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Ad Foedera Cresco

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Everything posted by Ad Foedera Cresco

  1. Feel free to PM me any pics you want me to enhance! like adding Glossy labels, buttons, etc.

  2. Currently I'm working on an art piece from my own OC Pony, but i'm letting it pass for later. I'm willing to shade, or lighten, make horn glow, etc. Right now, nothing in return If you want to see what i've done before, take a gander at my Profile pic. I just need to get quicker at doing the shades on this new programm, just make shure it's an art piece that looks from th show, or the OC Pony creater . Whenever you want, just send me the photo via messgae. I'll always be open to help with whatever you need! Made this for something ele, but it's just an example
  3. I'd like to see a main episode for background Ponies like Lyra or even Green Hooves! A Green Hooves episode would be amazing for me honestly, you only notice him really when Fluttershy splashed him with the hose, or at the Gran Galloping Galal with Fluttershy at the Garden. Last Episode.
  4. I honeslty dislike RD more than Anyobdy else because she's just bratty, immature, who only cares about herself, and doesn't always do things the right way (A.K.A: considers cheating instead). I also don't like how Spike get's knocked off a lot too, he doesn't deserve to get knocked off so much, where'n he gets treated badly. He does act alittle out of line sometimes, but he does always tend to be within "line of fire" or just talkd aggresively too when he's acting completely nice.
  5. After reading a certain post, it reminded me to find out how to make a topic and I finally found it! (not like that's a good thing). Slenderman.... I personally don't think it's scary, maybe the first time, but not really scary at all to me after that. Did any of you who've played it or watch someone play it think it's scary? If you don't know what Slenderman is, it's a scary game made for a competition in 14 days. It's supposively "The scariest game in the World" and the whole objective is to grab 8 pages as some obese fatty, at night, in a forest for whatever reason, with a flashlight. You don't get a page and eventually Slendy' will come after you, but after you grab a page he'll be after you. To lose, all you have to do is look at him long enough, and your game will exit automaticly. I think Amnesia is 1000x scarier than Slenderman personally. Probably because of the atmosphere, the sanity feature, health feature, and that your lamp is very limited on oil. Just everything about is scary to me I even deleted the icon so I don't have to look at it anymore! I'm probably still completely terrified of Amnesia...
  6. When I first read it, I knew I wasn't going to cry but have a few frowns and sad moments. Everybody thinks it's a very sad, (and well written) story. I played some fitting music and that's what got to me. Not the story itself, because it didn't give the reader too much visual and much of the 5 senses at all, but the combination of sad music and the story got me. I would've cried if it had more detail in any of the 5 senses, and went deeper to how the main character actually felt, but other than that it's just like any other sad story.
  7. FINALLY done with my new profile pic!

    1. NavelColt




      Twilight: *avatar pose* I accidentally the everything.

    2. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco

      Hey! I thought me and the other Ponies turned you back to stone a long time ago!! or are you just that awesome...? Anywan, NOBODY SAID IT WAS WRONG! IT'S ONLY WRONG IF YOU GET CAUGHT!!

