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Everything posted by Zygen

  1. Alright, I finally decided to post this, so check it out and give opinions if you can! http://mlpforums.com/blog/1973/entry-13150-those-vampire-bats-will-require-multiple-audio-tracksmlp-bats-cover/ I might put it on the thread sometime tomorrow!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Zygen


      *much as you can!


      I was pretty terrible when I started though, just look as some of my older stuff, or dare say some of the first "covers" i've done. But i've improved through practice. Which goes to show anyone can with some work!

    3. inactive_user


      In that case, I could even try to record whole songs or something across multiple tracks...... Being that I can play a few instruments kinda and all too... :/


      I can't really sing and play something at the same time though... I just...... Two rhythms at once and me do not mix well. >_<

    4. Zygen


      @Nick, You could! All depends on what all you can play, and if you can play the different stuff.



      And yeah, singing and playing something is difficult, I'm learning guitar, but I don't quite know enough to play and sing at the same time, or really attempt to, but it seems it would be quite difficult. Depending.


      But you could technically record it all separate if you want.

  2. Hey guys! What's up! I finally decided to post this cover, I've been avoiding it partially due to being busy, and partially due to site troubles, but I finally got around to deciding to do it. I recorded this last Wednesday, because I had like almost 2 hours or so to sing home alone due to my family being out. And I knew essentially when they were returning, making me even more comfortable again. So I enjoyed my time and sang some stuff, there are some thing I tried to sing and they turned out bleh, mostly because I didn't spend a bunch of time on them, and some I just sung for fun during that time, but during that time I decided I wanted to try and do some kind of cover that I knew I could post, and I also decided to try one of the songs that might normally take a bit more time than others. So, after some exploring of stuff(Just so you know I tried "This Day Aria" and yeah, that song is difficult, i need a lot of practice to get that one ;p.) and I finally decided on "Bats". I also realized that Bat's has the exchange throughout between Fluttershy and Applejack, and the way that it transitions I wasn't going to be able to do it quite the same as I normally do songs, where I sing the whole thing through as one recording. So I actually had to record each part in the song separate, well I could've probably done Rainbow dash and Rarity's together or something, but it was easier not to. So I had separate recordings for Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbowdash, And the Chanting part. This is the first time I've ever done any multi track song, usually I just have the instrumental on one track, and my vocals on another, but I had like 5 different vocal tracks this time. I had a few issues with it at first, but in the end I think it worked out ok. The most major issue I had was with the chanting, because I kinda messed up the harmonies, and they turned out bad, I tried some artificial harmonies with audacity or something, but that was just bleh. So I gave up on the collective chanting(Partially because I couldn't figure out the different parts, although I suppose I didn't spend a bunch of time on that) so anyways, that's not in there unfortunately, Hopefully you enjoy regardless, maybe I can do this sometime again when I understand how to do that better. Anyways, I'm going to stop rambling and let you all have what you came here for. Actually one more thing! This recording was done with a different mic setting on my microphone, (Blue snowball) It has less sensitivity I find, so I wanted to see if it would make things sound any better. Tell me your opinion on that if you have the chance. I thought it was nice because the mic didn't get this loud noise when i got really loud as easy. Alright, everything else is basically the same, so hopefully you enjoy! Idk if i'd say it's the best I could've done, even with the almost 2 hours I spent recording attempts for this, (I only got like 5 saved recordings for AJ and Flutters, and only like 2-3 for the rest of the parts.) it could've been better, but I'll let others give their opinions. https://soundcloud.com/zygen/bats-cover-2 Enjoy!(Hopefully)
  3. Maybe I'll go ahead and put that cover up now ;p.

  4. Well, i'm still alive for now ;p.

  5. Well, i'm about to go to practice, i'm still not feeling 100% exactly, but I think i'll be ok hopefully.

  6. I'm tired, time for some sleep... goodnight y'all, love you guys! *hugs*

    1. Nuke87654
    2. Oblivion


      Good night, Zygen! ^_^

    3. Miles


      nighty night... I hope you get better *hugs*

  7. So, I've been kinda worrying myself to death that I might be dieing or something, yay paranoia, other than that it's been a good day I suppose

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zygen


      Yeah I try. It's not really a confirmed issue here, but it's always possible which is what makes me paranoid.


      Although from what I hear it won't matter if you drink the water, more so if it gets in your nose.


      But yeah, hopefully I am just paranoid. Heck I would much rather a stomach virus or something than death.

    3. Miles


      Maybe just to be on the safe side, you should talk to a doctor about that, I want my sweet singin' buddy to be healthy. *hugs*



    4. Zygen


      @Miles, maybe, it's not really that bad right now, a lot of it I think is paranoia. But I guess i'll find out.

  8. I wouldn't say I'm incredibly hyped or anything, but I am curious, I'll definitely watch it, but as far as what I expect, i'm kinda indifferent. I am curious though, it could be good, it could be bad. I'm just gonna wait and see.
  9. I'm about to go to bed seeing as I'm still feeling a bit off possibly, and I'm just tired in general. So goodnight!

  10. Let's see... I would've been 4, so honestly idk, I may have still been asleep or something, I don't remember that far back. I was homeschooled though, so I wasn't at school or anything.
  11. So like half of the school day today I was paranoid that I might be sick with something really bad, and honestly I still think I have a headache, but I don't really know how much is my paranoia, and how much is real. Yay for possible overreactions.

  12. So like half of the school day today I was paranoid that I might be sick with something really bad, and honestly I still think I have a headache, but I don't really know how much is my paranoia, and how much is real. Yay for possible overreactions.

  13. Im debating if I should post the cover I put together tonight, or wait until sometime tommorow ;p.

    1. Scootaloodle


      what cover is this?

