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Posts posted by MrAwesomeness

  1. Ok. Looks like finding VAs will be a lot easier than expected :P Writers, as well. But of course we still need animators, editors, etc etc. There is still much to be done. Thanks for the support guys! If you know anyone that can animate or do anything else that would help with this, and they might want to. I would appreciate it if you told them about it. Thanks again!

  2. TC, of course I'm being sarcastic. They're my friends, and I'm just busting on them. I'd love to try out to be a VA. Give me the details, and I'll start asap.


    Thought so. I didnt know they were your friends :3. Dis is teh interwebz. Land of teh anonymous humans. And as of now I have no details to give you :P This is the first time Ive told people about this idea. There is still much to be done.


    I'm hoping he's being sarcastic lol and of course i would have to try out, wouldn't have it any other way, that's half the excitement of VAing


    Lol. I dont have any tryouts or anything atm. Still have a ton of stuff to do to get this going.

  3. Fallout Equestria: The Movie.


    Run time: 15 hours. This, of course, is excluding credits. In that case, 15 hours and 30 seconds total.


    True dat. Although it would be 15 hours of AWESOME


    Yeah. I work with bronyanimstudios and Agile Fawkes. They are two of the most horrid people in the community. Put them on the ignore list.




    I think it's a great idea you should totally go for it, and if you're in need of a voice actor I would sign up to help in a heartbeat


    Great! Well you would have to try out for it first. I have no idea your mic quality and such :P

  4. I think a fic that long winded make work better as a series of somekind, compressing all that into one movie might be a horrific mess.

    I agree with you on that. It would need to be multiple parts.


    That doesn't sound like a bad Idea at all, but I read some of the script and no offence, but you might want to ask some other people to help with the script writing. It's not bad, but It just needs... something... I'm not a script writer so I wouldn't really know.


    I always feel like saying "No offence" just makes things offensive, but I do mean no offense.

    None taken. That's why I said I have no experience writing them. If we end up doing it, I won't be writing it. Unless I somehow learn pro script writing skills. :P
    • Brohoof 1
  5. Making FoE in to a movie is something I've been wanting to do for a while now. I know it would be a huge project, and it wouldnt be a simple thing to do in a couple days. However, I know it is not impossible. We just need many people to work together to make it. Although this post isnt for recruiting people. Its pretty much just asking what you guys think about making this. Do you think its a stupid idea? Or what? Thanks in advance for the feedback. :D


    P.S. I havent had much time to work on it, but here is a bit of a script I wrote for chapter one https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DocgrxWNa2H7V9Dc018kgY6RnlaXxqPSJloSqslW7Q0/edit?usp=sharing

    (Note: I have absolutely no experience in writing scripts so it will probably suck :D)

  6. That's actually the climax, the first parts of the actual thing was suppose to put you near the border of crying, and when the music goes loud, and everything starts getting emotional, it's suppose to break the border, once the border is broken, it was easier to cry so I added the climax of the fanfic at the end.


    So far


    Bad - 1

    Neutral - 1

    Good - 0


    Ah. Ya I wasnt really expecting it :P But Ive never been one to cry over books or movies or anything like that. Im guessing it will stir up some emotions in more than one person in the future.

  7. Well guys, something amazing has happened, but first I would like to thank everyone who answered my sentience question. I got emails so I did read your replies. Just didnt get around to posting again.


    Anyways, I havent tulpaforced in a looooooong time because Im an idiot, but I told my friend about tulpae, and he wanted me to go visit her. She had never been sentient and the most she did was turn her head as she sat under her tree. This particular time however, she was not there. Instead there was an evil worm thing like a mini Jeff from MiB (Pic of Jeff bit.ly/Wa103c) I was about to speak to it when all of the sudden it morphed into a wolf and started flying around me in circles super fast with a smoke trail coming from behind. The circles got closer and closer until they hit me, and sent me shooting up in the air. I dove towards the ground and landed like a bad*** just for fun ;). When I landed, the wolf flew in front of me and morphed into an anime guy with a sword on his back. He had a huge smile on his face. I asked if he was my tulpa and he nodded enthusiastically. I told him I would come back later, but everytime I try, I seem to be locked out. I can view the wonderland and see things, but I cant seem to get in and walk around like normal.

    So In a nutshell, my tulpa changed from a female pony, into a shapeshifting male, my tulpa has gained a ton of sentience almost instantly, and Im locked out of my wonderland.


    Has this ever happened before? O_o


    Oh and P.S.

    This all happened about a month or 2 after my last tulpa forcing session. Where I told her she could be whatever she wants and I wouldnt stop her. But still, why the sudden sentience? Not that Im complaining :3

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Anyone, guy or girl, that likes the show, and watches it, is a brony. Unless they are in the targeted age, and demographic. Cause thats normal. (According to society) Like has been said before, there are different types of bronies. From closet bronies, to completely obsessed bronies.

