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Blog Entries posted by ParsoOfEquestria

  1. ParsoOfEquestria
    this Recently realeased title, is infact not a DLC nor a standalone. it is in fact a character generator made to build your character before playing the game to save time during the actual game. I took the liberty of creating my badass character for it

    I also scoped out a couple "totally subtle" references to minecraft

    Its free, you do not need the game in order to run this
  2. ParsoOfEquestria
    So what the hell is this game about? well, to put it simply, think of an 80's sci-fi movie; cyborgs, lazers, big freaking dinosaurs that shoot lazers from their eyes. and add that with Far Cry 3's game engine. cyborg commando Rex Power Colt is the stereotypical sci-fi hero on a mission to save earth from a rogue military force.
    Gameplay-plays out much in the same way as Far Cry 3, you can either take out enemies stealthy or as loud as possible. killing enemies, completing missions, etc earn you experience and make you level up, leveling up unlocks you new abilities and can make you more stronger. money is an item in the game which can be used to buy weapon attachments. what separates BD attachments to FC3 attachments is that BD attachments need to be unlocked by doing the requirement on the item you want. the game contains humor, and unlike most games, the humor is actually funny, a real plus in my books.
    Graphics-one thing I have to say, neon, neon everywhere. not to mention, Dark too. the game was so dark, I had to actually fiddle with the brightness, contrast and gamma so I can see properly. apart from that, the graphics are shared from Far Cry 3
    Story-the story about a cyborg commando alone fighting an army. to put more detail into it, Rex Power Colt is the stereotypical American patriot and must save his planet from a group of rogue military troops to stop them from destroying the world, through his quest he is met by challenges such as giant mutated lizards shooting lazers from their eyes and an army of angry cyborgs

    I hope you enjoyed this review, more on the way soon. goodonyaz
  3. ParsoOfEquestria
    having a look through the workshop to come across Snuff, an objective mode killing floor mod
    Snuff mod by Sharkboner
  4. ParsoOfEquestria
    as you know, I went to Ponycon AU, of course I wasnt going to go past all of the pony merch. I took some photos of it all

    my flutter blanket (SO SOFT!)

    Lotus, Ponycon and Derpy Pillows :3

    Vinyl painting and bead art

    Evil trixie picture, sad Luna picture and a bunch of cutie mark buttons

    Pony blind bags (unopened) and flutter-rave mouse pad

    Octavia shirt (yes, Sparkity, I AM aware it is a plotshot, no need to point it out )
    the Con was simply amazing, more photos of the con on the way
  5. ParsoOfEquestria
    as you may or may not have known, I went down to Melbourne for Ponycon AU this year!
    I have to say, this year it was a lot bigger than last years, even though the venue was a little smaller. with special guests; Andrea Libman (pinkie pie and fluttershy) and Peter New (big macintosh)!

    I got my guidebook signed by Andrea Libman, I would have got it signed by Peter New as well, but I ran out of time
    as for the loot I managed to get:

    A fluttershy plushie
    fluttershy pendant
    a couple of sparkle cola bottlecaps given to me from a littlepip cosplayer
    a flutterbat poster (which I now realize looks slightly suggestive)
    two mixed CDs from some known and unknown brony artists
  6. ParsoOfEquestria
    Starbound, developed by Chucklefish is an indie side-scroller adventure game based in space and multiple planets. Many people state that Starbound is just a Terraria remake, they are mistaken on that matter. This game is still in Early Access beta.
    Gameplay: Starbound focuses on survival as a main aspect of the game, you need to find food and eat before starving to death and during the night time it gets cold enough to freeze to death. it also doesn't help that the planets can contain some nasty and deadly monsters. these monsters (I'm sure) are randomly generated as their appearance and attacks can be different, there are also passive/aggressive monsters that won't attack you unless you attack them. building is still an option in this game, as you need to build shelter from the harsh elements the planet contains. the planets are also randomly generated as sometimes dungeons and NPC towns can be discovered
    Graphics: no less or more than what I would expect for an indie game, the pixels are there, but who cares, its not a AAA release
    Story: there is not much of a story behind Starbound, however, depending on the race you choose your character the backstory may vary. I chose Human as my race, my home planet has been destroyed, I may be the only one who got out alive, until my ship broke down in the middle of space
    Multiplayer: I've only played the multiplayer for Starbound once with a friend, the sync seems to be great so far, so there are no missing animations when my friend does something, its also fun to explore planets with friends and uncover some dungeons together
    all in all, Starbound is a game with great potential, I can't wait to see what the full release will be like once it's out of Beta. I recommend it

  7. ParsoOfEquestria
    look at the racing games of today; realistic cars, nice closed off race tracks, high performance cars always win. well, Flatout 2 grabs all of that, rolls it up into a ball and throws it out the window.
    Gameplay-The biggest con with real cars in games is that they can't be destroyed due to car companies not wanting their cars to break, Flatout 2 brings back real car look-alikes but gives them names like 'Shaker' 'Venom' 'Rocket'. these cars are highly destructible, as in smash smash boom boom and their lost parts will scatter across the track. speaking of tracks, the environment is also highly destructible, you can use the pieces of broken environment to make your opponents crash into them, giving you a good lead. the damage is very realistic, if you crash your car hard enough, you will fling your driver out the windshield and onto the track.
    Graphics-For a game of its time, the graphics are amazing and show high detailed car crashes and explosions. its the way I like the look of my games, not too realistic you could touch it but not too cartoony either.
    Story-there isn't much of a story, you are just given a bunch of event to complete, some are racing based whilst others are derby or stunt events