  8. Awh, I know... especially when you're all excited, going to Wal-Mart and buying 20 packs of pool shock for your pet Salamander...... Fridges ruin everything
  9. You have a talent for MS paint No really though, you know how bad I am at drawing Ponys? this is a masterpiece
  10. That's actually exaclty what I meant. What I meant as there are more furverts is that the FurFandom isn't based around an innocent show or anything innocent at all actually. The only thing MLP:FiM has that could even be called "sexual" is Spikes love for Rarity, Rarity's early fantasizing for the Prince at the Grand Galloping Gala, or more in detail, the way AppleJack sounded when she complimented Twilight's Nightmare Night costume. Other than that, there's nothing sexual at all really. Also sorry if I seemed like I was getting aggrivated or angry, I really do type these in all equel respect
  11. Well, I don't remember much of my early childhood as i'm sitll going through it at it's much later years, but I'll try my best! 1996:I was born in Rapid City, South Dakota in one of the coldest nights it ever had up at that time. I was mostly confused because I was just born, but I can imagine the sense of curiosity and wonder bieng just a new born, so i'm guessing very new. 1997:Just one year old and still wondering what's going about, I just stay home at a military base and move on with life, whatever my young creativity pulls me to with the builds toys allowed. Something with spirals and travel-ways for marbles to go through from top to bottom. 1998:Same stuff going on, just letting my curiosity get the best of me and still sought new things, but that's usual for most people at this age. 1999:Lat year of the 90's! I'm shure the 90's still carried on until about 2002 and George Bush. but ohwell. Just sitting at home, watching Power Puff girls and Dexters labratory because those were the days when Cartoons were the best. Excluding MLP:FiM because it DEFINES what an amazing cartoon should be . 2000:Celebrating a new Millenia with my family and military brats. I might've been in Utah at the time where I've met my first best friend, and where I learned how to positively socialize with anybody. Regardless of age or gender. It did snow a lot at that time, mostly just go outside with my Bubble blower and ride on my butt down a hill of snow. 2001:Same old as usual, casually watch Power Puff girls and all of the good old cartoons at the time. Not much to say here until I reach 2004 so feel free to skip if ye want. 2002:This is the year I might've moved to New Mexico. Age what.... age of 6 and actually it's been very secluded up to this year. I'm not socially ackward, but the people here at this Military school arn't the nicest except a few. I remember a girl who chased me around and tried to kiss me, and that a pit bull SOME HOW just waltzed into our school like "sup bro" and everypony was terrified. 2003:I'd normally just walk back and forth from school and home, for an area surrounded by nothing but desert, it was actually very nice where we lived. My first dog Kia which was the Best birthday present i've ever had ran away. We found her in the care of someone else about a year later, but she changed. I never thought of her as a "Present" though, more as part of the family and nothing more than a Biological sister. None'the'less. 2004:The year of when my Sister was Bullied and teased so much where her Teenage bratty side took over. She changed a lot and just became, "different". She was teased by a few people as so was I, but she changed the complete way she looked, acted, stopped socializing greatly and hung with "friends" so she would fit in. She was happy before she changed but atleast she pulled to the present. Ohyeah, I moved to England for the second time and had the funniest thing happen, me and Prince Charles were at the local B-X and he got ripped off of his IPOD! The employee said that they didn't accept his credit ard, but he didn't know he was a Prince. I thought it was halarious . 2005:This year holds the greatest moments of my life, and is a Huge impact on how I am today. I met and had my first love, and true love at that. It's a long story, but it was something we couldn't explain to eachother in words, we kept eachother as friends, but knew that we meant more than that. I'm very glad that I met someone like my Teacher Mr. Randall, he's the greatest man i've ever known and I hope he's living the best life. He impacted me the most out of anything, and made me who I am today. He taught me Wisdom, acceptance, achievment, opportunity, leadership, courage, tenacity, patriotism, and many other things that this world needs. Before I start to burst out in tears, I met another one of my fun Bestfriends "Josh Pottician". I've also made a few others, but one I can't remember the name of sadly, and another whom is "goeferry" wasn't the best. 2006:Saddest moment of my life is in the year, but I'm 10 years and strong! There was me, Nathan, and Justin Bartolomey who were the strongest in the school. I also was very popular in my Intermediate school but it wasn't for anything good but being annoying and hyper active. Justin asked me one day to talk to him in private and asked me if I wanted to keep hanging out with "those 'type' of friends". I said I was fine, but I did come to that realiziation that I was VERY annoying and that I need to accustome my comedy to the right type and situation. I loved comedy and making people laugh, I was Very happy in these years. I practiced on bieng funny and I still had the same friends, but I made much more too. Eventually I went up to the 6th grade and also this is the Year I leave into Florida. My first