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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by xremeidiot

  1. Hey guys! It's been a while since I've posted anything. I was wondering if you guys would be willing to point out some areas that need editing before I post it to fimfiction.com. Much appreciated. Chapter 1 "Connor, Katy, could you come up here please?" The woman upstairs said with a calm voice and sunken eyes. The young teens below put their crumb filled plates on the worn wood table and obeyed. One was a dirty blonde male, and the other was a longer haired girl of the same size. "Yes?" the boy said. "Come in here a minute, we need to talk." their mother said in a slightly more choked up voice. The shower in the bathroom nearby had been recently used and the door was left open, letting out a hot, wet cloud of steam that filled the room. A man of the the woman's age sat at the other end of the room, working on a computer. His eyes didn't even tear away from the screen when the children entered. "Okay guys, sit down." the mother said to the two teens. Katy did as she was told, but Connor moved to the bed and took his seat more slowly. "Me, Dad, and your other parents have been talking. Connor, hon, your grades are really worrying us." Connor started scratching an invisible spot on his hand. "You also need a good support system for your Autism, and we just can't give you that here." The inside of his throat began tightening. He nodded casually, not knowing what to say; as if he could say anything. "That's why I think it would be best if you two moved to Oregon with your dad." With that, Connor's heart stopped and his pupils shrunk. There was a pause, as if he were waiting to jerk up in his bed; his gratitude for what he had renewed. "But- No, I can do better!" Connor said. "It's not you, it's here. You need more structure, more assistance." their mother wiped her eye as she spoke. There was more silence, with a little sniffling from their mother. Connor looked down at his scratched up, reddened hands and sighed. "So, we're both going?" Katy said. "Yes! Because you're both supposed to look after each other!" Katy shifted her gaze down. "Sorry. It's just-" their mother silently sobbed. "You guys..." They all pulled in for a hug as the distraught woman continued crying. ... "Is it true? I'm just staying for a year or two at most, right?" Connor said into the phone. "No honey, you're gonna stay there for the rest of high school. I'm sorry." his mother responded. He wiped his eyes and put his hand to his head. "I love you. You'll get to visit soon, okay?" his mother said "...Okay. Love you." "Love you too honey." And with that, she hung up. Connor sat on his bed for a little while before heading back to the living room. His biological father stood waiting. "Sorry Connor." The boy didn't aknowledge this and just put the phone back. He took an extra long shower that night, and came out with red eyes. ... 5...4...3...2...1 The bell finally rang, and the students couldn't get to their rides fast enough. Connor found his bus and joined his sister in the seat. "So, how'd you like your first year of high school?" he said. "Mr. Shephard's class was hard!" Katy said. "Hey, at least he gives awards. What'd you get, again?" "'Hardest worker.'" "Nice." "How does it feel to be halfway through high school?" Katy said. Connor chuckled. "Don't tell Mom, she'll have a breakdown." he said. ... Connor jumped spread eagle onto his bed and turned on his tv. He put Airplane! into the DVD player and pressed play. "Captain, how soon can you land this plane? I can't say. You can tell me, I'm a doctor. No I mean I don't know. Can't you take a guess? Well, not for another two hours. ...You can't take a guess for another two hours?" Connor said to himself while manuevering the menu. "Connor, are you talking to yourself again?" his adopted brother said in exasperation. "Nope." Connor took out his phone and dialed his favorite contact. "Hello?" "Hello!" he said "Hi boo! How are you?" "Pretty good. Just wanted to say hi since the school year's over." "Aw thanks honey. So, how's life over there? They ruling with an iron fist?" his mother said. "Ha, no. I still miss being there, though." "I know, hon. Well just hang in there, okay? You'll be here in a couple weeks. And for a whole month, too! That's gonna be fun." "Yep. Well, I'll see you then. Love you." "Love you more." Connor smiled as he hung up. She always said that, and if Connor tried saying he loved her more, she would never stop. So he learned to let her say it without argument. As the previews continued, Connor looked out at the clouds and thought of what they looked like. One reminded him of a plane, and another looked like someone's profile. Then he saw one that looked like a wispy ring. "That's weird, how is that even possible?" ... The tree gave a shake as its fruits fell perfectly into the baskets below. Applejack the earth pony then harnessed two of them to her sides, and held one in her mouth. She started walking through a colossal maze of apple trees to get back to the farm. She would do this all year besides winter, and it never got old. Luckily, she still had plenty of free time to hang out with friends. She brought the baskets into the barn, and came out with a contented sigh. The only light now was the stark contrast of the moon against the dark blue sky. Her home was nearby, which probably already held her three family members in their beds. This was the cycle, and AJ was quite happy with it. Buck apples, sell them, hang out with a couple of friends and repeat. Of course, she was also fairly adaptable to changes. AN: Alright, what'd ya think? Anything need to go? Something need to be added in?
  2. Switchblade Kiss Comes Close from Wet. I can't stop listening to it. Why can't I find it on iTunes? I bought something with the same name and, well, it was pretty different.
  3. This observation is dead on to me. If I had to pick three of the Mane Six I'm most like, it'd be Twilight, Flutters, and as the song goes, I'm kind of a Rarity. This is relative because I'm an Aspie as well.
  4. xremeidiot

