom since end of 1 season. Married. Hobbies: 1. Work 2. Books. 3. Bordgames. 4. Cycling. 5. Skiing
  4. I lived in wildeness for some time, and in my country it not rare activity, usually people do it for 3-15 days. And by it I mean not with car and e.t.c but with only things you could take with you by foot. So for the polle - Depends from to main factors: 1. Wildeness (climate, weather, dangers, and what is even more important if there are source of drinkable water) 2. Equipment. Cause in European wildeness you even don't really need equipment, and in tropical forest during rain season not everyone even with good equipment would survive. So I voted for first, but in some cases i wouldnt hold even for 6-10 hours.
  5. Wake up at 7 a.m. Turn kettle on. Turn on music. Feed cat. Wash face and gargle. Brinig tea to wife who still in bed, and complain about morning. Make breakfast. Eat and read (or talk if wife is not in be already). Brush teeth. Start working (I work from home usually).
  6. Pr. Luna Surely, thats why there not a lot of sun now.
  7. Need summer. There I could find it?

  8. I like cool weather, but not than you frezzing in summer.

  9. Found 4 years old picture - I'm on the middle. Guess no wonder my nickname in school was Troll. I bet it's really nice book, I want it myself as well
  10. Four of my friends called Alexander, so - YES! I have to call them by their last name.
  11. Well, I guess that as long as I don't come near any paper I'm fine Seem's like no books anymore
  12. That not the idea really, I just realised that I want to see it - Episode about Big Mac and HIS friends, that could be ordinary slice of life or episode there something happens for example with AJ and Big Mac with friens trying to help her. That's what I want to see.
  13. My choice is "Maybe". Why? I like my current life and in real world I wouldn't throw it away, but since fictional life counts too - I don't want to think about which is it, but I'm sure there the life in ficional world that I would definetly throw my current life away for.
  14. 8.5/10 for great Celestia, and sorry Idk about that comic
  15. Well, may be. My friends who knew for few years about me beeng a brony, began to complain to me that they see ponies everythere, in the games, on all types of forums. My country got it's own social network and bigest Brony community in it got almost 90k members, ofc it's causing big impact over internet and irritates people outside Bronydom.
  16. 10/10 Very good for that forum and avatar
  17. 8/10 Like this happy face I guess even 8.5 May be even 9, but that's all - I'm stopping
  18. Agree, I doubt that it's going to be called tyrant. And Celestia is not a tyrant, more like Imperor, but not a tyrant. Even if she fits a little to definition.
  19. 9/10 - It's Cool, and color too, but it need background. And about Kaymenblooblood9/10 as well - Original and cool looking, but definetly not 10. Far from 10.
  20. IDK - I just woke up one morning, and I knew that I need that Avatar.
  21. This - Well it's not like I got a lot merch but all I have - I use
  22. Decided to post pictures that I used as avas in social network They covers 5 years - so it's possible to see how people changes with time 1. 2009 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2014
  23. 24 Male White (Russian) Hetero Nonreligious We got different system in Russia, I think that would be something like 3.1 (Yeah I know, I suck) ISTP
  24. Well, I guess you shouldn't dance Tango with you notebook if you suck at dancing
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