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Posts posted by Fluttashy

  1. Best way to make new friends: roleplays.


    Even if it is a simple Slice of Life RP, the conversations generated in the OOC can help you open up to talking to new people. Or just welcome people in the Welcoming Mat. Chances are they're just like you and looking for a friend!


    Oh, I also call being everyone who has posted in this thread's best friend ever. EVER.

    I would love to join the role plays, but I have no idea where to start. I have my own OC, but the board kind of confuses me. Do I make a profile and join a random storyline?

  2. I agree with letting the bond form naturally but it just hasn't happened yet. I made this thread so I could get to know some people. I want us to talk about well the fandom and whatever else we feel the need to. I have a lot of anxiety when it comes to talking to people. If I were a pony I would literally turn into fluttershy. We're so much alike it's scary >.>

  3. I have been on this site around nine months I guess and haven't formed any real bonds I guess with many of the members. I'm trying to be more active, but I'm really kind of shy. It's hard for me to start up conversations and make friends so to speak? I'm not trying to sound desperate. I just wish I had more friends in the fandom! >.> I'm a really nice person I'd like to think but these things just tend to be very awkward for me. I hope you'll understand.

    • Brohoof 9
  4. I'm twenty four years old, and ill be twenty five this year... I don't act like a twenty four year old though! I wanna be ten forever! Lol seriously though I still have my awesome imagination and I love cartoons.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. I think a lot of people just want to have something to overreact about. They like to stir up drama and such, but I hate to tell you but Hasbro knows what their doing! Lauren Faust has made this show a big hit with her amazing story lines and character development. I'm not afraid to say that if you want to be immature and leave the fandom because heaven forbid something didn't go your way! They're not paying you to create their grow show and make it a success because they already have someone who does that! People need to get their heads out of their ass and enjoy the journey. MLP still has many good years ahead of it I believe, and you can sit and pout all you want but it was made for little girls!

  6. I usually don't post on this forum, but I wrote a Drabble for a commissions shop I opened on my own MLP forum where users trade me for coins in return for story requests. I'm not new to writing fan fiction by any means, but I am new to MLP fan fiction. I thought I would post my first MLP written creation. It isn't much but here it goes!


    Title: Apple Mac


    Rating: K


    Word Count: 482


    Character(s): The Apple Family



    Apple Mac




    “What in tarnation is this contraption?” Granny Smith accused the big white box sitting on the front porch.



    “Let’s open it granny!” Apple Bloom chirped as she tugged at the ends of the box with her teeth.



    “What are ya’ll yapping about down here?” Applejack boomed as she walked into the living room. She blinked noticing the white box sitting on her front porch. She gave Apple Bloom a questioning look who abruptly stopped chewing on the box.



    “What have you got there?” she gave both Granny and her little sister questioning looks.



    “Well sis Granny was just wondering what in the world could be in this big box…Did you order something?” Apple Bloom countered trotting around the box.



    “No I sure didn’t but lets open it and see what’s in it.” she continued as she ripped out the box and pulled out the large bubble wrapped case.



    “Help me with this will ya bloom?” Applejack requested as they both tore into the bubble wrap while Granny Smith just looked at them even more dumbfounded.



    “It’s got a big half eaten apple on the top of it.” Apple bloom noted.



    “What in the hay would I have any use for a half eaten apple for?” Applejack snarled her nose in disgust pushing the contraption away with her hoof.



    “It came!” a voice squealed from the top of the stairs causing all three to look at the big work horse now giggling excitedly as he tromped down the stairs.



    “Um Big Mac what are you doing?” Applejack questioned cocking a brow.



    “My computer came, and I’m going to hook it up.” Big Mac stated retrieving the parcel and carrying it into the living room.



    “I’ve never seen you this excited since Apple Buck season.” Apple Bloom blinked following her siblings into the next room.



    “Well this here is an Mac computer made by Apple. I figured it was the best since it was a company called Apple since were the Apple family-” but Applejack cut him off, “Get to the point Big Macintosh.”



    “ Eeyup I just love Apple products!” he grinned.



    “Yeah well you play with that weird contraption there, and I’m going to go back to picking real apples.” Applejack chided as the trio questionably left their older brother to his gadgets. She was going to have to talk to Twilight about giving her brother her old magazines to look at. She had a feeling there wouldn’t be much apple bucking going on since Big Mac had discovered the thrills of technology. If only there was an app for bucking apples. She would be checking her ipad she hid under her mattress later, but she couldn’t let anyone know that she was a little tech savvy herself.

  7. - I love my strong devout faith in God.


    -I love my ability to write stuff off the top of my head.


    - I love my ability to discover that no matter how old I get I still have an awesome imagination that I didn't allow society to steal from me.


    -I love being introverted and not being involved in everyone's business! My life is fairly drama free.


    -I love the fact I'm very empathetic and an awesome friend!

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I am looking forward to Equestria Girls merchandise! I wanna snag me up a pinkie pie and fluttershy doll, and I kind of hope they make them like monster high dolls. I just hope Hasbro makes them look good since some of their merchandise has been lacking.

  9. I like alternate universes and this actually sounds pretty cool for EG. I don't understand why it always gets so much hate. I think it will turn out awesome and all this ponies just need to get their panties out of a wad. It's a show! It's not like there going to be ruining your life!

    • Brohoof 3
  10. I use my FB to stay in touch with family and friends but sometimes it can become a battleground filled with drama and BS. It's also being used to campaign people's agendas too much. I get so sick of all the political crap I see on there all the time and all the pointless pages begging for likes by posting pictures of sick children. Facebook wasn't half bad in the beginning but has went down hill fast. I will sometimes deactivate mine for periods of time if I get tired of it.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. I can't wait to just not have to work in the school system all summer and focus on finding a teaching job. I can't wait to work on some summer projects I have in mind. I also want to get my MlP forum to become more active.

  12. I feel like the mane 6 shouldn't be in relationships because it would take away from the show. There all also apparently teens, and I think Rarity is too focused on her dream of being a famous fashion designer and a boyfriend might just hold her back. I could always see her dating fancy pants though.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. The rarity plush from funrise doesn't look that bad. I think it actually suits rarity over some of the other characters. I only have twilight in those plushes, and I will probably just wait until aurora releases their versions.

  14. The box looks really good! I just think the price was a little much though... I also preordered mine, but I live close to the hot topic headquarters so my stuff usually comes pretty fast. The lack of season one cards is kind of disappointing because they don't tell you how many you're getting. I got some holos though of AJ and Pinkie Pie. I just think they should have put season 2 cards in there.

    • Brohoof 1
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