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Ad Foedera Cresco

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Everything posted by Ad Foedera Cresco

  1. Reported for using a filler, bypassing the 100. char. limit? Ohwell :T

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fluffykins the Cat

      Fluffykins the Cat

      I blame Paril for the rule.

    3. Lolness The Hunt

      Lolness The Hunt

      100 characters isn't that much...

    4. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco

      I know, but I didn't know it would be considered "Filling". That, or I posted a picture which didn't meet 100 characters yesterday... Either way, idc honestly.

  2. Family came for a visit, time for Pon's11!!1!!!! Going to re-watch every single one, I want full effect on this fanfic, It's honestly sad

  3. Got this pic done after 2 hours. cx.x I swear, it went from 1 hour to 2 hours per art piece.... ohwell

  4. I was thinking how a Ponified version of this song'd turn out, way better than what I was thinking Dude, nice job though! I want this on my ipod one day
  5. Derpy's been around since O'le Granny Apples's been a little filly, before Pony Ville was ever founded. It's safe to say that Derpy is the immortal goddess of Muffins.
  6. What evil have I seen, on my computer screen?!

    1. Whiteshade
    2. Somebody


      I'm just a princess, trollin' in the castle... :D

    3. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco

      ^^^ Lol! Going for a sTROLL around Equestria I see Celestia? :3

  7. Gonna' draw up something to hang on thw wall in art class (Also, I'm going to tape 8 slender papers around school c:<)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Fluffykins the Cat

      Fluffykins the Cat

      I don't know, show a teacher named "Mr.Hayes" MLP FiM?

    3. Ad Foedera Cresco

      Ad Foedera Cresco

      LOL, I might draw like... a subliminal message where there's a marshmellow, a dictionary, a wig, a tree, an apple, shades, and just Spike himself sitting at a Campfire.

    4. Fluffykins the Cat
  8. Oh gawd why... Why must I be so lazy when it comes to art. #YOLO

  9. Yeah, what another commenter said, it' not just the show that makes up the Fandom, it's the Fandom itself and every(pony)body in it. It's up to you if you want to leave, I never want to leave for a loooong time! So amazing I'm having second thoughts on the Furry Fandom, but then I'd start from Zero again.
  10. It all depends on what happens in the future. At the rate we're going at, and stay how we are, we're going to take the world over and maybe match Bungie in world domination. This can't be a closed statement though, because we don't know if the mass media or some "popular" show on MTV will bring the fandom down in the public's eyes. That's what I'm most worried about. The Brony Fandom is something very unique, and it's something that'll live on LOONNGG after the show stops. Even if it stops airing on T.V, there's still going to be Bronies around. Bronies who meet up and have families might pass MLP down to their children, if they like it they might become Bronies too. Look at Starwars, the first movies have been out for a Buck load of time, and there's games, shows, toys, collecters items, and recent movies were made too. My Little Pony has only been out since 2011 I believe, and look how much the fandom's grown since then. The Brony Fandom still has A LONG time to go, a lot of great things to see and create, and will probably last until we're very old. If not, after we die in a way. Also, after the show stops airing, there's always going to be those who'll still provide for the fans, like Halo 4 for instance (Examples FTW ). This is all my opinion, it'll be different than every other pony's opinions, but... yeah .
  11. The over-use of the same jokes or same type of jokes in High-school and from uneducated people. I'll also DISPISE (typo?) TEENAGERS !! I am one, they do nothing negative to me, but I still hate my generation and all future generations present right now with a "fiery passion" (<---See what I did thar? over-use of slang by illiterate unoriginal teens).
  12. I make the worst topics ever, I need to stop and think of something good before I post. Or get sleep, either works

