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Blank Flank
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Everything posted by FireGnat

  1. This is one of my first MLP fics I've written, so I hope you enjoy it. It has some strong language in it, so read it at your own discretion. The VT kicked a burning APC aside, bearing down on the Uncle positions, its autocannon roaring as it tore the troops apart. “RPG! RPG!” Said projectile missed the VT by inches. The soldier responsible didn’t get another rocket off, torn in two by autocannon fire. The VT lumbered on; obvious to the volume of small-arms fire it was taking, letting the US troops in its wake take care of enemy foot-mobiles. It came to a halt atop the small hill, steadying itself. Moments later, its main gun roared, sending an AP shell downrange, kneecapping an Uncle VT. Without its left leg, the machine fell over, exploding a moment later. “Whoo-hoo, that’s another one for us, guys!” Chev Lyons cheered, ramming a fresh AP shell in place. “Sarge, you’s one helluva tanker!” Doc cheered from her place as left loader, swapping the empty autocannon magazine for a fresh one. Mapleton wiped her face nervously. “Chief, come on, the mission’s not over yet!” Gwendolyn Williamson reversed, taking the VT back behind the hill, where it was more or less safe. “I know, Zoe, chill it! Chev, what’s our AP stockpile?” The right-side loader did a quick count. “Thirty or so shells left! Our HE is still three-quarters full! Uncle’s really hammerin’ us, eh? I’ve never seen so many veets in a single battle!” As if on cue, the much-dreaded Heavy Vertical Tank chose to make its appearance, cutting down a number of troops who were unlucky enough to be out in the open. “Shit! Load AP!” “AP loaded!” Chev shouted. “Fire!” The armour-piercing shell hurtled, hitting the HVT just above its right leg. “That didn’t do squat!” Chev cried out in dismay. “Again!” Another shell went downrange, but it failed to do anything beyond drawing the HVT’s attention. Gwen snarled, pulling on the gear lever. The gearbox whined for a moment and she thrust the VT forward, sending it towards the enemy machine in rapid leaps. The super-veet had ranged them by now, but missed. As it was, the near miss still made the advancing VT rock on its legs, threatening to trip it. “Fire!” Another shell hurtled forwards, this time rocking the Uncle, making it take step backwards. “Again! Let’s take this son of a bitch down!” The autocannon joined in, spitting a storm of lead towards the enemy HVT. Another AP shell slammed against its hull, but failed to penetrate it. As the machine filled the viewport, Chev sent another shell off, and the world dissolved in light and noise. Strangely enough, the light at the end of the tunnel wasn’t white as most people thought. It was purple. Well, shit. Twilight Sparkle thought of herself as an accomplished mage. After all, she was star student of Princess Celestia. So it irritated her to no end that her teleportation spell hadn’t worked, and Spike still remained upstairs. She went over the spell, replaying it in her mind over and over, trying to come up with a logical solution why it hadn’t worked. She triple-checked the ingredients she’d used, but found nothing. Luckily, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, so she wrote it off to nerves. Spike was still Spike, asking when they’d visit Rarity. She sighed relievedly, happy that nothing had changed, deciding to take a break from the magic studies for the day, at least. The stress was getting to her. “Twilight, can we go and visit Rarity then? We’ve got nothing important to do anyways. We could go out for a picnic! How’s that sound, Twilight?” “Actually, that’s a great idea! You go over to Rarity and see if she’s free. I’ll round up the others and see if they’re available as well. Meet me back here once it’s done.” “You got it, Twilight!” He ran out of the library, leaving her to gather the rest of her friends. She knocked on the door of Sugar Cube Corner, and exactly a second later, the door flew open, presenting the hyperactive pink mare to her. “HiTwilighthowareyoudoingdoessomeoneneedaparty?” The unicorn in question chuckled. “No, Pinkie, I was going to ask if you were available for a picnic.” “OooooohapicnicI’llmostcertainlybethereandI’llbringcupcakesaswell!” “Great! Meet me at the library once you’re ready.” “I’llseeyouthereTwilightbyeI’vegotacoupleofthingstodofirstbutI’llbethere!” “Ah’ll be there sugarcube, y’can count on me! ‘s been ages since we’ve had a day out, don’tcha think so?” “I agree wholeheartedly, Applejack. Well, I guess I’ll see you later!” “Alright, Twi! See ya!” “Oh, most definitely, Twilight. I’d love to have a picnic. Angel can take care of himself, right?” The white bunny facepalmed, indicating that the butter-yellow mare should take the day off. He knew she’d toiled for the last few days, taking care of several animals that she’d found. “Well, it’s settled then. Meet me back at the library.” “Ohh, I’d love to have a picnic, Spikey-Wikey! You run along now and tell Twilight that I’ll be there as soon as possible. I’ve just got to finish sewing this dress, but I’m almost done with it!” “Okay, then Rarity! I’ll see you later!” Back at Twilight’s library “So, Spike, did Rarity agree?” “Yes, she’ll be arriving soon. How’d you do?” “I rounded the girls up, and they all agreed. This will be the best picnic ever!” “Sarge! Yo, Sarge, wake up!” “Mhhhhhh…” “I ain’t kidding, Sarge! You gotta get up!” She heard Doc shout, and then a hand slapped her across the face, finally rousing her. “Guh! Wha’s happ’nin’?” “Phew! Took ya long enough! You seein’ this?” Groggily, Gwen stood up, popping the hatch, and for a moment, she was sure they all were dead. They were in a large field, covered in lush green grass. “Whoooah, man. Where are we? Zoe, you got anything?” “Nada, Chief. Chev’s out doing a little recon, see if she can find a point