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Everything posted by TheLoyalBrony

  1. Well up until recently it was running my livestream show that I host hehe. But I seem to have gotten my motivation back. Though there is that Comp Sci assignment I should be working on... Meh, I'll do it later XD.
  2. Alright, it has been a long time since I last updated this thread but that is about to change. For anyone who reads this, I want to announce that My Little Reviews is now in need of a new Fan Fiction reviewer. Our previous reviewer TailsIsNotAlone has unfortunately had to resign due to his new work schedule conflicting with the show and he will be missed very dearly by the team and I. As a result we now need a new reviewer and are now accepting new applicants to fulfill his previous role. Since the thread itself is outdated on what we do in the show itself, I will update that now. As stated before our show is a weekly livestream in which we review the categories of fan fiction, animations, and music (though other categories find their way in on the occasion) all made by artists in the fandom. There are a total of three for each of these so that equates to 9 reviews overall each episode. After this we have an interview with a special guest who has made something of the sorts in the fandom. On top of all of this we have a discussion topic on stuff that is related to the bronies or MLP itself to get things started up and more. Here is a list of all the guests we have interviewed already since our start in mid October 2012: Hirosashii, dBPony, Chaotic Harmony, M_Pallante, RavensDagger, Odyssey Eurobeat, ElectroKaplosion, WandererD, Aftermath, DarkWing, Jastrian, MyLittleBr0ny, Cap'n Chyrssalid, Megaphoric, LittleshyFIM, Steven A.D., LadyPixelHeart, CoffeeGrunt, Gravekeeper, and Circuitfry. Now to clarify again, the show happens every Saturday from 8PM to about 10PM EST. The role of Fan Fiction reviewer requires you to find three fan fics each week that you would wish to review and must provide constructive criticism. That means you must offer something to the writer that will help them improve and not something that puts them down instead. The team and I are very flexible with what you choose to review but we ask that when you do it is not focused on one writer (unless they are being interviewed on the show that week) and that they aren't a repeated category every week. I.e. shipping of the same characters, or similar plot lines. This does not mean you can't do a story of such criteria's ever again, we just ask that it be broken up if possible each week. Also these fics MUST be kept PG to PG-13 with strict limitations as we wish to appeal to something everyone of all ages can enjoy. This means no fics with sexual content, grimdark/gore, racism, excessive cursing, etc. For more info please see the original post where I have For backup panelists for music, animation, and fan fiction listed. That pretty much covers most of what this role requires. So if you feel you are up to the task and would like to take part of helping my team and I with our show we would very much appreciate it. To apply please fill out an application that explains why you want to join, what qualifications you have for reviewing fan fiction, and why we should choose you. I ask that you please send in your application to me via PM here on MLPForums and you can notify me of your submission directly on this thread if you wish. Please keep in mind that we ask you have a reasonably flexible schedule so we can contact you easily in case we need you and that you will be mature when the show is live. Other than that, I sincerely thank you all for taking the time to read this and hopefully fill out an application for the role. Have a nice day everyone!
  3. I don't think fall is an appropriate time to assume it's rebirth Tails XD. I'm estimating for summer - late summer. Yeah it may be a little too optimistic but a man can dream can't he?
  4. Good luck man, I'll be with you through it all. Oh and yeah I better go poke some fun at those doomsayers too hehe.
  5. Hahaha yep so true. Btw if anyone believes in that reddit post that has started a rumor on My Little Brony well I checked it out. The post is by a new user from 12 days ago, it's his first post, it's unverified. Seems legit....
  6. Yeah sure no problem. I'll post the link in the chat before we get down to the reviews. We are actually interviewing M_Pallante tonight for anyone who is interested as well.
  7. I'll mention this on my show tonight. It'll be livestreamed at 8 PM EST. Here is the channel, http://www.livestream.com/theloyalbrony Hope this will help you get more word spread around
  8. Okay well I can say that I would be glad to help. Just know that I won't be able to dedicate too much time into working on this. At least not right now due to some things I have to take care of and because I run a show. So if you feel that is okay then I will help.
  9. Hmm interesting. Well I do have experience coding, the thing is I need to know what language this will be coded in. I know Java, C#, and VB. Let me know if I have the skills you need. Thanks!
  10. Join the club bro :/ Well except for the wacking off part. Listen if your mom is going to think that then that is really fucked up. Seriously tell her that if she believes that then it is pitiful that she would think that about her own son. Same goes for your brother although he might not believe you as easily. Another option is to laugh it off and just move on, forget about it, etc. although if they keep nailing you on it then you may want to bring up the point above. Just sayin'
  11. Rainbow Dash: "Yes, it's all true." Well I have decided I will start making more wood burnings that you guys can buy at a reasonable price. (I have no choice to put a price on these because they take a considerable amount of time to make and the wood costs about 15$ on a good deal and that is just for one piece.) It will be general drawings of the characters from MLP, I will take commissions but those will cost more and I will need an image of what I am drawing. What I need to know before I do any of this is copyright. I am unsure if I can sell these woodburnings if I use images from the show (Which I do). If I can't then the quality of their appearance may go down, depending on how well I can draw them. If I can then that makes it 10x better and easier. So if anyone knows the answer to this I would greatly appreciate the information. Thank you!
  12. We still need positions to be filled everyone, in fact I will be in need of another back up animation reviewer because our main one found out he can't do his part anymore so now our new backup is filling in that spot and therefore we need another backup. My team and I would really appreciate it if someone could help us because we hope to get this going and would be glad to welcome you into our group if you feel you can. Thanks.
  13. Oh yes, let me also point out that if I feel you can help, I will PM you on this website regarding that. So be sure to check your inbox for my response. Thank you.
