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Everything posted by Opalicious

  1. I set my bag on the ground, happy that the first day was finally over, for me at least. I hadn't seen Ty the whole day, but right now my body felt worn out and dry, so I put on a swimsuit that would help me be more hydrodynamic. I took a towel that had been self-made, and it displayed the only picture of the Opal family that was ever made before they split paths, so they all looked pretty young. I didn't take the time anymore to examine the towel, and now I just used it as a simple towel. I left the dorm and headed for the complex, making sure my towel was off the ground to keep it from dirtying. As I pushed through the doors, I quickly noted that there were few ponies in the complex, and only two he recognized, Rambler and the mare he had been playing guitar for earlier. I lay my towel down on a chair and sat down, and I decided to sit down for a bit before actually swimming.
  2. I'd like to join. My OCs name is Shadow Opal. Here's his link. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-opal-r1465 If you have too many stallions, just tell me and I'll post a mare OC.
  3. Guys, I've been reading the last few pages, and I'm not going to post yet either until it si confirmed that Mortimer is not posting and is not the psychology teacher anymore, but I'm starting to the think that we're having more romance than a romance RP Almost every single post for a pretty long time now has been romance and, well, whatever usually happens in a romance RP. I'm just hoping that you're all aware of this. Then I can continue with getting some popcorn and watching the shows. Yes, shows. -.-
  4. ((OOC: My first post will be 3rd person, but most of the posts afterwards might or might not be 1st person.)) Ezio Opal took a final bite of the juicy, green apple and threw i behind him. It spiraled and landed in a trash bin nearby, and he relieved the pressure from his shoulder by standing straight so he didn't lean in the doorway anymore. The group, ever growing, was the group that was headed to the Amblezon, and he was to come with them. He had stayed back to make sure he wasn't mistaken, but there were too many ponies to not be the exhibition he had come for. He trotted out into the sun, cloak still on, an all, and he silently approached the group from behind. He glanced at a few of them, observing their facial expressions, and they looked grave and serious, save a few. He cleared his throat and asked loudly, "Who is the leader of this party." ((OOC: Party, is in group, not party, as in Pinkie Pie.))
  5. Politics wasn't so bad, they had watched a video about the UN, what it does, and we even got to see a few minutes of the debate. The class was an hour long, but the room was lively. Windows had no curtains over them, and there was even a podium at the front of the room, for when they held class debates, which would come later in the year. As the clock struck two, I trudged out of the room with my bag and went straight to my room. I threw my saddlebag onto the floor and sat on my bed. I looked around the room and finally found the clock, which, as 5 minutes earlier, with 5 minutes later, showed 2:05. I had until 3:45 for his next class, so I opened my laptop to check my m-mail (Magic Mail). I shut it after I confirmed there were no new messages, and I went outside and wandered through the courtyard, considering practicing a few new spells I was trying to learn. I was actually about to begin, but I saw Rambler again, playing his guitar, and it would be best if I didn't mess up his playing by practicing. I approached him and sat near him to prevent too much of a distraction, but I noticed his eyes momentarily kept leaving his guitar to glance around the yard, as if he were waiting for somepony. I decided not to mention it and just listen to the music. @,
  6. (guess what!... im thai!) shade looked at the places, she started walking in the direction of the foreign place "lets go there, it seems to have good food" shade looked at the place, she knew what the language was... being a halfling, she knew almost all languages. Quote button didn't work to cross over -.- Oh well. I've lived my whole life unto now in South East Asia, and the food there, whether Thai, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Indonesian, Chinese, Singaporean or Taiwanese, the last two of which where I lived (Taiwan/Singapore), is by far the best I've ever eaten. I always get hyped when there's someone South East Asian around.
  7. @@Descant, Did you post the link for the RP yet? If not, do you have an idea on when you plan to post the link for the IC?
  8. Oh well, I think I misunderstood. You guys are pretty far in the roleplay though, so I'll leave it be. Have fun!
  9. I'll join, I didn't last very long in the other Superhero RP though, but as this one has a good direction of roleplay, government against semi-unknown force, I'll join as part of the outside force trying to defeat the oppressive government. I'll use Rainbow Opal. He's like Rainbow Dash, only he's a colt, and he prefers gracefulness in speed rather than speed itself. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rainbow-opal-r1466 I'm looking at my character right now and I'm not very sure if he'll be accepted. If I'm not accepted, I will pull out a character that is more suitable for the role.
  10. @, @@Descant, The cafeteria had finally cleared out except two ponies and myself, and I finally stood up as the two evacuated from the counter and sat down. I went over to the row of foods, and I took a few and put them on a plate. He thanked the cafeteria ponies and turned around, realizing there were still many ponies on the other side of the cafeteria, which was separated by a wall with two arches to go through. Not interested what was going on on the other side, I went to a table near the two ponies still in the east wing of the cafeteria, and silently ate, shutting off the words from the table nearby so the ponies would keep their privacy by constructing a barrier of air that worked like a sound barrier.
