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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Skar

  1. My theory would be short blades along a pony's leg. There would be a strap-like object attached to the leg as well keeping the blade in place. There would be a mechanism on it that works similar to a modern pocket knife. (By quickly moving the leg, the blade would spin outward, snapping into place. Then the pony would press down on a button to sheath the blade)
  2. -Legend of Zelda -Zelda II: The adventure of Link - A Link to the Past - Link's Awakening - Ocarina of Time - Majora's Mask -Oracle of Ages - I don't care for the toon link games at all. I've played them, just didn't tick with me. -Oracle of Seasons -Four Swords (GBA Version) -Wind Waker -Minish Cap -Twilight Princess -Phantom Hourglass -Spirit Tracks -Skyward Sword - This is killing me, I REALLY NEED TO PLAY IT. My Wii broke, and I'm saving up for the Wii U.
  3. It's cool to see my Signatures I made for people floating around

    1. Lightning Fluttershy

      Lightning Fluttershy

      It's a nice feeling isn't it? :D

    2. Skar


      Oh yeah, might add that I made them maybe a year ago. xD

  4. Yeah, can't seem to get into the Forums spirit. I might make a grand return once Season 3 hits.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Luriel Maelstrom

      Luriel Maelstrom

      Skar can't leave =/

      He's my new BF =3

    3. Jokuc


      Best Friend or Boyfriend? XD

    4. Luriel Maelstrom

      Luriel Maelstrom

      Well he IS a boy...right?

  5. I've actually ran into 2 random bronies in my area! 1 in Wal-mart and another at Dollar General. It was pretty awesome, we talked a bit and brohoofed. Both noticed my Pony shirt I was wearing.
  6. Hello everypony. Long time no post! Been stuck doing life stuff.

    1. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      Life is boring and mundane. Hello.... :D

    2. Jokuc


      Hi Skar! :D

      I just updated my status saying I removed alot of friends from my friendlist but I kept the people who are awesome

      Guess who's in it? :P

    3. Crispy


      Well, hey there!

  7. MineCraft server so dead :(

  8. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria. Monks man, MONKS! Starbound (The so called predecessor of Terraria) BioShock: Infinite - Really loved the first two. Little bummed there won't be Little Sisters and Big Daddies though.
  9. "If I can't find a friendship problem, I'll make a friendship problem!" --Insane Twilight "I'm the world champ y'know, I bet you can't beat me!" *Squee* --Fluttershy "Well, DUH!" --Pinkie Pie
  10. Sorry I haven't been active guys. Expect more of me once Season 3 starts. Right now I'm getting ready for the WoW expansion.

  11. Time to play Amnesia: The Dark Decent for the first time.

    1. Molester Man

      Molester Man

      It was nice meeting you, may you rest in peace, Carl.


      I assume your called Carl, and refuse to call you any other way.

    2. IvoryVinyl


      Good luck with that.

  12. Search Anime on Welovefine... Get ponies. Seems legit.

  13. Name: Skar Partner Name: Dave247 Minecraft Usernames: DaltonX5 and Dave_247 Skype?: Yes Minecraft: Legit Other Games: TERA, Terraria, Portal 2, DC Universe Online, World of Warcraft (All Legit)
  14. Feeding fish to my lizard YAY its so awesome.

  15. I throw my MineCraft in the air sometimes, saying OOH NO, THAT CREEPERS GONNA BLOW!
  16. It sucks being single :(

    1. AngryGamer432


      kinda but it has advantages

    2. Mephala


      But it can be fun too! Meeting new people and whatnot.

  17. Skar

    New Pony Shirts!

    I got all the shirts from redbubble.com didn't say emo, said emo-ish. It's the way she's positioned. Yeah, it's a shame I haven't been active. Been delving back into the world of MMORPGs.
  18. It's 3rd place in most important things in my life. 2nd is video games. 1st of course, is ponies. yay.
  19. First off, Pinkie Pi Then we have Vinyl Scratch, who's being clumsy and dropping the bass. Then the emo-ish Octavia. And of course FLUTTERSHY! yay. I've never felt more manly in my entire life.
  20. Sorry about the video being removed! Re-uploaded. Was switching YouTube accounts and deleted all the videos from my old account.
  21. In This Legacy

  22. Hello! I remember you from when I was first starting out on the forums. Good to see you come back! Oh did I mention you were a god to me?
  23. Annnd, back on MineCraft...

  24. What if the episodes are an hour long! I doubt it, but that would make it as long as the other seasons. Also, really hope it doesn't fall under that "65 Episode Rule"
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