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Posts posted by TheFabulousPony

  1. Aaaaw far out man... I would be so happy to have land like that. Like even if I was living in a tent... I would be so happy haha (well... providing the nights are cool to like... freezing haha and the days aren't humid like where I am haha). 


  2. Well my favorite Legend of Zelda game is Ocarina of Time... by far. I adore it, it is my favorite game (out of all games). Here is my top 2 (they change depending on how I am feeling etc obviously)

    Kokiri Forest: LoZ:OoT

    Title Theme: LoZ:OoT



    • Brohoof 1
  3. I am not a fan of cars really... I know pretty much nothing about them, I don't like racing or talking about them really. But for some reason I have a love for one car

    A 1986 Series III Jaguar Sovereign V12 



    • Brohoof 1
  4. alright I have been playing it again about 3 days now, I must admit it is better than I remember lol It is still glitchy though, I certainly don't like allot of things about it and still consider Fallout 3 to be the crowned jewel haha But it is quite a good game (otherwise I would have given up by now). I am going to continue playing to the end I think, keepin' y'all updated.

  5. Okey-dokey. I have officially started a new game of Fallout: New Vegas. I haven't played it since release date.. So far its okay lol. I will play through some tomorrow after work and post how it is going haha :P

  6. I strongly suggest getting Broken Steel for Fallout 3. It lets you carry on after the main story, also adding alot more items and enemies. ^-^

    Aaaaaw sweet as haha I will be getting all of the DLC's for both games. Broken Steel sounds wicked cool though for sure. haha It annoyed me greatly how Fallout 3 ended like that lol Glad they put that in then lol

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I can see what you mean. NV is only better if you have all of the DLC's though. Fallout 3 doesn't need any DLC's to make it good. I'd say they are both brilliant games, its just the storyline for NV that got me.

    I see. I will download the DLC's for it when I start again also, see if that makes it better for me :P haha

    I haven't even got the DLC for Fallout 3 yet now I think about it.. far out haha

  8. I disagree with you. I prefered NV over 3 as you could Mod weapons and it wasn't so compacted. There wasn't one fix for the main storyline, but instead you had a different choices to make for it. Also I've never had a glitch for NV, and 3 is pretty buggy for me. =/

    Hmmm interesting. Well I am going to try do Fallout: New Vegas again... maybe my opinion will change. It will never be as good as Fallout 3 for me though :P

  9. I loved New Vegas. True, it wasn't as good as Fallout 3, but for me, that was mainly because of the whole western thing and the lack of the Brotherhood of Steel outside of that bunker. 

    I preferred the more advanced and technological theme that Fallout 3 had. Oh, and better music in my opinion.


    But still, New Vegas was a solid game. The story was much better, and Old World Blues is the best Fallout DLC imo.

    The music and the whole feel of Fallout 3 was amazing haha I didn't feel it in New Vegas, which disappointed me / : But it was still a good game.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. >No glitches in Fallout 3

    >Crap ton of glitches in Fallout New vegas.






    On a side note: Your avatar looks like something "wrong" is going on...

    Hahaha yeah, I thought that a few times XD

    As for the glitches: It is rather odd I thought. Like seriously cant remember the last time Fallout 3 glitched out on me. As for New Vegas, I would say it was about 20-30 minuets between glitches generally.


    (I lie, I do remember one glitch in Fallout 3, it fixed itself eventually though. It was while I was using V.A.T.S)

  11. Well I have veronica randomly appearing out of nowhere at random places to say hi despite that I told her to stay where she was.

    And now I fear that she wants to take my soul for activating the self-destruct sequence in the Brotherhood of steel bunker because they posed a thread to Caesars legion.

    It's the only bug I've found that makes me fear for my life....

    Haha thats not so bad I suppose tongue.png I got countless ones from new vegas. And from memory have not gotten a single glitch from Fallout 3 what so ever haha crazy



  12. Considering it is the first fall out game I played (Come at me brah), then I can't see why you would dislike it that much seeing as how I never played f3.

    The story is great, The game is a challenge rather than torture, I actually care about the characters and sides I choose. And the glitches are hardly noticeable. One of my favorite things to,(oddly) is to just turn everything down and listen to the radio as I trek the mojave desert. And that's saying something considering my musical interests.

    Aaaaaaw you havent play Fallout 3?? You must! haha its brilliant. I wander the wasteland listing to the Radio :P

    I swear I must be the only one who had tons of glitches by the sound of it haha :P

  13. The entire Fallout series as a whole is epic. Fallout3/NV gave us a 3D world where's 1 and 2 + Tactics gave us memories atleast it did me..oh man I remember spending 8-10 maps out running deathclaws and the only real way you could kill it was with a nuke.

    I agree that the Fallout series is amazing, for sure haha. I just think that if a bit more... I dunno... not so much effort I dont think... it was just missing something (to me). Still a great game, it just fell short for me haha


    I actually really like Fallout: New Vegas.  It improved upon some things from Fallout 3, which was pretty much as phenomenal a game as one could get, the location was interesting and starkly contrasted the Capitol Wasteland from FO3, the downloadable content was really interesting and far more connected to each other than any of the DLC for FO3, and overall the game stood on its own.


    That said, I do think it was rushed through production compared to FO3; much glitchier than the former game, and while most of them were just annoying or amusing glitches, a few could be infuriating.  The one that stands out most for me in particular was that I was unable to recruit Cassie on account of a completely convoluted glitch that revolved around completing a certain quest 20 game hours prior to attempting the quest where I'd receive Cassie as a party member.  THAT did really tick me off.  All in all though, like I said earlier, I liked Fallout: New Vegas as a whole.

    The glitches were awful for me lol I couldn't go more than 20 minuets without some damned glitch messing everything up for me lol Especially if I hadn't saved.


  14. If you don't listen to the radio 24/7, don't have all the DLCs and autosave on, and save manually in a new spot every 20 or so minutes, it's not that bad. DLCs made up for the less than touching (though I fell in love with Veronica Santangelo) storyline, and it's pretty interesting playing through with different alliances and what not. Not to mention all the mods and the 7 or 8 different unarmed attacks (ranger takedown was fun) but I can see why you didn't like it as much. It's hard to enjoy towards the beginning unless you've already played through it.

    Yeah, there were a couple of things I didn't mind about the game and was glad to see in it. But overall it was so bloody bad haha. I hope Fallout 4 is good.. I will be so dead inside if it isnt haha

  15. Am I the only one who thought the Fallout: New Vegas was totally crap? Like far out... I am a huge Fallout 3 fan. I was seriously pumped for F:NV, I got it and was sooo completely disappointed. 

    A good description: Haven't seen a bigger f*** up since Gallipoli, mate.



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