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Arylett Charnoa

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Everything posted by Arylett Charnoa

  1. I pick every favorite character in anything based on my personality. Either based on whether I can relate to them (Fluttershy, Moondancer) or if I aspire to be like them/be their friend (Applejack). I don't particularly feel any sense of deep attachment to most of these characters those, except possibly Moondancer as her color scheme, appearance (with a little altering), and personality could be used to represent me. I basically see her as my equivalent and stand-in on the show.
  2. My parents don't know very much about me or my habits on the internet, and that is something that will remain for the rest of my life. They aren't normal human beings with any concept of what this is anyway. Trying to explain it to them would be something they couldn't begin to wrap their heads around.
  3. She groaned and rolled her eyes, then decided that now was the point to leave this scolding bitch behind, and burrowed back underground before anything really happened. Restraining the urge to shout back yet again... How exhausting it was to have to hear this every few weeks. But again, it wasn't the first time. Blah blah, you are a disrespect to your species, blah blah, just like those dirty Diamond Dogs. Although this time, she was compared to those ponies... yes. It would be nice to live with them, to be one! Perhaps they had some magic spell that could permanently alter her into a pony and then she would never have to return here again. Being a little hasty though. It wasn't like that would ever be possible. Just born unlucky, into this terrible society of beasts. Beasts that lurked underground like some cockroaches, cloaked in darkness. Not frolicking during the day, with the natural magic of a horn, or the beautiful mark of personality. Anything else had to be better than this! Especially.. being a unicorn. Anatase was blindly burrowing through the ground, too distracted by her thoughts as she began to get more and more distressed, before she hit the surface again... her head thunking against something rather hard.
  4. It did for a time due to the fandom and not the show. But almost all of those friends disappeared off the face of the earth, weren't compatible with me, or turned out to be childish dickheads who hurt me quite a bit. So they're all gone now bar one. That's my internet life. I used to have so many friends and they've all kind of... gone over the years. But I don't blame MLP for that. It always happens. That's why I tend to be reluctant to make any more friends nowadays. My real life socialness though has improved because it was basically non-existent until the one friend who remained moved in with me. One is better than nothing!
  5. ;;Puts saddle and reigns on, rides the pony;; You don't scare me, Horse #1029!
  6. Oh... hello there, random male! Why don't you just... keep flying far before I sock you one?
  7. 5/10. I have no real opinion about it. It's just... a popsicle. At least it's capitalized though!
  8. Swimming in commissions... but my god, I have to rest my hand or I might get carpal tunnel.

    1. Dsanders


      You deserve some rest for working so hard. Love ur art btw<3

    2. Arylett Charnoa

      Arylett Charnoa

      Thank you! That's quite kind.