love wanted to tell me something before I lefy England, but when I saw her in the bus stop at that last hour, I felt nothing but Shyness and fear. I feared that it could've been something good thta she wanted to tell me, or something bad that'd I'd regret all my life. I did the scar on my own but nothing to whelm myself over . In Florida, I met the greatest friend I've ever had, Zach. This is a whole entirely new transition for me so, and not bieng racist or anything, but I had to not talk so "sophisticated" and had to make my sentences and words more basic. I was the elephant, but gained massive renown for my British Accent and bieng the first "English" student to be at my middle school. There was one bully who theatened to call me gay for not getting in "his" seat, so I didn't move and made 2x more people hate him somehow. I don't ever tolerate ignorance, arrogence, etc; but I didn't even do anything and he was despised even more. I do feel bad for him though. 2007: Same thing as usual, made more friends, made amazing memories with my best friends, and got to play the Limited edition oh Halo 3!! I can't explain the fun I had on Halo 3 since it was released, but I know it's more than a video game to me, it holds my entire Middle school childhood in the most vivid of senses. Sounds wierd, but I know a lot of Brony's will have Memories to cry over when they watch the first season or two of MLP:FiM in 10+ years. The beach here is absolutely amazing, it is the most beautiful beach in the world after all. 2008:All of my middle school had to go to a brand new elementary school for the middle school's reconstruction and renewal. I know there were some things I hated about this year, because this year was when the movie "Twilight" became over popular and all of this Vampire and shirtless ripped werewolfs came into television. I met a girl that also brang back the feeling I had for my "friend" in England, but she was the kind who wasn't too mature with guys and dating. I defended and protected her, A LOT, because for some reason she was the school whore as stated by a bunch of bratty spoiled girls, but I knew she wasn't. I ztill know she's not as he's potrayed, but I don't blame her for not sticking with one guy because that's just what Puberty does. Made a new bestfriend, Mifflin, and a temporary one, Hunter. Hunter didn't stick around long because he violated school property at our middle school, he's still my friend though. I haven't seen him since he went to a much more strict school for the undisciplined though. I've got the chance to get into a Physical science class where I had a very fun and outgoing teacher, Mrs. Wellman. She taught me how to open myself, to handle most ackward or different social situations the best, and just taught me how to make anything fun! One of my Football friends, Justin, was a great comedian and we'd just sit around all day in Mrs. Wellmans or out in Math class and be the class clowns for most of the hour. We did our work though, and passed with great grades (nor bragging). 2009:First year of Highschool! Actually, I was orignally expecting something like the 80's movies made it look like, but it wasn't like that at all. I became notoriously popular with the entire 9th and 10th graders naturally somehow, and made another Bestfriend, Nick. R.O.T.C was pretty great, met very nice and warm welcomed people. There was a lot of drama created by certain individuals, so I mostly stick to myself now. 2010:10th grade rolled in, and I feel the same excpet for that this year was very bland in colour and events. I can't say much besides that I did meet more people, made more friends and became apart of a certain community, making my mark early. I went up to Indiana where I got to hang with my Aunt and Cousin(?). It was Sooo FUN , I love being out in the country regardless and just the smell of firewood heating the home and bieng in a town where everypony knows everypony would make me happy for Years to come. 2011:Discovered MLP:FiM and didn't get more into it until I actually found it. I saw a glimpse of Twilight Sparkle once and I just loved the animation style and the way the character was drawn. It's still the 10th grade actually and Nothing really changed, but I did pass the 10th grade. 2012:2012, or "The Present" or just now, it's pretty great! Made more friends, actually watched MLP:FiM over the summer, delved way deeper into the Brony Fandom than I imagined, and actually had a lot of fun in my Geometry class. Had the wisest teacher i'll ever meet, Mr. Deeds. My geo. teacher actually didn't care what me and Zach did, we just watched videos and just were basically loud It's really fun when you have a cool teacher, and it was very interesting when you get into convo's with her. Made about 2 more comedic friends, I'll see them next year and we'll wreck some stuff up with our loud irrelevent flash animations and minecraft references . This is all I can say in a short time period, I can't type too much as I go way into detail too much sometimes Just personall experiences and things and people that made me how I am today. I'm expecting the worst and hoping for the best of grandiose memories and influential people to come into play.
  12. If Bill Clinton is a Brony, I'd personally send the Blue Angels a request to do an air show over LA. Equestria 2013 with Pony's all over their wings
  13. I think it'd be awesome because I can FINALLY have a relaxing break from all the work and everything else in Reality! Unless ofcourse Pinkie Pie comes along and starts singing me a catchy melody, Making me meet Everypony in Ponyville against my own free Pony-Will, but I'd probably just smile and go with it.
