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The Ultimate Brony

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Posts posted by The Ultimate Brony

  1. Well, here's mine as well:


    -Is trolling mostly all the time

    -Has a neg rep in the WoT forums for a controversial thread

    -Has a lot of profile views

    -Pretty much liked around the forum

    -Trumps people in a logic debate

    -Acts like Rainbow Dash when he has no sleep


    Well there is my overall reputation on forums.



    Reply to Clarity:



    Also has the best nickname one user could ever have...it goes into the extreme and leaves a wonderful feeling in the community... When one baths in the Tubbie, they feel extremely relaxed....


    Why you...

    • Brohoof 1
  2. What type of brony are you? Rate yourself with the scale that I randomly came up with!


    Rabid Brony: Ponies are a huge part of your life. Everywhere you go, and whenever you meet someone, you always want to spread MLP:FiM. Much of the merchandise you brought have an image of a pony printed on it. You get insulted when someone calls ponies gay, and always uses phrases from the show everywhere. You always participate in Brony meetups, online sites, etc.


    Regular Brony: Ponies have made you happy and you regularly watch the show for fun. You buy a fair amount of merchandise, but you do save money on other stuff as well. It doesn't bother you much when anti-bronies call bronies gay, because as long as you love the show, it doesn't matter who else thinks of the show. You try and attend Brony meetups often, but if you missed one, it won't have a huge impact on you being a brony.


    Fan: You like the show, but you don't think much of the community. You don't buy the merchandise often, or participate in meetups. Sure, ponies were fun to watch, but you'll lose interest after it ends or has a long season wait.


    Closet Brony: You are a pretty big fan of MLP:FiM, but you don't want to tell anybody in case they embarrass you or bully you for it. You don't spread the show often.


    Anti-brony: What are you doing on this forum?


    For me, I'd say I'm a mix between Regular Brony and Rabid Brony X3


    Closet Brony, I definitely don't want my haters thinking I'm a brony. It will get ugly, trust me on this one, where I am. Haters are everywhere.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Okay here goes nothing... Posted Image

    That there is me playing WoW

    And another one....

    Posted Image

    and just a bad web cam pic.

    How would I put this in spoilers?


    I don't mean to be insensitive but the last photo, if it was tilted to the side by 6 degrees it would look like Jeff the Killer's girlfriend. Again, no offense meant.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I hate the LGBT, the military, and nihilism.


    Come at me, internet (Considering I basically summed up the internet there).


    I disliked Green Mile, Forrest Gump, and Saving Private Ryan. I got myself into the biggest arguments because of that. I dislike LGBT and most of today's Society


    Well that makes 3 of us, I also hate Rebecca Black, Justin Bieber, idiots, and annoying Pricks.

    I like Mint Chip Ice Cream, bananas, and Oppa Gangnam Style (Psy).

  5. Hey, I also play that game, and I have to say its awesome, my favorite heavy tanks are the Russians ones, mediums go to Germany, and arty goes to France.



    EDIT: PzIII/IV sucks in terms of firepower but excels in mobility and speed

    VK3601H is awesome and get a IS, they will brighten up your day.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I could help

    I'd be happy to help. Just send me a link if/whenever you want to the fic and I'll point out anything I see that may seem off.


    ...unless it's a romance/shipping fic...I'm not really into those >.<


    What that guy said, I'm happy to help (Unless its about romance or those things), I'm good at brainstorming, and fixing errors.

    I could also help if there are any photos you'll want to put it, I'm also good at editing.

  7. Here is my Theme song(s):


    1: PMV: Like A Boss




    2: PMV: I'm awesome



    3: Never Back Down (Linkin Park)



    Those songs are awesome, just like me. By the way, don't let Pinkie Pie into your house.

  8. I can't really decide since everypony is so nice and softhearted. It's not like I can just let one pony inside and let the rest to be outside in the cold rain. If I have to choose, then my favorite user would be... Everypony! Because you never said anything about only choosing one pony.


    See the whole list of 6,840 ponies, but all of them are my favorite!


    I'm my favorite user of course! Hehehe, can't really say who, can I pick everybody? Besides, If I really had to choose, I'd say I was my favorite user. (Being a wise guy here)

  9. Rainbow Dash.



    • She is a bad role model.
    • She is kinda' full of herself.
    • Doesn't really think things out and just pushes through everything.
    • Don't like her color scheme.
    I think I got some more but I guess this is enough.


    Thats what makes her awesome. It was hard to choose, as a matter of fact I am deleting my vote. I really can't choose which one to take off, all of them are good.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I've read the Creepypasta, I've read more Slenderman fanfics in over 1 hour (30 of them) than anybody I know, but this is pretty good, you should consider going into the Fanfics more often.


    And this is pretty much the plot for the "slender" game

  11. Hello, all.



    I was checking what is Derpy Hooves, and I did some research, and found that Derpy Hooves is hated by parents because they confuse her with Disabilities: if the bullies bully you because you have a disability means they watch MLP FiM.


    Why do people hate Derpy? The she acts is just like Spongebob Squarepants, and nobody hates him.

    I am not Pro-Derpy, or against Derpy, this is just something I came up with.



    I really, really need to check up on recent events.

  12. I really, really can't decide, yes Manga is more canon, but anime is in motion, nothing really can beat that. For example:

    Iron Man is going to turn into a Anime sometime soon (Correct me if I am wrong), and the graphics I saw where out of this world.

    I didn't really see if there was a Manga for that though.

  13. Wow, I never saw Pinkie Pie in that kind of perspective, she did show signs of BPD in that episode, but I never knew she lived in a rock farm, I need to check up on my MLP FiM episodes.

  14. Me: Who is best pony rainbow dash or rainbow dash?

    Cleverbot: Yes, I love Rainbow Dash!

    Me: Is fluttershy best pony?

    Cleverbot: No, Rainbow Dash is best pony.


    That proves it rainbow dash is best pony!


    She got about, like 20& cooler.


    Some ponies say she stole the 20% cooler thing, I say nay! (Pun intended)


    And that my friends is the definition of 20% cooler.

    • Brohoof 1
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