  14. Hello everyone! My name is TheLoyalBrony and I am pleased to announce that I am (planning to) starting my new show called My Little Reviews tonight. In this show my staff and I go through fan content ranging from music, animation, and fan fiction and give a review of it. After which we interview a brony who has made the content mentioned above and more. Some of them are well known in our community, even other talented bronies who you may have never even heard of. This is all done live on Saturdays at 8 PM Eastern Standard Time. Now to give you all a better idea on the shows layout we have myself and my friend Akkura who are the hosts and interviewers for the show. Our panelists who do the reviews consist of iSmartMan for music, ExtraExtrapie for fan fiction, and MyLittleAwesome02 for animations. Lastly we have our researchers, these are the guys who dig up the buried treasure of amazing fan content, not just from the well known bronies but those who are just getting started and have already made amazing pieces of work. I would now like to say that I am looking for more people to fill in some roles that need filling. I need researchers for animation and fan fiction. I also need backups for our reviewers in case they can't make the show that night. If you feel you can offer your help to our show then please read the appropriate section for the position you are interested in. Before you answer, keep in mind that I am looking for someone who feels they can do a great job and is dedicated enough to devote some of their time to the show. For researchers. I am not just looking for someone to pull up every single song by TheLivingTombstone, or every fan fiction written by deviceheretic, and so on. We need to give everyone a fair chance and that requires looking in those secret areas that may contain something incredible that has yet to be discovered. Along with that I am not just asking for you to link me to a video/story. I would need a short excerpt of why you feel it is worth looking at. Here is an example, 10/11/12 Title: If I go back Artist: ElectroKaplosion and Alioopster27 Genre: Alternative/electra Views: 117 Channel: ElectroKaplosion Subs: 2268 Reaction: Definitely one of the better original songs I’ve found. Very well made using a synth back ground and a piano main line. It uses some horns near the beginning and continues using the electronic synths throughout the song. It includes violins during the intro and has a good light percussion line that maintains itself during the whole song. Just a little repetitive. 7.5-8 out of 10 This is an excellent example that was given to me by one of my current researchers for a format of submitting your results. Even this is a little extreme if you ask me but if you feel you can delve deep into the amount of content made by us bronies, find that hidden gold, and give a report about as detailed as the one above. Then I will gladly accept you into the show, please leave a response below detailing why you want to do this and why you would be good at it. For backup panelists for music, animation, and fan fiction. The bar is set a lot higher here since the reviews must be professionally (by that I don't mean legitimate professional work that you would find in newspapers and such) and appropriately. Your opinion is something that must be put aside when reviewing content. By that I mean, if you have an opinion you have to have a reason for it and it must be within reason. Pointing out that you liked this about what you reviewed is okay and negative opinions are okay as long as they have a good reason for them. You may not like a certain genre of a song, or the lack of vectors in an animation, or even the category of a story, but there are others that will. How do you go about doing this? Well a good tip is to compare previous works done by the person who's content you are reviewing, pointing out how a certain tone or section doesn't seem to fit in with the song or how something that they did to it ties it all together, finding a few grammar errors or explaining why this part of the story was great, and pointing out that the lip syncing of a PMV doesn't line up with the vocals or saying why this bit in the animation was very well made. Another great thing to do is look up tips of how to review something properly, go listen to a review done by the staff of EverFree Radio, or even read one published by a professional. Lastly personal experience/knowledge of the field you are reviewing is a great resource and skill to have. My current reviewers have some of that and it has proven useful to how their reviews come out when given. As I said before this is a tough position to grab but if you are willing to show me how you can benefit the show then I will be willing to hear you out and give you a shot. Just leave a post below and I'll look at it. I apologize for such a lengthy post but that is just who I am. If you are still reading this then you are definitely showing dedication already to possibly helping out on the show. This is something that I really hope to make successful and can only do that with your help. You feel you are dedicated enough and have the skills necessary to do just that? Then I would be honored to have you on my crew. You may also even be asking "What will I get out of this?". The answer to that would be a chance to shine in the community, meet bronies who you have always wanted to talk to, get to ask them questions during the interview live, and most importantly, make some friends and have fun! Who are we going to interview? I can't say for certain who it will be in the future but the following people are some who have already agreed to be on the show real soon and what they do. Hirosashii (Music), ElectroKaplosion (Music), TNT9995 (Animation and Meme videos), M_Pallente (Music), Chaotic Harmony (Fan fiction and host of Reading Rainboom on EverFree Radio), dBPony (Music), deloreandudetommy (Remixes), DeiStar (Fan fiction), and last but not least Saberspark and PaleoSteno (Hosts of Brony Breakdown on EverFree Radio and creators of many funny and insightful brony videos on YouTube). So I will finally say thank you for taking the time to read all of this and lastly, show me what you got! P.S. If the show is to go on tonight I will need an animation reviewer ASAP because my main one I just found out is out of town this weekend so please help us out if you can!
  15. I suppose the simplest, yet descriptive answer I can give you is the following. Everything is done right. Literally, everything that goes into making the show is executed to it's advantage. There are a lot of other cartoons out there that could be better but they lack the proper writers, animators, directors, or producers, etc. The amount of devotion and dedication that the staff of this show puts into it is what makes the show amazing and why many of us enjoy it. I love the characters and the stories that are told in each episode, plus my personal reason would be that I feel the world could benefit from the great messages that the show gives. This is a show that we have all come to know and love for one similar reason. It's done right, it's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
  16. I thought I recognized you from somewhere. Met you on steam a few weeks ago. Btw this is V3Slayer