  9. There are many reasons, but I will say the one I think is the primary one. To compensate for the inadequacies in their life. Life is tough, and most of us don't feel special. We all blend in a sea of billions of others who would not even notice us if we died, due to how connected this entire world is. So others may do this to stand out or just so that they can feel special in their own worlds. I myself create elaborate fantasy worlds to deal with my displeasure with the state of my life and how little control I have over external events. Having something that you CAN control is a coping mechanism. You can control this overpowered character, and they can do anything you want. If they're not in a roleplay and not creating a story with anyone else, then let them keep doing that. It is all in the name of good mental health, and even if I may giggle at it privately, they are enjoying it. And I won't say anything to them to ruin their fun. Besides, for me, it's fun to see over-the-top characters and giggle at them anyway. Everyone wins! Of course, when I create a character, I feel absolutely disgusting when I make them too perfect. So I tend to go down the "self-degrading" path. There's also the other reason, which people will say if they think you're overthinking things: "Because it's fun." These people aren't really trying. They're just doing it for entertainment and as a side thing unlike more serious writers. It really isn't fun to me because I find crazy unique flaws and origins to be more original and interesting, but hey. different tastes.
  10. The idea of being someone else is not pleasant to me. But if I were forced into this situation, I would probably be Moondancer. She's mostly a hermit who keeps to herself, so I wouldn't really have to deal with interacting with others. Also, my attitude would not be out of place as her. Even with her rekindled friendships, that still wouldn't be a lot of ponies to deal with, and they would probably find reluctance to interact with other ponies to be understandable.
  11. I like to give people a little context. So in a spoiler, here is my OC's appearance: She hasn't hurt anypony because she hasn't had very much interaction with them, what with being a Diamond Dog who lives underground and all. Nor has she really hurt any other of her kind. But she hunts and kills bats with a magic wand to eat them, so does that count?
  12. Once again, another thread that I am unsure as to whether or not to take seriously. But as it isn't in the Forum Lounge, I will answer it seriously. If you want to call Cadence "Lovebutt," then go ahead. I mean, it's a silly joke that entertains you. Although I don't really think the whole "-butt" thing is funny. Which is strange because I usually find the word "butt" to be hilarious. I think it's because I find it overused and unoriginal. Yes, the marks are on their butts. I find the word "butt" to be more hilarious if it's used out of nowhere with no context to anything, so that's probably why it doesn't strike my sense of humor. Also, I don't really like referring to such pretty and regal characters like Cadence/Celestia/Luna with "butt" as it trivializes them for me. So my answer: Everyone is Nothingbutt.
  13. I think what AppleJack_Wack meant was that he can't be an anti-brony because "anti" implies that they are AGAINST bronies. Not just that they don't like MLP or its fans. If you don't like bronies or MLP, you're just... another human being with a different opinion. The word "anti-brony," at least how I come to interpret it, should refer to an active movement that is AGAINST bronies and actively insulting them. If you don't hate the fans and the show actively with vitriol and bile, then you're not an anti-brony. It is an immature title that should not be used lightly. To be against a TV show and its fans enough to label yourself as that means that you're not mature at all.
  14. It was true. Her temper was getting agitated, but Anatase had heard these words countless times before and the effect wasn't as potent. "This bitch is wrong, this bitch is wrong, this bitch is wrong... words full of nonsense," she had to keep saying in her mind. Because a small part of her kept trying to believe it was true. The only part that was true, in her mind, was that she was never her daughter to begin with. This Dog didn't deserve the title of mother. "Are you done?" She had wanted to say so much more, as always. It was that urge to scream back and argue and fight. But it was pointless, as it would only make the situation worse. However, just leaving in the middle of her tirade would also make the situation worse, as she had experienced several times in the past. That is why she always asked this simple question. A question that was wrought with as much neutrality as she could muster, though some anger always slipped into her tone.
  15. The young Ruby Dog slowly poked her head back up as all of her muscles tensed up. No, not now... not today. It wasn't a good time. Although... when was it ever a good time to get screamed at? Her body was still partially submerged so that she could flee if it became appropriate. And it seemed like it might become appropriate soon, as she was sure she probably walked in on her complaining to this attendant. Sir Cummington turned his head back around to face them in interest, his pointed ears piqued. "Hmm...? And this is the one who was too good for his Greatness? My word, Labradora... this pup is out of your control. Look at these rags," he continued to sneer in that typical way that Anatase despised. That way those higher in Ruby Dog society tended to. But she kept silent as she was used to. Just take the beating and get out quickly. "I suppose you were right not to bring her though! Trying to run away from a member of the Chief's Council! What a lack of respect... a lack of manners. Yes, she doesn't deserve to see the Ruby Chief. I am insulted merely by her presence!" He waved his arms around with vast theatrical gestures now. Here it was. The over the top performance too. "I'm sorry to say that due to this intrusion... I will have to put your concerns on far far.... lower on my priority list," Cummington bowed rather briskly, a sign of disrespect in their society as he did not perform the usual overly complex rituals for leaving an area, before retreating back into the caves.
  16. It wasn't that long that the mostly nocturnal Anatase had awoken again from her slumber. Nor was it that long ago that she had gotten started with her activities. She knew that around this time when she woke up, the ponies weren't really around. They were only awake during a small window of her day, sadly. But that didn't stop her from making yet another attempt to revamp her tunnel systems. Digging and digging and digging along! ...Goodness, it was frustrating. Already, she was starting to get lost... Gah! Almost at the surface again, she could see. The dirt was starting to get lighter. But that was all right. She could take a look at the stars, maybe find some breakfast... perhaps it would clear her mind as to how to rearrange these tunnels properly. "I don't like those ponies either, but I think that it would be a little... brash to fight them directly. However, I will share your concerns with the Ruby Chief to see what he truly says. Perhaps we can come up with a reasonable compromise to just scare the ponies off our territory. And perhaps as well... I can present your concerns to him in a more... favorable light if your daughter comes to show her respect before his Greatness. Until then, I'm afraid it will have to take a lower priority." The ornately-dressed Ruby Dog's voice took on a rather snarky tone as he sneered in her direction. "Now... if there isn't anything more..." At just that moment, it was speak of Tartarus as the young Dog emerged from the ground before the ornately dressed Ruby Chief's attendant... and... oh boy. Her... mother. She quickly made to turn tail back into the tunnels before they saw her. Before she had to deal with any nonsense so early in the day.
  17. You're awesome for a revolving door of avatars.
  18. The amount of things I can't stand can only be put as "a lot." I think my primary pet peeve though is people who make false promises. What is one thing you think is beautiful?
  19. You are awesome for saluting quite professionally.
  20. "Well... all right. I'll take you there, but I have to be back home soon, so I'll have to leave afterwards. Not to be rude or anything," Nimbus bowed her head again and this time managed to dodge a cloud from colliding with it, as she turned straight back around and sighed silently to herself. The pegasus led Lunaris at a quicker pace than she usually flew (although not too quickly as she wasn't sure how well he could keep up) back towards the Carbuncle Excavation Site. As they approached the area, the mare looked up at the clouds and stars in the sky, and immediately became rather alert and jumpy. "O-oh! I... it's getting very late. And well.. oh my, I'm so sorry. I have to get going right now. I'm sorry I couldn't help you out more, but it's not too far now! Just keep heading straight ahead towards the ground there. It was so nice to havemetyouLunaris!" she pointed south of their direction and proceeded to zoom off as quickly as her pegasus bretheren had, leaving the err... "griffon" alone. Somewhere not too far from him were specks near the excavated ground. Specks of strange two-legged creatures... one dressed extremely ornately as a rather disgruntled one, what appeared to be Anatase's mother, glared at him imploringly as he rolled his eyes. "Yes... I see your concerns, Labradora. The ponies are... getting very uncomfortably close, indeed. I thought we had made it clear to them that they weren't to come near our territory, but... you aren't in any position to be making such requests. Your daughter has brought great disrespect to the Ruby Chief lineage and he is deeply offended still."
  21. This guy. He is superior to all of those of sausage kind. His muscles could pierce the skies and his divine shiny blond hair puts even females to shame. (I kind of want to steal it.) He is an epic badass of a million different voices, including lady voices. None of us can compare to him, not even me. Not only that, but he wears glasses! That means he's smarter than you, and he's a nerd. Also, his movements are ridiculously impossible and induce a hilarious version of uncanny valley somehow. He is basically the real life version of an anime character with blue eyes and boyish good looks. Also, he has big hands. I like big hands. In all seriousness, a wonderful guy. He carved out a wall to save a kitten with a dinky knife for hours. Like a fireman. This actually happened in real life. No jokes or over-exaggeration. The kitten is now sitting with me in my chair as I type this. If that's not worthy of being my favorite man, I don't know what is.
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