Slowly, a small, black pegasus had walked towards the dirt trail that was leading to the entrance of the camp, with nothing but a small bag on her back. Her faded, long yellow mane was getting right into her eyes, which were hiding up a scared, depressed expression in her face. And she really didn't know what else to do... She sat down at the farthest part of the dirt trail, but not far enough to where she would be forgotten...
She took her bag off of her back, opening it up to reveal two items: a near-torn, crusty yellow notebook, and a small teddy bear that she had since her 6th birthday. The notebook had said "Diary of Sorrow Melodies". She took it out, and flipped through the pages to find an old letter that she had written before, but was ripped up and sighed. Then she closed the notebook and put it back into her bag, simply waiting for her to be escorted inside the campsite.