    Break Report

    While it was full of fun, it was also full of bummers. My brother's girlfiend has dumped him, my best friend is gonna be gone by summer, and my grandmother is no longer with us. Oh well, it's not like I"ll let all that get to me. It is pretty depressing though.
  5. Black Betty She's lost control Inside out 20 percent cooler Live and learn Ain't no rest for the wicked ...To be loved Fly One week Iris There's no way I can say which one I listen to the most.
  6. xremeidiot

    Spring Break

    It's here! Spring break is here! And that means I head to good ol' Cali-forn-I-A today! That is, after my dentist appointment. But whatever. Anyway, hope you guys all have as awesome a spring break as I plan to.
  7. Going to a job fair today! Is there a "slow down" button on this life thing?

  8. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Here's what's going on with me. I'm making a new fanfiction, much better than my other two. If someone would like to help with it, and didn't care about spoilers, that'd be great. Please please please!
  9. xremeidiot


    I just started watching gameplay for Wet. Wow. EVERYTHING about that game is so badass! You should check it out if you haven't already.
  10. I don't know why, but I'm just feeling chipper this afternoon. Maybe it has to do with the Aspergers Game Night I'm going to tonight, maybe it's because I have 26 brohoofs, maybe it's because my warning points have been forgiven, or maybe it's because of the amount of posts I have.
  11. I just can't seem to think of anything to contribute. Maybe you guys could suggest another character for me to make in Spore?

  12. Okay here he is. Sorry it's a link, but it's the best I can do right now. http://www.spore.com/view/postcard/500898147116 Please let me know what you think, as that would be much appreciated. Sorry again for making you do more work.
  13. http://www.spore.com/view/postcard/500897389073
  14. So far Spike hasn't gotten good reviews. Is it really that bad? I mean it's not like I was using an actual graphic design tool. I was kinda limited... Whoops! I misunderstood COMPLETELY. God, I feel like a jerk. I'm going to get a picture posted of him as soon as I can. THAT was the problem
  15. xremeidiot

    Sporified Spike

    Wait, wait, OH you wanted a pic of the creature! Ok, um, I'll see if I can.
  16. xremeidiot

    Sporified Spike

    Sorry guys, I tried. Guess I should just stick to being original.
  17. Good point. I'll get on that tonight before I get too hooked on Minecraft. Not sure how I'll pull off the mouth but I'll give it my all. Maybe I'll give him a scientific name, too! Okie-dokie-loki! It's finished, and it turned out pretty okay. i also gave him a scientific name in the description. Just look for spike, small, purple, dragon, carnivore, and make sure the author's yours truly. Let me know what you think.
  18. I have made Spike in Spore! Without the creepy and cute pack. It turned out better than I expected it would, but I don't know if that's saying much. Some tags include MLP, small, cuddly, purple, and dragon.
  19. I imagine you would need the creepy and cute pack to make a decent MLP character. I can sure as peas try, though! Who do you think I should make?
  20. Dang, those are pretty cool. I'm not really good at outfitting creatures, but they come out okay, I guess. Hey, is the exoskeleton limbs supposed to update automatically or do I need to do something to get it?
  21. I wish I had Galactic Adventures SO much. Anyway, I have an idea. You guys give me a phylum, order, class, family, etc. from the wikia, and I'll make one specially tailored to your instructions. I don't have creepy and cute, just so you know.
  22. I just found out how awesome the Spore wikia is. You can log on, post your creature, and give it any details you want that couldn't fit in the description. Plus they have a HUGE taxonomy classification system. This is the place for mature spore players like us, so go check it out, see what you think.
  23. It is quite a game, is it not? Sure there are plenty of things that they could have done different to make it better. Like every new creature is born from a meteor? There's lots of other ways. But if you play it right, it can be kinda realistic. Every new generation only change the spine by one extra or less vertebra if you want, change color gradually, and keep the positions of parts relatively the same. On a different note, why don't people give their creatures decent names? At least use the randomizer instead of naming your hideous mish-mash of an amorphous blob and piled-on parts Dave. Am I right?
  24. Here's a thread for talking about Spore! Give suggestions for interesting creations, tell people your favorite creatures, whatever! This is the place for Spore loving bronies across the spiral galaxy!
  25. Hello! Well well well, first time I visit the new members forum in weeks and I find one that's 23 minutes old with NO views. Huh. Allow me to be your Pinkie, and welcome you first!
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