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Brave Hooves

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Everything posted by Brave Hooves

  1. I noticed I tend to shoehorn my disapproval of certain aspects of society in my posts recently. I need to work on that before it becomes an annoyance.

  2. Depends on where you live. I live in an area with a superior water system for the community so I'm fine either way. Bottled water is mostly for convenience sake.If you live in a place where the water is a weird color then get bottled, don't risk infections.
  3. Well, sort of. People mostly follow it for the lore and fan works. Other than that, the first game I did legitimately enjoy, the second game, I did not like very much at all, and I have not played the third game but it looks even more convoluted than the second and looks like it lacks the feel of the original although it does look a lot more scary. Overall, I'd say play the first game, then read up on the lore of it and the next games.
  4. Who here like to play DnD or Pathfinder? I cannot seem to find a topic for Ponyfinder, which is the ponified version of pathfinder.

    1. Mr Underhill

      Mr Underhill

      I'd LOVE to play...if I weren't so darn busy.

  5. Bi leaning towards women. We live in a time when people still care about things that are none of their business so I choose to not openly disclose.
  6. Ayy lmao MLP was invented by Satan and the Illuminati to distract us from the fact that jet fuel can't melt steel beams. I mean the signs are everywhere! Wake up, sheeple!
  7. So who here is a big fan of the Zelda series?

    1. Enemy Stand

      Enemy Stand

      I guess I am, more or less.

    2. Monsoon


      I'm sort of a fan

  8. I usually don't talk to anyone except for my friends and they know who I really am. Other than that, I'm very quiet and I remember in high school whenever I asked a question the room would be like "what? he can talk?!" Yes I can. Morons.
  9. I'm single and not ready to mingle. Never had a date, a few crushes here and there but never cared enough to really ask anyone out, the 5 or 6 girls that have asked me out, I've softly put down. Some think I'm asexual or gay for this because apparently it isn't possible to be straight and not want a relationship. The ignorance of most of society is part of what makes me this way I suppose. I just don't want to be tied down to anyone or deal with that type of drama. Oh wait, but apparently that's selfish? If I wanted to be with someone I'd just call up a friend.
  10. I play in a ponyfied Pathfinder campaign and this is my character, an earth pony Paladin of Celestia named Brave Hooves. Draw by a friend, I wish I could draw this well.
  11. I like to spend time with friends, take walks in secluded places and play DnD. I'd like to get started on writing fanfics but life gets in the way of that.
  12. I think this'll be my new forum of residence. Registered years ago but have never really used it.

    1. Thunderchild


      I've been on a lot of forums. I keep coming back here-there's a good feel to the place.

  13. Tough call. Then again it's kind of dumb to compare and say whether a pile of shit is worse than another pile of shit. These games just need to be forgotten.
  14. Because I enjoy the show, simple as that. The real mystery is why this series has me so hooked and active even though it isn't my favorite series. that honor belongs to legend of zelda and I'm not even quite as involved in that.
  15. Well for the first year and a half I was commuting for an hour everyday which was a pain in the flank for sure, but at least I didn't have the horrors of dorm life (or so people tell me it sucks). This semester I started living in student apartments with 3 other roommates, all of which are bronies I've known for almost a year who were tired of either commuting or living in dorms with random roommates. It's actually been pretty awesome for me, especially since we all get our own bathrooms and they went pretty wild with MLP posters in the living room lol.
  16. I'm pretty sure the origins of the insult "Autism" originate from Christian Weston Chandler and the way he would continually blame all of his disgusting or socially awkward actions on his Asperger's Sydrome. So naturally, since nobody is creative anymore, people just saw his videos, someone called him an autistic fuck, and droves of sheep hoped on the autism bandwagon and stuck with it even though most of them have no idea what autism is to begin with. That's what trolling has become today too. It used to be clever ways to induce a massive flamewar, now it's just LOLAUTISMFAGZLOL!!!! Sad really.
  17. I have a Vinyl Scratch shirt, a Depry shirt and 2 scootaloo shirts. I usually try to limit them to meetup days, but I'm starting to care less and become more comfortable
  18. Believe me, I know all about living in a place where everybody is the local douchebag. I've lived in that dump for almost 20 years. I even got flak for wearing a Zelda shirt in public and someone even asked me if that was some satanic symbol... I would not dare walk around with a pony shirt in that judgmental cesspit. I finally fixed that issue by moving away from that shithole to my college's town, there's still douchebags, but in much lower concentrations and people are overall much less judgmental here (and it's only around 30 miles away too!) and i've never been happier to leave some place and never return.
  19. Odd question that I can't help but ask. I've seen people that say they want their apparel to be noticed by everyone and maybe even get some haters so they can just tell em haters gonna hate... Now, honestly? Why would anyone want that? Personally, I'd want the same attention any grown man wearing clothing depicting a children's show/game would get, maybe just a stare, but otherwise indifference. The same if I were wearing a Zelda shirt, or hell even a plain blue shirt or something. I know that wearing something that is abnormal in the average person's eyes would obviously get you a few stares, but why would you want to be bashed on or even get into fights because of this? Anyways, just wanted to get this question off my chest. Poll incoming.
  20. I predict or rather hope that the series will make it to season 6. The end of a series is like the ultimate test of a fanbase to see if it will go on or not. Things like DBZ may be over but their fanbase still lives on in artwork and stuff. Just like DBZ, FiM may get specials released many years later or even a big game like Ducktales got. We will see eventually. It's a shame that the whole manlyness, pink=girly/gay/hand over your man card bullshit is still so deeply ingrained in society's head.
  21. I haven't logged on here in like 9 months

  22. Why would they try to get rid of us when we've quite possibly increased their sales on MLP toy by quite a lot? Also, why would their young girl demographic be shrinking?
  23. Maybe at one point where I discovered cloppers, but really they're only seen as stand outs because of their name. Every single fanbase out there has a R34 minority, this fanbase is just extremely active, that combined with the name makes them stand out more than in other fanbases but my only issue is when people assume that it's a problem exclusive to this fanbase. I mean is it just an over attentionized section or it really a big problem about us moreso than other fanbases? I vote for the former. I've been in a club at my school for about 2 months now and we've never gotten any haters at all, though it's probably just because we were in a group, I know they exist out there somewhere though. The only thing I noticed was these 2 guys that passed by the group and heard us talking about the show and to themselves they go "bronies lol what fags" ...however those 2 could easily be seen as the class nerd and the class fatty so whatever lo and then In one of the meetups I've been to, I met a guy who is a big muscular security/body guard with a motorcycles and a helmet with a half naked chick, not exactly the type of guy you'd think is a brony but he was lol
  24. Fantasy and discovery. I think that Zelda does this very well but most of the Metroid series does this perfectly. You're all alone on a planet that was once inhabited by intelligent species but now all that remains is their ruins and space pirates. Discovery of new paths and secret powerups is always satisfying and no other game does it like metroid, I think it's the sense of isolation that amplifies it.
  25. Once again I'm TriforceBrony if anyone wants to add me. Man thanks to the time glitch my town is now infested with Magic parasprites. I've activated all the stones and maxed out all my sahrds except I don't have a single magic shard! I really wish there was another way to get Gems since for some reason my game stopped doing the little deal where it gives you 2 gens every 5 days. Also, the "free gems" offers aren't really free at all since you have to purchase stupid crap and give valid credit card info. So far I've only purchased $2 of gems, just as my way of "paying" for this app but I won't spend another dime
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