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Posts posted by Cakesplat

  1. I respond to the people, sure. A few of my friends have very infectious, energetic personalities, so it can be hard not to join in even if I'm normally more of a listener. That's one of the cool things about meeting people, they can really bring out new sides of your personality.

  2. My absolute favorite would be plain banana, but I'm not even sure it's a real flavor anymore because I can't seem to find it. Maybe it was all a dream. I guess I'll have to go with mint chocolate chip, peach, and birthday cake.


    The state fair here apparently has bacon ice cream, which I'm unsure about trying. It could be a new favorite, or it might just make me throw up.



    Posted Image


  3. I'm a fan of the spooky stuff all year, so Halloween is a real treat for me because I can put the movies away and go enjoy some haunted houses or themed outdoor events. I don't get into the spirit with pranks or costuming, I just like to go find a scare (but, um, not too much of one...). Some friends are going to something called the zombie pub crawl this year, which is pretty much a bunch of drunk people dressed as zombies.

  4. Zelda II: The adventure of Link. It's easily the hardest game I've ever played. I still haven't beaten it yet after all these years.


    This one stands out in my memory, too. My introduction to Zelda was Ocarina of Time, so I was astonished when I decided to travel back through the years and try out the earliest titles. Astonished and a little confused.


    A lot of older games are crazy tedious, dungeon crawlers especially, but I'm not sure if we're equating tediousness to difficulty.

  5. I used to have a caffeine addiction. I originally started drinking energy drinks at my old job to help me survive without zoning out. They would give me the busiest hours, which I didn't mind, but I also had to fight tooth and nail not to have them mess with my hours, my breaks, my shift relief, etc.


    This is the same store where two customers who were in wheelchairs and had some problems with movement/speech were sent to me for help by someone who didn't want to have to deal with them, and I was nagged the whole time about how my duties weren't getting done elsewhere. The jerk who dumped them on me like there was something so horrible about being patient with them didn't even try to bail me out of that verbal lashing from the manager, find someone to cover, help out himself, etc.


    The energy drinks kept me on my feet, but between that and the job stress I was kind of messed up for awhile. I wound up feeling terrible even when I normally wouldn't be tired/stressed. Don't do retail, kids.


    Or crazy amounts of caffeine.

  6. I'm pretty excited for this. I love spooky stuff, but I'm almost out of horror movies to watch and I've been a little underwhelmed by the Slender games fans have made. I can see how movies based off of Internet stories could go badly, but there's definitely some ideas I'd like to see getting attention from people who can afford high-end effects and actors.

  7. I had a friend who used to talk at length about loyalty and honesty. I found out he was selling out the secrets of my circle of friends behind our backs to get in good with girls he liked, as well as stretching the truth to the point where it was misrepresentative but not quite a lie to make himself out to be a victim when it came to the way people treated him. I brought it to light and wrecked a healthy portion of his reputation as a "good guy," but I'm still pretty spiteful about it.

  8. On forums I'll sometimes add people I find myself talking to often, but at the same time I'll have friends I've known for years that aren't on my "list." The list is just kind of a silly thing that's there, but it's not definitive of who is or isn't my friend at all. I feel like friendships and social groups on forums are fairly obvious if you watch closely enough and everyone knows who they care about, anyway, so it's just there because... I don't really know...


    Some people seem to have fun with it.

  9. What is the reason you wake up every morning?


    The longer I lay in bed telling myself the day is going to suck and I should just go back to sleep, the worse I'll actually feel when I get up. I do it to get it done and keep on rolling.


    What makes you want to be alive a week from now?


    I want to lead a better life, enjoy reaching my goals, overcome my problems, and in turn be able to help people struggling with similar problems when I have personal knowledge of how to deal with it.


    What, if taken away, would render your life unbearable?


    Autonomy. Personal sanctity. Free will. Internal locus of control.


    What, if given to you, would render your life worth living?


    ... ?


    Do you even value your own life?


    I have a self-preservation instinct. On a higher level, I've never thought too much about my value other than the fact that I don't deserve to be subjected to cruelty and so forth.

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