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Posts posted by Indigo

  1. *sheds a single tear*








    Spike is just...amazing. Secret of my Excess is probably in my top three of favourites. Plus, he gets one of the few canon shippings a la, RariSpike, and he's just generally very relatable, and in my opinion, one of the most interesting characters in the show.


    And this episode...just...I was just WAITING for a real adventure-add-to-the-canon episode too! This episode is PERFECT on TWO LEVELS!


    And oh God I lol'd so hard at the "Crackle's cousin" remark. Perfect joke, just...perfect.


    And the soundtrack...I squee'd so bucking hard when I heard the guitar riffs. Dragons being metal is now canon.


    Though something interesting about this episode...Rarity and Spike seem...closer. In fact, Rarity seems VERY active about protecting Spike, and is giving him a pet name and is constantly complimenting him. Not only is this development from Secret of my Excess...but...maybe it's...something more? Call me a shipper and explain that it was much more Mother-childy but...the community will be having fun with this one.


    Oh, and lol, assertive Fluttershy. Development from THAT episode, yet NOT development from Dragonshy oddly.


    And this episode shocked me with its Outcompetes-most-of-the-series-ness so much considering the last episode was a train wreck.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Probably Sweetie Belle.


    Applebloom's talent is a little more obscure (construction/arts and crafts) so it make take her a while. As for Scootaloo, she'd maybe be too stubborn to accept the Scooter as her talent. But I can see Sweetie Belle realising her thing for singing pretty quickly.


    Though chances are, the CMC won't get their cutie marks in the main show.

    Know what that means?


  3. Posted Image




    This is the result of too much Linkin Park and Skillet during brainstorming.

    • Brohoof 3
  4. Very epic track. I like the Hans Zimmer feel to it, feels a bit Daniel Yount-ish too :3


    My only criticism was that despite the fact it was Daring-Do, there wasn't much John Williams imitation. But pffft, that's a stupid criticism anyway.

  5. (video skips to scene when played)



    I always cry at this, always. Hell I'm crying right now after finding this scene again. The loss of all hope. All the friendships built up through the series, lost, and the one who started it all hopeless in the dark. The moment which to be honest, we weren't really sure this story would have a happy ending. The tear, the music, this scene...cannot be rivaled, at all.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. Mincespy speaks the truth.




    Mom: Your room is so messy!

    Me: This isn't a mess, THIS IS ORGANISED CHAOS!


    Best Friend: You need to bust a move man, get a girlfriend.

    Me: Disregard females, acquire ponies.


    Guy next to me in Physics: Why does your calculator have a rainbow pony on the back of it?

    Me: Ah shit, I'm subconsciously doodling again...


    [Phrases I have started using in life incessantly in recent months]:

    "This...needs to be about 20% cooler."

    *Deep breath in* "Yeeeeey."

    "Eeeyup." (used most often, it really confuses some teachers)

    "Everypony" (Always by accident)

    "Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned <insert finished task in maths>, your faithful student, Daniel Turkington." (the funny looks are so worth it)

    "Disregard x, acquire ponies."



    [Top songs I am found humming or singing]:

    -Giggle at the Ghosties

    -Becoming Popular (Mandopony style)

    -Winter Wrap Up

    -Pinkie's Brew

    -The Heart Carol (Eurobeatbrony style)

    -The Night Before (Not a brony song? What if it's sung in Beatlebrony style?)


    Me: *Doing my Impression of

    (a rather extreme right-wing ex-politican over here in NI, with a hilarious accent.*

    Now, y'may think, I spend most of my time makin' speeches, but I must say, I do enjoy doses of ponies. My favourite character is Applejack, because of her firm conservative beliefs. The assembly is assured, that Jerry Adams is very much a fan of Rainbow Dash. I call veto against this, Applejack, is best pony.


    Guy1: You know, there's not much point to life is there?

    Me: Disregard nihilism, acquire ponies.

    Guy1: ...Ooookaaaay?

    Guy2: He's a brony.

    Guy1: A what?

    Guy2: A guy who watches My Little Pony.

    Me: Damn straight *Brohoofs Guy 2*

    Guy1: I...am not sure what is going on right now.


    Female friend: Why are all men so obsessed with sex?

    Me: *Shrugs* Pffft, disregard masculinity, acquire ponies.

    Female friend: Sounds about right.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. The grittiness makes it look pretty epic, and for a 15 minute doodle it's amazing.


    Oddly enough, it took double the time it took to draw the piece, to photograph it and upload it.

    It was hell trying to position the camera as to give it high exposure (hey, it's 9PM over here, it's dark lol). I ended up putting it on top of a tuner, a USB connector and a box of cat food, and had the picture magneted to a filing cabinet to keep it still xP


    The gritty thing was rather purposeful, considering it's based of a fanfiction I will likely never finish and won't upload unless by some miracle I finish the second chapter.

  8. I think she's alright, but I'd advise a bigger head in the future. And to not upload it upside down of course...xP


    If you want to learn how to draw ponies like in the show, do a lot of tracing until you can draw a basic pony template off heart. Works for me.


    As for colour, something between black and yellow. Black goes with everything, and firey colours go well with the red mane.

    Cutie mark? Not a decision I'd like to make.

  9. No Over a Barrel? The best episode by miles?

    Posted Image


    Secret Of My Excess then.

    To be honest Spike-centric episodes (eg. A Dog And Pony Show) are amazing due to the complexity of his character, his comic relief, his skill for observation, and of course, his crush on Rarity; which brings a whole new dimension of romance to the show. I sorta feel bad admitting it for some reason but I love Spike xD

    • Brohoof 1
  10. "Dear Princess Celestia, I wanted to share my thoughts with you. *Eh hem*

    I didn't learn ANYTHING! I was right all along!"


    Episode was worth that quote xD


    To be honest this episode wasn't memorable in that it wasn't very adventurous, didn't have much emotional impact, song was a little lame, and honestly it seemed a little crazy that everypony was so crazy over alcohol.


    Like I already knew Pinkie Pie would be addicted to several different substances at once (not all legal), but the ENTIRE of Ponyville crazy over cider? Fluttershy too? I always imaged Fluttershy as hitting the floor after a sip of lager, and I always assumed Rainbow Dash lived on a diet of pure protein shakes. And lol, Twilight drinking? Isn't she a bit...bookish for that? And Rarity is awfully classy for cider, I could understand her drinking (she does have mental breakdowns all the time after all) but I was thinking more along the lines of whiskey and wine.


    But it was a very funny episode, and Pinkie Pie cried. I always count that as a +1 since Pinkie crying is one of the few things that make me laugh and cry at the same time.


    At least now we know what Doctor Whooves does for a living xD

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