  9. I get judged, but most people just dont care. One of my friends pretends to be a hater, but you can tell he really doesnt care :P. My dad thinks its weird, but other than the thought of it, he doesnt care. My extended family is the same as my dad.


    In a nutshell, It hasnt really changed peoples views on me. Prolly cause I was already really weird before ponies :3

  10. Depends on how much money you want to spend. Welovefine has a huge variety, but most shirts cost $25 not including shipping costs. HotTopic doesnt have a ton of pony shirts honestly, but they only cost $20 (At least where I live) and there is often a store near by meaning that you dont have to pay for shipping.


    Just to recap,

    If your ok to spend $30+ for a shirt, go with Welovefine. All the way.

    If you would rather just spend about $20 for a shirt, HotTopic for sure.


    Hope this helped :D


    P.S. I forgot to mention, HotTopic actually gets their pony shirts from welovefine. So your getting the same quality, just not the same variety.

  11. Cool beans! You must have a lot of those. They're pretty cool. I especially like the scootaloo one. My younger sister has a ton of these figures. However, I don't have any. I just don't get into g3 mlp as I do g4 fim if you know what I mean. ;)

  12. I didn't follow the news about this, I new there was a comic coming soon but I had no idea when it would be released and what it would be about, so what's the story about? I don't mind spoilers myself but a rough idea of the plot would be nice.

    Ok. I shall give a little summary. I don't have much time ATM, so it wil be really quick.DON'T CLICK IF YOU DON'T LIKE SPOIKERS

    Basically, it's about queen chrysalis coming back, but this time she comes to ponyville. She starts replacing ponies with changelings, and then she gets the CMC. That's when the mane 6 decide they have to do something about it. So they set out to save the CMC and stop chrysalis. That's the whole comic issue. The other issues aren't out yet.

    If any of you have already read it and find some errors with my summary, please feel free to correct me. I wrote this all from memory.

  13. I've read it. Couldn't wait for it to come, so I got the digital version :3 Anyways, it's awesome. That's really all I need to say. Plus, I'm not very good at reviewing comic books. I'm not gonna spoil anything, but its got some funny parts (at least I thought so) It also has a huge cliffhanger at the end of course. You have to wait for issue 2 to be released. Can't wait for that :3

  14. He is a brony if he calls himself a brony.


    He doesn't have to have seen any of season 3 yet in order to still retain his brony "title."


    It's not even a big deal. He can watch the show on his own time. He probably has better things to do, or at least things that are better for him in his mind.


    Don't worry about it. Your friend likes what he likes. His interest in MLP just isn't as big as yours.


    That seems like the perfect answer, except for one thing. Your first statement about how I'd he calls himself a brony, he is a brony. Are you saying that pretty much anyone that hears the word could call themselves a brony without even knowing anything about the show? Like if they just wanted attention or something? Thanks


    I would say yes. Also, why do you care if he likes the show or not? And how do you know if he has time to watch season 3? (I've only gotten around to watching the first 2 episodes, after I kept getting harassed on a different forum to do so.)


    Those are just some things I'm wondering.


    Also you don't need to continuesly rewatch episodes to be a brony...


    I think I covered everything (failed to put it together in a nice smooth paragraph) but yeah...


    I care because if he doesn't like ponies, than I don't want to annoy him by talking about them a ton. An I know he's had plenty of time because me and him are close friends. He's currently playing mincecraft, and has been playing Dota 2 a ton today :P


    I agree with Rarity. There really is no checklist you must complete to be a Brony, BUT I will say, it could be maybe he has lost interest and doesn't know how to tell you out of fear you won't understand.


    Best thing to do here is respect his choice in watching or not watching. You just keep on doing what you do, invite him to watch if he wants, but don't make it seem likes your friendship hangs in the balance. Friends should be able to be themselves, even if we lose a part of them.


    But worry not.....he may just need a break. Some ponies get lazy. ;)


    Never thought it could be out of fear... Huh.


    Yeah I will respect his choice. It's just plain annoying when people don't :P



    Thank you all for your replies! It really does help. :)



    Man it takes a while to type out all this on an iPhone. :3

  15. This has been bothering me for a while, you see, my friend has seen season 1 and 2, and claims to be a brony, although he never watches it at all anymore :/ he hasn't seen one episode of season 3, or rewatched any episodes. even though he has had plenty of time to do so. Is he still a brony? I keep telling myself he is, but he never wants to watch it anymore. The deffinition of brony is one who enjoys watching mlp right? So is he still a brony? Sorry if this is a stupid question or anything like that. This has just been bugging me for a while.

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