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Everything posted by MarkKB

  1. I meant that it's not weird that they have glue - I was pointing out that non-animal glue has been used for millenia by human societies, let alone pony ones. Sorry if that wasn't clear! ^^;
  2. They probably have a sort of faux-leather or leather-like substance.* Now, how they came up with the idea is another story... *(Unless you consider the Rainbow Factory universe to be canon, in which case you could say it's a... byproduct.) [Edit: It's not that weird! People have been using glues derived from tar, plant gum, pitch, bitumen, milk and starch since ancient times. Milk-based glues in particular ramped up in the Middle Ages, and were used in woodworking, furnature manufacturing, and in the construction of early wood-based airplanes. ] Are the fish sentient? If so, they probably did that to avert awkward questions about The Measure Of A Fish and stuff. At the very least it seems to be common enough to have this TV Tropes page about it.
  3. Like others, I've not seen much anime, although the ones I have seen tend to be... quirky in one way or the other. For instance, Kyouran Kazoku Nikki is an anime where the five who are the most likely to be children of a world-destroying god are identified and placed together in a family with a government agent with the intent of convincing whoever is the 'true' child that it's much better to love and cherish than destroy. Yeah. It's fairly rapid-fire wacky/crazy show, if you're into that (I liked it well enough). I don't know how popular it was, but I found To Aru Kagaku no Railgun to be a fairly enjoyable action series (although Kuroko's antics can wear a little thin sometimes.) It's a series where super-powered people called "espers" are trained in the scientific theory behind their powers in order to enhance their abilities, following one in particular who seems to find herself in trouble quite a bit.
  4. Wot, no racing? Yeah, I know, racing games tend to have cheesy stories, if they have them at all. But I'm a big fan of cheese, and besides, the first racing game to really hit a story out of the park will get all the moneys*. * Probably not really In all seriousness, I think you're approaching this in the wrong direction. The best story-based games don't come from a specific genre. Instead, they are the ones where the story lends itself to gameplay - you've got to nail down the gameplay first before you start thinking story details. Questions like - how are you going to interact with the world? What 'attributes' will the characters have? How will they be replenished or buffed? How will enemies or 'risks' interact with you? These help inform your decisions on how to approach the story - you can then ask yourself, what explains these gameplay elements in-universe? I'll point to Bioshock and Portal as two games that exemplify this kind of thinking. Both games begin with the gameplay - plasmids v. "zombies" (splicers) and mechs (Big Daddies) for one, portals v. chasms (toxic pools) and turrets for the other - and work back from there to explain why you are in that position, and why the risks are there. They feel a lot more real because the gameplay has been fully integrated into the fabric of the world. I'm not saying don't have a general idea of a story in mind, but generally, attempting to work a detailed story into a game is hard. Bang out the gameplay early, and let that be the scaffolding for your story. (And really, that's true for any genre.)
  5. Another guy and me were chatting on Tumblr (via the Ask thingy on our askblogs) about how weird the 90s were, and I brought up Legends of the Hidden Temple. He replied that the Crystal Empire episode could basically be condensed into a run through the Temple. Here's what I came up with in response: Someone needs to draw Sombra and Celestia as drinking buddies. Now.
  6. Generally, in real life I find I have a lot less confidence than I do online, even when I'm among friends. In particular, my IRL friends would notice I'm both more jocular and verbose online than face-to-face. But apart from that, no. I am who I am, why should I try and hide that from anyone?
  7. MarkKB

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    ... you're lying. You just don't want to give them to me. I can see it in your mind. Yes, I read minds now. Mind reading is cool. ...hrm, unless this is my own mind that I'm reading? But why wouldn't I want to give myself candied apples and mint ice cream?
  8. I may certainly wish they change the theme song somewhat, if only to take out the repetition of the franchise name, but that's only because I have a strange irrational dislike for theme songs that are perfectly good otherwise but repeat the franchise name at every opportunity. (With the sole exception of TaleSpin and Transformers, but they make that work. ^^) I understand why they do it (brand name recognition and stuff) but that doesn't make it less annoying for me. Speaking aside from my personal preferences in theme music, I doubt it is going to change further - the current mix, as is, is very nice. (Of course, Mr. Ingram may find ways to surprise us. ^^) I do think they'd add some visual elements into the S3 OP, though, as they did with S2 - @PonyHag1's example of Shining Armour and Cadence, or perhaps Luna if she were to take a larger role in the series (as was originally planned).
  9. MarkKB

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Woah, didn't think that would actually work! Perhaps I have latent mind control powers or sommthin'! Hmm... ah, got it! You shall all give me your mint ice cream and candied apples! MWAHAHAHA!
  10. MarkKB

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Oh come on, give me a break, won't you? I haven't been around for a while, give me at least... ten minutes winning time, pretty please?
  11. 9/10! It's Rainbow Dash in a safari hat, and besides, it's a lovely image. ^^
  12. MarkKB