of reference in the landscape.” “So, what’s our orders, Chief?” “I’ve no idea, honestly. Do we sit tight and wait for someone to find us, or do we try an’ find our on way out of here?” “I vote for getting the hell outta here. I don’t like this place, it’s too open.” Doc piped up, echoing Gwen’s own unease. “I agree, Sarge. Let’s wait for Chev to return, then we’ll haul ass.” They sat down on top of the VTs hull, enjoying the serene surroundings. Gwen was ever alert, though, listening for anything that’d justify starting the engine. She looked around, then sat upright just as she saw something move, and then relaxed as she recognised the familiar gait of her right-side loader. “Hey, Chev. So, how’s it lookin’?” The loader shook her head. “Nothing, Sarge. Wherever we are, it’s off our maps.” “You did what you could. Alright, folks, mount up! We’re moving now!” She dropped down inside the hull, hearing the whirr and chug as Doc cranked the engine. Chev was settling down in her seat, while Zoe was trying to contact headquarters, albeit unsuccessfully. Twilight smiled, very happy that she’d decided to take the day off. The picnic was going perfectly! She picked up another cupcake, taking a bite and washing it down with some apple cider. She chuckled quietly at the chivalrous behaviour Spike had taken to in order to woo Rarity. *whirrrrrrrr-chugg-chugg-chugg-bang* Huh? *whirrrrrr-drr-drr-drr-drr-chukk-chukk-chukk-wrrrr* What in Equestria is making that noise? By now, her friends had also heard the strange noise and looked around; trying to discern the direction it was coming from. Rainbow Dash had already taken to skies, searching for the culprit. “Come on, Doc; get ‘er started!” “I’m trying to!” Doc cranked the wheel as fast as she could, muttering under her breath. “C’mon, baby, talk to me. I’ll get you a full maintenance once we get back, I promise. Best fuel and oil I can buy.” As if the veet had heard her, it coughed to life, and she cheered. “She’s alive! She’s alive! Let’s get the hell outta here, Chief!” Gwen pulled on the starting lever, and with a jolt, the veet straightened up, and she wasted no time making a hasty retreat towards the nearby treeline, failing to notice a particular cyan pegasus following them. “So, Sarge, where’re we headed to?” “I’ve really no idea, but I think we’d better hunker down somewhere safe and hidden and get some sleep, at the very least.” “Hear, hear!” Doc laughed, and Gwen couldn’t help but feel better at her optimism. “So, we’re agreed, then?” “Aye, Sarge!” Chev and Zoe chorused. The veet kept lumbering onwards, and Gwen fussed over the cassette player for a moment, and moments later, one of her favourite songs started playing. Times have changed, And we've often rewound the clock, Since the Puritans got a shock, When they landed on Plymouth Rock. If today, any shock they should try to stem, 'Stead of landing on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock would land on them. By now, Doc had recognised the song and joined Gwen. In olden days a glimpse of stocking, Was looked on as something shocking, But now, God knows, Anything goes. Good authors too, Who once knew better words, Now only use four letter words writing prose. Anything goes. Chev and Zoe also joined in, adding their voices to Gwen’s and Doc’s. If driving fast cars you like, if low bars you like, if old hymns you like, If bare limbs you like, if Mae West you like, or me undressed you like, why nobody will oppose. When every night the set that's smart is intruding in nudist parties in studios, anything goes! When Missus Ned Mclean (God bless her) can get Russian Reds to 'Yes' her, then I suppose anything goes! When Rockefeller still can hoard enough money to let Max Gordon produce his shows, anything goes! The world has gone mad today, and good's bad today, and black's white today, and day's night today, and that gent today you gave a cent today once had several chateaux. When folks who still can ride in jitneys find out Vanderbilts and Whitneys Lack baby Clo'es, Anything goes! When Sem Goldwyn can with great conviction instruct Anna Sten in diction, then Anna shows, Anything goes! When you hear that Lady Mendl standing up now does a handspring landing up -- on her toes Anything goes! Just think of those shocks you've got and those knocks you've got and those blues you've got from those news you've got and those pains you've got (If any brains you've got) from those little radios. So Missus R., with all her trimmin's, can broadcast a bed from Simmons 'cause Franklin knows anything goes! Chev laughed, and Gwen could feel the tension dissipate as they relaxed for the first time in weeks and clapped Gwen on shoulder. “That was good. I really lucked out getting assigned to ya, Sarge.” Zoe and Doc voiced their agreement to what Chev said and Gwen smiled despite herself. She had really come to like and rely on her crew. They’d never disappointed her as long as she’d known them. The veet strode onwards as the sun beat down mercilessly on them. “Damn, it’s like being with Powers again.” “Huh?” “During my time in Africa, I was assigned with Sergeant Powers for a while. Helluva guy. I manned the MG of his veet during a mission out in the desert. I think he had the hots for me.” “Oh? How so?” “I was pretty parched at the moment, but I remember hearing his subcom, Natch, offering him his canteenful of water. Of course, Powers pops up and gives it to me.” “Men, kind and thoughtful.” “Eeh, he wasn’t so bad. He didn’t lose any of us that day. Mapleton here can vouch for him, right?” “Yeah. Powers is a good guy. Saved my life once, too. He’s the PL of his platoon now, since their LT bought it.” With a violent lurch, the veet came to a sudden stop, its gears grinding to a stop. A cloud of steam hissed from its engine. Doc tried to start it up, but it failed to turn over. “Motherfucker!” So, any thoughts?
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