  11. I'll try to remember that when I'm interacting. But when not, I'm staying in first person. 69 characters <_< Hilarious -_- @@Marathon, Air Opal is in the Cafeteria
  12. In the end, the first day of magic was pretty boring. The teacher had been speaking the whole time about the study and history of magic, but it was pretty much what you'd expect from a top university like this. The teacher was pretty cool, cracked jokes that were actually good, and he seemed barely out of university himself, a helpful factor if you're trying to teach. "Alright, class, read pages one through three tonight, and we'll review tomorrow. Dismissed, have a good lunch." I picked up my bag off the ground after shoveling my textbook into it. The history and etymology of magic sort of intrigued me, though where the word magic came from was a bit unexpected and, frankly, boring. I waited behind as students pushed out of the room as the teacher, and I should mention his name is Dark Angel, sat down on his desk, turning on the desktop on his desk and typing a few things in. As the hallway cleared, I left and headed straight for the cafeteria. I was still trying to get the locations of rooms and areas into my head, but I had gotten much better since I attempted to memorize the campus map during my Aerology class. I followed the route I had worked out in my head and finally arrived in the cafeteria, which was packed with hungry ponies, eager to get their hooves on some food. I decided to wait until the line for food died down and sat at an empty table, observing the area. ((OOC: Is it okay if I write from first person from now on? Then it's easier to write my/Air Opal's thoughts dowe doesn't have any food yet.))
  13. Not my fault, I was waiting for you two to get done with it and keep talking at lunch. Look how that went. Anyhoof, I'm going to post that Air Opal is leaving class, tell me now, should I say you were there or you skipped class. That way we can catch up. I'll post after I know if you came or didn't.
  14. @@Sky, @, Just pointing this out, but I'm waiting for the two of you to go to magic class as it seems that as there are more of you, you are the ones to choose when Magic starts. @@Descant, I recently posted in your new Jungle Heart thread, and I've mentioned and quoted you at different time periods without catching your attention. Could you accept or not accept me?
  15. Name: Ezio Opal Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ezio-opal-r1451 Species: Earth Pony Gender: Male Talent: Assassin Motivation: Though he knows it is a matter of life and death, he feels he must challenge himself to perfect his ever growing talent. Weapons? Think Ezio Auditore, Assassin's Creed. Survival Skills? Agility, determination, sheer willpower, and quick reactions Your Region: (So I know when to expect your posts) Wisconsin. @@Descant, Come on, Descant, look.
  16. It seems that it is more common to have only a few subjects, so I'll just narrow down my class choices to four and list those four here, and lunch will split them in two on each half of the day. Aerology Magic (Lunch) Politics Psychlogy
  17. @@Sky, "I'll hang back and let you two go, I've seen the dorms, but if you need to see them, Lite Shade probably should be enough to get you a good look around." He scratched his mane and became comfortable with the bench. "See you two at magic class, wonder what we'll learn when we're there."
  18. Just saying, but I just went on youtube to confirm this and randomly chose an episode to check, in this case 'It's About Time', and it worked. Is there something I'm missing?
  19. @, @@Sky, "Pleased to meet you, Lite Shade, my name is Air Opal," he replied, shaking her hoof as she extended it. He took his hoof back and turned to the other pony, who had a hoof, practically perfect for holding and throwing a leister, though it was unknown why this thought had come to Air Opal's head. "What is your name?"
  20. @,@@Sky, Biology was an extremely quick class first, and Air Opal wandered around, 45 minutes and counting until his next class, magic. He checked a clock on a wall as he passed it, and sighed, going outside and seeing two ponies, one dressed as a bee, and one... well, he looked drowsy enough without any description. Nothing to do for the next three-quarter hour, he approached them and sat down on the other side of the bench, looking over to them for a quick moment before looking away. He took a breath and asked when it was a few good seconds after they spoke, "Any of you two in magic for the next class?"
  21. @, "Nice to meet you, Rambler," he replied, flipping through his mental school schedule. He added as he found what he wanted, "I believe I have Anthropology right before lunch," he said, glancing at a clock over the main door leading into the building from the courtyard. "First classes of the year begin in five minutes, better not get late this early in the year," he told Rambler, earning himself an annoyed sneer from a pony drinking alcohol who had strange cavicorn antlers, making him look more like a goat than a pony. "See you around," he finished, turning and starting toward his Biology class.
  22. @, "Alright, so I turn left here, go through the courtyard and," he mumbled to himself, navigating his way through the campus to the first of his ten periods, Biology, the science and study of life, with Dr. Saddler. He stopped and his head turned toward a pony playing a jovial Irish song, and he approached the pony, waiting several minutes for the pony to finish, before telling the pony. "Great playing, my friend. Name's Air Opal. You taking a class in music here?" ((OOC: I've marked down my classes taught by actual RPers. As Biology isn't one of them, I'm making a random teacher.))
  23. Air Opal's hooftop, as programmed, let out a soft ring, barely reaching Air Opal's ears. Without even opening his eyes or looking at a clock, he knew it was seven o'clock in the morning. He opened his eyes and squinted at the window, still closed by the blinds. He stood up as quietly as he could, leaving the binds blocking the sunlight to not disturb Ty. Class would start in an hour, at 8, so he headed into the small area that was qualified as a kitchen, though he preferred to refer to it as a simple meal making area. It was hardly big enough to fit three ponies. Now, what to eat... ((OOC: I may have been ninja'd, but I'll pretend that this post is an hour earlier from Azurepony's post, RP wise. Air Opal is in Biology class.))
  24. I was pretty close to pretending Air Opal had woken up early and had listened to Ty's hoofsteps entering the room, but one, that is insane, two, not realistic, which also makes it insane, and, seriously, let's get on to day 2... Can you guys please sleep? It's dragging on Day 1, and it's getting really boring right now. Just sayin'.
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