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheLoyalBrony


      Yet I have a normal fic in the works and I have only 9 followers. Go figure XD. Also aren't you 16?

    3. Ashbad


      Yep; I guess I just have a young love for cloppy material.

    4. TheLoyalBrony


      Well actually I shouldn't be surprised I have heard of worse XD, none of my buisness. Anyway glad to make a friend. :)

  17. Hah that is pretty hilarious and quite adorable. (Oh wait that's right my mom says I can't use that word ) Hah like I care about what she says, anyway nice job on the picture!
  18. Aha! I figured it out! Now I know where I have seen you before, you are the author of My Sister, Loyalty! I knew I had seen you somewhere and I was right, you wrote the fic that I enjoyed reading so much. Lol I sound like I just won the lottery.

  19. As what most of you all have been saying I agree with, no pony is really overrated (except for derpy a bit ) Fluttershy is 4th on my list of favorites but that doesn't mean I don't like her, I mean how can you not feel your heart melt during her moments when she is being adorable. So no I don't think Fluttershy is overrated. In fact I can only really argue that we have more characters who are underrated than over. I hate to say it but Applejack is one of these characters. AJ is honestly (lol pun) my least favorite of the mane 6 due to her stubbornness, however her positive traits are what truly define her and I think that we seriously underrate those traits of hers. So all in all we underrate more than we overrate in my eyes.
  20. Wood burning is a form of art called pyrographic's, in it you take an image and trace it onto the wood very carefully (believe me it took me a while to get it that good.) and once the image is imprinted you take a metal tool that is hooked up to a small electric box that heats the metal and you use this tool to carefully char the lines that you traced. After which you have the option to color with wood coloring pencils. When the product is finished you seal it with a valspar clear satin finish to keep it preserved. I did this at a Boy Scout camp where the majority of the staff in that room where bronies as well! Meaning when I was working on this there was brony music playing in the room, it was one heck of a time! I plan to get my own equipment real soon and do more of this.
  21. Here are two wood burning's I did of Rainbow Dash and her cutie mark.
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