  14. I believe that most of the world might divide among two or three different civilizations, meaning 3 main languages, but the Universal language right now is actually Engrish. English is the hardest to learn besides Chinese, but it's used a lot for buisness and even taught in schools around the world like Japan, Germany, etc. It might be because U.S.A is the world Super power, but I have to say speaking a sentence in English is much quicker than speaking it in most other languages. I don't want all people to have the same language because I love the dveresity in the world and Humanity as a whole actually, but it'd be nice if we had a very complex, fast, quick to learn language that gives writing and speaking a much more expressful touch in vocal interaction.
  15. I feel that A LOT of the popular side/background characters should get atleast their own episodes, but not a whole season. It's not that it'd be bad, I'd like for them to be featured A LOT, but it'd turn away from the actualy main 6. I'd love to see Vinyl Scratch get some sort of invitation to be the musician of a very Big event, or the Grand Galloping Gala, but it isn't how she thought it would turn out because soon after getting the invitation, she would be informed something like "and don't bring any of that, 'Boom Boom' non sense would you?". It'd be the toughest musical preformance she'd have to make but she executes it perfectly and the Gala goes fine until some event happens, the main six fight off the evil and she plays fitting music where the monster can't resist dancing too. Everyone's saved, the main six and the crowd thanks her for her and her music. I don't know, I can't write something I didn't originally create but it'd be cool to see the main six as background characters in their episodes.
  16. I actually live in Northern FL. and I see MLP merch. alot! It stinks that you didn't find what you were mainly looking for, but I know one of these have the Pinkie Pie train in stock! and Ponies ofcourse. /)
  17. What we have all wtinissed here is nothing more than the natural nature of the Japanese. The, "Jahp-ah-Neeze" are a very social like group who have very high frequent urges to cum in groups on passing-by elderly Japanese women. I honestly don't know what to say, but we can't say it's "weird" because it's japanese. Common mistake.
  18. I've always grown up seeing Mega-Man, and I wasn't born early enough to witniss the world changing invention that is "Pong" but I do love retro games, and any Mega Man I played was always fun, and I wouldn't expect anything less from another Mega Man!
  19. Hearing the name of that book instantly brings Fable II & III to my mind, but it does sound like a very good read! considering that I love reading Mythology sometimes .
  20. I actually said that Brony's Cosplaying are very minor and that I also said the most Characters in MLP can be reffered to by the term "Furry" or "Anthropomorphic". I also didn't include Bronys bieng massivley potrain as Fat ugly men who stay in their mom's Attic because that is another big portayel, but it's the first one to come to mind though. In all respect of course. I stated I was a Furry but have full equel respect for All Brony's and the Brony Fandom as a whole. I never stated that sex was imoral, nor did I say that a family show debases sex. If it did it would've probably have been on the news, and that it would'nt be much of a kids show as it's original intended demographic. In all respect of course.
  21. I personally love Classical music as it's REALLY good for when you're writing poetry, drawing, or anything like that, or Relaxing , but seriously... Everytime I go onto the radio, all of the Mainstream music sounds the same! 1. Deep base 2.Wub 3.Woob 4.Burrrr 5.Computer altered Singers 6.Same concept, Ex: Sex, Drugs, Money, Disrespect for women. I'll stick to my music and let them have theirs, but they be missin' out!