    2. Zygen


      @Scootalooodle, it's an MLP song, you'll figure out once I post it :P

  14. I guess I'm gonna sing some stuff and see how things go ;p.

    1. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      :D Are you gonna post it?
    2. Zygen


      @Swick, Yeah, mostlikely, I did spend like 2 hours on this one between recording everything, so if it turns out well I will.

  15. I seem to be having issues currently with loading things, but I haven't been on much, i just got home.
  16. I'm so tired, practice was super hot today D:.

  17. I'm tired, time for bed I suppose, goodnight!

    1. Miles


      G'night, bud'.

    2. The Crimson Cross

      The Crimson Cross

      Alrighty! Sleep well!

  18. Really? Well, it would figure. I suppose I might as well just get rid of it then. And yeah, it doesn't appear you can even remove anything without premium. I'm not broke necessarily, and not a student, but I don't exactly make any money on my own either. So idk if i'd be able to pay for it necessarily. And I actually didn't know that Windows defender had a scanner or whatever. And haha, my old Laptop had windows Vista, It's pretty annoying, It had all these extra processes running and crap. And was just overall not as nice as windows 7, even if I don't know much from a technical standpoint.(I have 7 now.) I don't think the Virus protection feature was on my vista computer though, or atleast the scan. I certainly couldn't find it atleast. Yeah, I try my best to have common sense and stuff. And know not to click on any "You won a million dollar" buttons ;p. I suppose this may be one case where my paranoia about this might pay off. Actually before my old laptop broke, I had a period of time I had no antivirus, as my Mcaffe subscription ran out or whatever. Ironically, once I finally got the virus programs working is when I ran into issues lol.
  19. Omg! You did this quite quickly! And they look so adorable <3. Thanks so much, it looks awesome, and so adorable <3.
  20. I see, I had heard good things about AVG, and it was really the only other Antivirus I knew about, so I just figured i'd use it. I'll have to try using some of those others instead, thanks for the heads up and the information!
  21. This is just a question I had regarding virus protection software that I've been meaning to ask about. So, I have AVG currently, (Free version) and I use that as my virus protection. I don't use anything else thus far on this computer. But I was curious regarding Malwarebytes, it only scans for Malware doesn't it? I've never used it, so i'm not entirely sure, but I was thinking about downloading it to use just to be doubly protected from stuff. (Especially since my laptop I use to had basically died atleast partially due to a virus I believe.) Of course, I am not sure if it would be safe to use it alongside AVG, because last time I had two virus protection softwares present on my computer, it lead to a bunch of trouble(Last time on my old laptop I had Mcaffe, which came with that computer, and it wouldn't go away, and was just causing a mess, it wasn't working, and I think it was probably due to a virus, but I was unable to do any virus scans, so basically, I don't like Mcaffe anymore.) But if Malwarebytes does a different type of scan, would it be beneficial to have it alongside another virus program? I'm just curious, seeing as my laptop I use to have I believe got a virus, and I'd rather not have a repeat, so I've been very cautious and paranoid about viruses on this computer. So basically, would running Malwarebytes alongside AVG be a good idea? Or would it just not do anything, or lead to more issues? Thanks to anyone who can offer the knowledge, I know my basics and a few extra things when it comes to computers, but I don't really know a ton on the inner workings of things, and I don't want to mess up this computer.
  22. Well then, I see your ambitious! Thank you then! (also, idk how you want to go about doing them, whether separate or what, but they are a couple, so if you want to do something like that, feel free, not saying you have to, but it's a possibility if you want to do something with that, but doing them separate or together I don't really care, because like I said I didn't say you had to do both in the first place ;p.)
  23. Well, if your to packed up no worries if you can't do mine, but I figure i'd put the request out there so if you get the chance you can do it. I think i'd like you to do my Mare OC, Bella, I have a link to her in my siggy, i'll put it in the post too in a sec. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/zygen-r2969 I thought about asking for my Ponysona(The one that I have as my avatar, which is also the first link in my siggy) but I have had others draw him before, so you don't have to if you don't want to. http://mlpforums.com/topic/70418-zygens-new-mare-ocwho-has-yet-to-be-named-return-of-the-pony-art/ you don't have to draw any of them really if you don't want, I don't want to be forceful, but if you get a chance it'd be nice. Thanks, and your artwork looks very well done. Ps. Should be references in both links.
  24. Well, this is just going to be based on your internet speed mostlikely, and maybe the speed of your laptop very slightly, but when it comes to downloads online, your internet speed is typically the main factor. Your speed for downloads is only really based on your computer if your downloading from a disk. Otherwise I don't think it has much effect. But yeah, I don't have any real good suggestions off the top of my head of free non steam games that are good. I mean there are non steam games that are good(For instance, Mass effect 2 and 3, even if they were on steam until they were taken down.) but they are kinda harder to find. Origins has this thing where they can have free games sometimes, for instance I got plants vs zombies for free of there, but I don't like the program as much as steam, and really only have it for a select few games not available on steam that I want. The library is pretty limited, they have next to no free games all the time, but they did have a free game thing going which stays the same for like a month or several. Otherwise you'll have to do searching, or shell out some cash. Steam is just a really good game store for PC stuff. Because of all the amazing sales, and they have quite a few free, and non free games. So you aren't really going to get much better when it comes to getting games for PC.
  25. So, you know how I said I wasn't going to sing anything? Yeah, I decided to cut it close and try it anyways, despite my stepdad being outside working, and so was my mom. So technically they could've come in at any time, but I checked on them frequently, and made sure I could assume they wouldn't be coming in too soon. And while I almost cut it close, they didn't walk in on me singing. So yeah. Not going to push my luck anymore, but I got to record a few little things, even if...

    1. Starlight Sky

      Starlight Sky

      Hehehe. Made it work, huh?


      Nice :)

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