  13. Yeah, I had second thoughts creating and posting this topic, I'll just change the title and description and make it more appealing. I agree with you though
  14. What's the funniest Pony-related picture you've found so far? whether it be a meme, comic, etc. I have too many to count on my hardrive. Well you could, but it'd take too long.
  15. All Ya'll Ponies be blowin' mah mind I tell you hwut.
  16. I like to watch tutorials, get top comment for the stupidest things and comment against racist peeps, then go and blab about their false claims of not bieng racist if they have only a certain race in their favourites. Pretty much! Also create tutorials.
  17. Season 1? Winter Wrap up. Season 2.... Tie between Big Brother Best Friend Forever & This day Aria. Big Brother Best Friend Forever probably. So many good songs, it's hard to choose. Love is in Bloom when you're cruising in the night though. Best, drive, ever
  18. "One of these days.... I'm really...... gonna' let you give him a lesson!" Love Monsters Inc. ^ ^

  19. My turning point or realisation point was when I realize how much I really was teased and picked on for. I didn't change myself, but I better'd myself over a foundation of who I already am (so to speak). I was very hyper-active when I was little, think Pinkie Pie as a boy but Actually annoying. I was teased for that reason mainly, several reasons fall under that, such as not knowing what to say during most topics and bieng spontanious. I've learned from my mistakes, and I became who I am today. I'm still the same, especially on the inside, and found a better perspective of life and everything and everybody around me through train of thought from past experiences and other's experiences. I hold dearly to the years I was teased and picked on actually, best years of my life! I have high regards that everybody would do or think the same at those kind of times like I and/or others did, but I defend those who are teased and picked on, because I know what it can be like if somebody isn't highly secure. I know it's not really wise to say this, but I've gained a considerably high amount of wisdom for my age through learning from ever experience I could, learning from stories, and even my own thinking when I got lost day dreaming or just thinking. That's how I became who I am today, no regrets and happy to be in the moment.
  20. I honestly couldn't think of the show getting the same appeal as it would with Ponies. I think that if it wasn't a certain species of animal, but several each and unique to the character it could work, but it'd have to be more "boyish" than all Ponies. I also think that it's not just what animal it is, but how they're drawn too. Real ponys don't have hooves like any of the MLP characters (duh), and since a lot, or most people know of the old 80's and 90's generations of My Little Pony, it becomes more recognizable and accepting. There's still a borderline to the "girly cutesy" atmosphere. I honestly, for the life of me cannot think of another animal that would be both fitting to the kind of atmosphere MLP: FiM has, and fitting overall. I think ponies work so well with how the show is already, is because how the older generations were where the "girly" type atmopshere was WAY over borderline, they lowered those levels, and added all the things we all love and BAM, FiM. I think some things could work the same, though it wouldn't necessarily be exactly the same as it would the Ponies we all know and love, but some things can work.
  21. It does change the whole thing, and any time!! I honestly still can't find the source light in the picture yet, but with the cast shadow Behind the character it makes it looks better, and works either way
  22. As constructive critique I really can't see where the shadow's coming from in the entire picture, but from your cast shadow it seems like the whole body doesn't have a shadow (like the lower part of the body unlike the top). I like the setting you put AJ in, I'd put it as my wallpaper whole thing at that!
  23. I don't have Gmod, but this looks so amazing and useful Really looks easy to use, must save a lot of time for Pony model creaters
  24. I think that those people against the term "Brony" or the fandom are taking it way too seriously, because to be honest, the Brony fandom is known to the main public as a huge community of guys who watch My Little Pony. It's much more misleading and unexpected than a girl watching Mlp, and also that it's the first term used to label someone who's a fan of the show and who partakes in the fandom. "Pegasister" developed after the Brony community was created I think, and it'd be weird if the fandom took out the title "Brony" for something else. Anyways, these feminists are just taking things way too seriously in my opinion.
  25. Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Amnesia has the whole atmopshere, sounds, surroundings, everything near-perfect while O'le Slendy is only scarey for the first time or two. After that, you should figure out that you don't have to look at him and that's it. Amnesia's sanity system, lamp oil limitations, and how you have to ACTUALLY run from your enemys makes it a scarey games. While you have to figure out some puzzles, this lowers your awareness and makes the scare a lot worse . IMO anyway. Slenderman's just a walk/power walk-n-click note game. Nothing scarey.
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