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Fear me, for I have risen out of the depths of lurkerdom to win at this thread once more!
  13. Hiya, welcome to the forums! That sounds a lot like me, actually, with the not posting much because of not having much to say. Still, I try and find ways to be usefully active.
  14. As a fellow kiwi dwelling on the back of this stingray of an island, allow me to extend my welcome! You're basically me three years ago. Well, except for the Pepsi. But nobody's perfect.
  15. Hiya, welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll have a great time here. Could you post a link to that animation? My Google-fu seems to be weak right now, and I'm rather curious. ^^
  16. Hiya! Welcome to the forums, I'm sure you'll love it here! That presentation must have been the second or third pony-related thing I ever saw, and I think it might have been the clincher - to see this passionate fanbase behind this show. And staying active is harder than it looks, take it from me! But one can only do but try!
  17. I'm 21, but I don't really feel it. If you'd ask me how old Jurassic Park was, the first number that leaps into my brain is 'eight years'. ^^; My impression was that the majority of the base online was at least 19, but then my impressions might be skewed by the fanwork creators and BroNYcon attendees (from the EverFree videos of the sessions). It does make sense that the young'uns'd be getting into it as well.
  18. I'm a pretty big fan of worlds that feel like they could be, with a few changes, our own. I'd find it most fascinating to live in either the Star Trek or Portal/Half-Life universes (although admittedly I probably wouldn't find the latter so interesting were I to run into a combine or became headcrabs zombie police officer or something.) Then again, the Avatar: The Last Airbender world is such a fantastically vibrant world that it makes my choice a whole lot harder. Hmm... *goes away to think*
  19. I first encountered MLP:FiM in an article called The End of the Creator-Driven Era, that I think got linked by Diane Duane (a sci-fi and fantasy writer I follow) on Twitter. I didn't really agree with the premise* - if anything I felt 'creator-driven' animation was making a resurgence - and while I did see it mention Lauren Faust, I might have accidentally skimmed over something because I didn't quite realise the link between her and MLP. It was the comments, where a few people were defending some of the shows listed in the article, among them MLP, that made me take a second look. And since the first episode was embedded at the top, I thought I might as well watch it - I'm generally willing to try anything once. And, well, yah. [* Side note - if I recall correctly, Duane didn't agree with it either, and that's what got me curious about the article in the first place.] Woah, NationStates! It's been a really long time since I've encounted that name in a forum. Wonder if I can still recover my old nation that I kept on forgetting about? ^^;
  20. MarkKB

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    And unforunately, it's not you.
  21. Hiya, welcome to the forums! It's so nice to see another Whovian aro- [beat] Oh, right, you guys have already seen the S7 premiere. And we down under don't get it for a month. *glares* I declare thee my mortal enemy from henseforth! Nah, just kidding! Nice to meet you, good mare-in-a-cup! Haha, you sound a lot like me - 15 stories and not one of them done! Although I tend to post as I go, and then rewrite - it allows me to judge audience reaction for certain things, as well as serve as a incentive to get said fics finished so I can start working on the rewrite. (I'm also the kind of guy who likes behind the scenes stuff, so I don't mind my story evolution being on display.) Also, there's the fact that at the time I posted the earlier chapters I thought they were good enough, while now I wouldn't write them if you paid me to. Well, you're in good company, and I'd say that's an achievement - quite a few novels are only 50,000 words (two popular ones being Lord of the Flies and The Great Gatsby) and the average novel is only about twice as long. As such, I think it's pretty safe to say that most anyone's mind would probably implode if they tried to write something 2,000 pages. Unless they used the royal Cantelopian font size tool.
  22. Hajimemashite! Welcome to the forums! That sounds like a great idea! Of course, you might be familiar with , but she seems to be only posting clips and songs so I don't think that counts in your definition of 'serious'. If you can get a sub (or heck, even a dub!) going, that'd be fantastic! And yeah, I think I know what you mean regarding translations. I think a good example of what you might want to achive is the Asterix comic translations, which is well known for its woolseyisms. My only regret would be not being able to understand them!* I did take a Japanese class for two years in high school, so I can understand some basic stuff (Are wa nan desuka? Kore wa majutsu no hon desu!) and I can still recognise hiragana and most katakana, but a lot of the words I can't remember, and even then I had trouble memorising nouns and adjectives (the structures themselves were easy, though I've forgotten most of them now.) Someday, I tell myself, I'll take out my notebooks and at least get some basics down, but I think much of my problem was a lack of reinforcement and I'm not sure I won't run into the same problems. * Properly, of course, rather than from pre-existing context. **Omy, I hope I didn't screw up any of the Japanese here. :S *** You don't know how excited I get when I understand something in an anime without subtitles. I'm like 'Omigosh, I understand that... LIKE A BOSS. *cool shades*', even though it's usually something basic. **; Anyway! As far as I can tell, most people seem to be of the opinion that 'bronies' is a genderless term, much like 'guys' is nowadays. And I'd love to hear some shamisen covers! It's got quite a unique sound, or at least I think so, so that'd be fantastic to hear, methinks. Wrapping up, I hope you enjoy your time here, and good luck with your projects! Ja mata!
  23. Hiya, welcome to the forums! Phew, that's a lot to get through! And another Whovian! Personally I'm a Tennant fan but Matt Smith is just as awesoem. And I love The Holy Grail (Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin!~) Although personally I prefer Daniel Tosh's standup routines to Tosh.0, but it's still an okay show.
  24. Hiya, welcome to the forums! Always nice to see someone from across the Tasman ditch! I'm kind of the opposite with D&D - I suck at that, but I'm fine with normal roleplaying. And I agree - I don't understand it at all. ^^; Don't think it's any weirder than the 'Twilight-went-dinding' one!
  25. Hiya, welcome to the site! There's quite a few reasons Lauren Faust gets all the attention she does, and it's because of shows such as PPG, Fosters and FiM. Glad to see you're a fan!
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