  8. ParsoOfEquestria
    before I get too ahead of myself, I have only played this game for a while but enough to make a verdict
    Far Cry 3
    Far Cry 3 is an adventure/FPS by Ubisoft. The games places the player in the most hostile of places. You take the role of Jason Brody, a man who has never killed anyone in his life or had any combat experience.Your friends are kidnapped, your brother killed, just because a few pirates wanted to make an easy buck of ransoming you. You must rise up and become a warrior and face the pirates to save your friends.
    Gameplay- Like Far Cry 2, Far Cry 3 is open world with many different opportunities to have fun instead of going from one mission to the next. you can hunt, hang glide, or just shoot a bunch of enemies. there is a large selection of weapons at your disposal and attachments for said weapon. the game also has skills in which you earn as you gain experience, there are 3 skill tiers (Herring, Shark, Spider) acquiring the different skills earns you a new piece of your Tatau (tattoo). the gunplay is simply beautiful and fluid movements. the map is huge but all is hidden until you go to the cell towers and destroy the scrambler, but climbing the tower isnt a walk in the park, every tower is a new challenge and the higher you go, to more feeling of vertigo you face.
    Graphics- the graphics are beautiful, even on the lowest setting, the game looks spectacular. I'm pretty sure the game uses the same engine as Crysis 2 which may explain the high detail. I cant see any problem with the graphics so far, however, on lowest, the view distance looks quite bad but medium looks fine. because of high graphics even on the lowest setting, the game failed to run well on my laptop, the sound was out of sync and whatnot, however on desktop computers, its runs quite smoothly.
    Story-The player takes the role of Jason Brody, an average 25 year old on a vacation with his friends, until he and his friends get kidnapped. he escapes and follows the path of a warrior with a local tribe. along his journey jason gets eaten by the wilderness and follows the path to insanity. that isnt a spoiler by the way, its the main LORE of the game. The story is extremely touching, I shed a few manly tears as I could feel Jason's every emotion, like losing a brother. though i guess they could have added more about before the game happened, like when Jason was on vacation.
    This game is FANTASTIC and would gladly recommend it to anyone looking for a decent shooter. I waited a whole year for this game to come out and I can say the wait was well worth it. I hope you enjoyed the review, goodonyuz
  9. ParsoOfEquestria
    so I just found out that the nice people at RWS have a very special present headed our way
    I myself have loved Postal 2 for a few years now, the best way to help vent my anger. considering that this game came out in 2003 and the fact that 11 years later, its STILL active by the developers at RWS...or maybe its because they felt bad because Postal 3 sucked
  10. ParsoOfEquestria
    Enter the Dominatrix is a mission DLC addon for Saints Row IV. After playing through the missions, I swear, I've never laughed so much in ever. the humour was silly and crazy, much in the same way as the base game, but a whole lot more.
    some of you may be thinking about the name, well, YES there will be gimps. gimps trying to beat you to death with giant...pleasure devices. I literally burst out laughing when I saw the name of the new tank, the 'Dildozer'. though I was glad to see the return of a couple characters from the previous Saints Row games
    overall, I enjoyed it, though it could have been a little bit longer storywise. however, it was extremely hilarious and I'm glad I have the option to repeat those missions
  11. ParsoOfEquestria
    In Starbound, Florans are to put it easy; Cannibalistic, war-loving, scavenger plant beings. I came across a Floran town and after hearing what a few of them had to say, they aren't ALL bad :3

    they seem to be more friendly than Humans on this game
  12. ParsoOfEquestria
    every year, a town just a couple blocks away from where I live hosts a big festival, a little homage to the 1950s 'Nostalgiafest'. of course a 50's themed festival and a car show (I have a few photos of said cars too if interested ) walking around realizing how much of a hell it would be for obnoxious fedora shamers and laughing at that thought all the music, clothes and everything was themed to be in the 'gold age'
    as promised, cars, most are of hot/rat rod nature, enjoy

  13. ParsoOfEquestria
    Max Payne 3, a fast-paced action shooter by Rockstar.The player takes the role as Max Payne, an ex-cop, still depressed over his wife and daughters death. A simple job, turned out to be a full on action packed mission.
    Gameplay- Max Payne is a third-person cover-based fast-action shooter. The player must navigate through each level and kill all of the enemies, sometimes timing is critical. good thing the game has Bullet Time to slow down time a little to get that perfect headshot. one main outline is to not get shot too much, there are painkillers (health kits) around the levels, but not enough to cover every injury you get. the use of the slow motion dive is effective when jumping from around a corner to take out whatever enemies may be around there.
    Graphics- I thought I'd be used to Rockstar graphics by now, after Red Dead Redemption and LA Nior, but I have to say, I'm impressed. the game really looks real, however, too much for my computer, I bumped the setting down to medium and it still looks great.
    Story- the story follows Max, depressed of what happened to his family. drunk and addicted to painkillers, Max was offered a job as a bodyguard for a high-end businessman in São Paulo, Brazil. what seemed like a simple protection job, led to the kidnapping of his boss' wife. max goes onto investigate and get her back

  14. ParsoOfEquestria
    please help this country's freedom when it comes to video games, sign this petition to get the OFLC to stop this idiotic censorship of Saints Row 4 in Australia
  15. ParsoOfEquestria
    so, it appears theres a new contact to work for after I started up PAYDAY 2 and was greeted by this

    4 new jobs. one especially caught my attention, a heist to break out Jim 'Hoxton' Hoxworth (the original Hoxton from the first PAYDAY) it'll be good to have a classic back
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