  22. I see what you're getting at, and yeah actually a few Furries do find eachother via Big bunny Bonkers, but Love and Tolerate I guess
  23. (Okay, so to wrap it up on all that this is about, this is about the Discussion on the whole Furries vs Bronies and whether they're alike or not. I'm here to give As much Insight as possible so that this will Hopefully stop. I'm not going to look at the statistics, just the general stuff). First off is how Both Fandoms are alike: Furries have something widely known as a Fursona, Bronies have something widely known as an OC Pony. Both are EXACTLY the same, they can be whatever you want, just use your imagination! the only difference is that an OC Pony is mostly centered around bieng a Pony, unlike a Fursona. A lot of Bronies think that most Furries just like to act like an animal or think they're an animal on the inside, but that's VERY minor in the Fandom. Furries and Bronies each have their own major websites, Example is Equestria Daily and FurAffinity. Each both center around catching up on what's up to date in the Fandom and to look through what the Fandom has to offer and meeting new people. In a way, FurAffinity is a like Equestria Daily because the Furry Fandom is an art community, and F.A bieng the biggest Furry art website we have. Both websites allow members to meet new people and find out about music, artwork, etc. Each Fandom has very talented musicians, writers, artists, etc. Something you wouldn't expect to find that's VERY alike is the cons of the Fandoms. I think we ALL know Furries have a horrible reputation of bieng mostly Perverts (Furverts) who like to get it on to BIG Fox Badonkadonks, but Bronies have this too, also known as Cloppers. The reason there seems to be more Furverts than Cloppers is because the Brony Fandom is based on bieng a fan of a show where it teaches good moral, love, toleration, and respect for everybody. The Furry Fandom is just an art community where anything could happen. There are parts which seem very childish, but there are parts where it's like Gears of War on sterioids. Cloppers and Furverts are still very minor in each community, along with fursuiters in the Furry Fandom. about 20-25% of Furries even Fursuit, but they don't do it for the "sexual thrill" or whatever outside stereo-types, Fursuiters Fursuit because they like the smiles and laughs people get because it's a good feeling! that or it's just fun and you want to be your Fursona (if you're that attached). As stated before, the Furry Fandom isn't based around a family show where there's good lesson to learn every episode, so not ALL of them are going to be nice but actually a majority of them are. Just like a few Brony's who are real butt chickens, that doesn't mean they're all lke that, or that they all clopp to Rarity. Furries and Bronies both wear giant costumes, both Role play, both have artists, musicians, writers, journalists, bloggers, websites, and have made a mark on Mainstream society, but the only difference is that Bronies are all about bieng fan of the specific show, where Furries are a fan of a specific type of Art. ___________________________________________________________________________________ I've been reading through some articles and posts and a lot of them are saying that "If you like MLP: FiM then you're a Brony, swag". No, just because you like the show doesn't mean you're a Brony, same with Liking Furry artwork and actually bieng a Furry. Bieng a Brony or Furry means that you accept to be called a Brony/Furry, closet Brony/Furry or not, and that you want to partake in the Fandom. Bieng a Brony doesn't mean you're a Furry but you are actually watching a "Furry" show. It wasn't made for Furries, but all the characters can be labeled a Furry, Anthropomorphic, or a Silly cartoon character. It's just that when you normally Label something "Furry" it usually means it was more for or specifically the Furry Fandom, but it's a way of calling something Anthropomorphic. Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkiepie, Rainbow Dash, Tank, Opal, Owlicious, and angel are all "Furries:. I wouldn't really consider Winona a "Furry" because there really isn't anything Anthro about Winona, but she's still awesome! Basicly, you're only a Brony/Furry if you ALLOW yourself to partake in the Fandom, no matter how much you love MLP:FiM/Anthropomorphism. But pretty much almost every character in MLP: FiM is a "Furry", even if they're barely anthropomorphic at all like Angel. ____________________________________________________________________________________ I can't say which Fandom is better because that'd be my Opinion, but to all ya' Bronies out there, Enjoy your Fandom as much as you can! it won't stay the same that's for sure. Not to rumble your bajitis but nothing stays the same, the Fandom will grow but Inside taboo like Cloppers will grow much more too. Sad day, but the Fandom is still mainly about the show so that's a major +. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Overall: Bronies are VERY VERY VERY Smiliar, it's just that the only thing that makes the difference is what both are centered around. I have to say that the Furry Fandom is more complex with it's sub-cultures and even inside species stereo-types, yet Bronies naturally are friendlier and "down to Earth", neither Fandom is better or worse. I hope this wrapped everything up so far, and I hope somebody takes all this in and adds more to it eventually. I'm also sorry if there is any typos because I'm heading out of state soon. I'm not a Brony, a Furry, but I still respect both communitys equally and I just want these conflicts to end. i'm willing to reply to any P.M's. Sincerely: R.O~ (Art piece by: Tirrel)
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