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Black Cloud

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Posts posted by Black Cloud

  1. So far it looks to be a stereotypical "new girl in school" type film but made in MLP FIM style. By what ive seen, it's animation is still good and they have the same VA's but it looks like the script might suck. I might give it a try but i have a feeling it is going to be terrible.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. what do you guys think of this? http://family-room.ew.com/2013/01/29/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-exclusive-twilight-princess/

    Do you think it is a bunch of BS the site is pulling to get attention, or is it true. If it is this will ruin the show a bit, in my opinion. Also it could be the end of the series becuase if twilight is a princess she will have to have royal duties and live in canterlot or something.

    It looks like its true, check out what the hub posted on their twitter. This sucks, the hub is ruining the show and possible getting rid of it. someone should go knock some sense into them.

  3. im not sure if this is the correct area to post this but, Ive gotten 9 copies of dota 2 on steam that id like to give out. If someone is interested in trading a game of theirs for dota 2 then message me and we will discuss the game you would like to trade. If I like the game then ill add you and we will trade.

  4. Id most likely do anything. Being a human has worn its welcome on me a bit. It would be wonderful to be reborn as a Pegasus and hang with the mane 6 and all the other ponies. If there was a legit decision to have to do something big to go to the MLP universe id probably kill myself, kill a stranger, burn a town, etc.. But those things would not be tasks to be let into equestria, celestia would not allow that. The hardest test that can be given to a human who wants to live in equestria would to become the human with the most friends. That test is hard because there are celebrities that have thousands, maybe even millions of friends. For a normal person that would be extremely tough to do but would prove your worthiness to live in equestria

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I don't mean to be a black cloud

    HEY! Where you talking about me? Lol jk :P, I just found that hilarious... or where you talking about me. Idk, im very.. self conscious or however you would phrase it.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. At the amount of things ive been reading on this thread, I can say that your parents are complete and utter douches. If those where my parents id say "Fuck You!" and maybe leave. If they don't love you enough to allow you to watch a show and threaten to kick you out just because you like a show, then you would be better off living in foster care or with another family then to live with those dicks. To claim (or make them seem) to be dominant to you then that's makes things worse. That means if you don't fight them then they will treat you like a pushover for the rest of your life. Its not good to keep things like this bottled up. At some point in your life, you are going to get so angry with your parents that all that rage will be forced out and might end in something tragic. So Id say just tell them up front that if they don't like you watching a show then  deal with it, and if they kick you out of the house or physically force you to stop. Then just leave them.

    • Brohoof 4
  7. Yes, you handled this almost like I would. except i would say "fuck off, this is my artwork". People who are that sensitive about things kind of flare my anger. People like that seem to ruin everything  They complain about something harmless and get a lot of others to complain and get the harmless thing taken down or turned into something more aggressive.  For example, the derpy case, some sensitive people complained that the show was making fun of disabled people when it clearly wasn't and they complained so much they took something harmless and made it evil and got it taken down. These people ruin everything that's fun and harmless. no offence

  8. Great eye!  She has been spotted in Season Three before though xD  In one of the first two episodes.  She was also in the stands.  During the jousting match between RD and Fluttershy!

    they have been spotted, but not her face our full body. the scene in ep 5 proves that it is actual her. she also was not in the stands in that jousting scene

  9. Just curious, how do we know that this these are Derpy?  I mean, I want the rumors to go away as much as the next person, but due to the lighting, it's really hard for me to tell what her coat/eye color is and it's impossible to see her cutie mark.

    The picture is not that good of quality, if you want to see it clearly try going to that scene in the episode on youtube and puase it, also make sure its hd

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