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About TheAsterite

  • Birthday 1990-07-06

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  1. If you have a local sports card store or gaming store around you, they should have one of these boxes: http://www.amazon.com/Ct-800-Card-Storage-Gaming/dp/B00MWJQ7X6/ref=sr_1_31?s=toys-and-games&ie=UTF8&qid=1413416007&sr=1-31 In my experience, they can hold 2 playsets of each card with room still left over.
  2. Anyone know for sure if the Flutterbat troublemaker card is going to be released in packs? The official card list for CN doesn't list it anywhere, and the fact that it's a #00 UR makes me curious.
  3. Enterplay is having a sale on their site, the promo code for 15% off should be on their facebook page, but they have the Luna and Vinyl Scratch special iron dog tags for sale there. I picked both of them up.
  4. A Deckbuilder site came online in the last couple days. http://ponyhead.com/deckbuilder Here's mine: http://ponyhead.com/deckbuilder?v1code=6x1-10x2-12x3-13x2-14x2-20x3-81x3-84x1-85x2-89x2-94x3-108x2-115x2-117x1-123x2-127x2-130x2-134x2-146x1-148x2-156x2-160x3-161x2-164x2-165x2-166x2-168x2-208x1-PF1x1
  5. I got it during the flash sale. As far as I know they haven't released it anywhere yet.
  6. I'll be using Fluttershy as my Main Character, and she flips when I confront a problem with her and a critter at it. I'm using blue for moving characters for free using Holly Dash and Wild Fire based on a suggestion in the strategies thread. With Princess Celestia and the Caretaker ability along with Forest Owl, hopefully I should be good. The only problem I foresee having is there's aren't any combo cards that help out with affinity for Kindness and Loyalty. I have to be really careful about my opening hand or I'll be stuck doing nothing for a few turns. Here's the deck list I posted in the other thread for a total of 46 cards: Princess Celestia 1x Fluttershy, Animal Team 1x Mane Cureall 2x Forest Owl 2x Blue Jay 3x Winona 3x Rainbow Dash, To the Rescue 1x Holly Dash 2x Wild Fire 2x Pegasus Royal Guard 2x Emerald Green 3x Sweetie Sunrise 3x Resources: Picnic Lunch 1x Too Many Bandages 2x Critter Cuisine 2x Event: Gotta Go Fast 1x Yay! 2x Fears Must be Faced 2x The Horror! The Horror! 2x What Went Wrong? 2x Critter Calvary 2x Trouble Maker: Yellow Parasprite 3x Parasprite Swarm 2x Problems: Bunny Breakout 2x A Thorn in His Paw 2x The Problem with Parasprites 2x Bunny Stampede 2x Cloudbursting 2x Edit: Also, I have question about adding power. The card Forest Owl gives +1 power to each other character at that problem. Is that added power a generic power point? Or does it add to their specific affinity (such as giving +1 loyalty to Sweetie Sunrise and +1 Kindness to Winona)?
  7. Ok, so here's the deck I put together: Friends: Princess Celestia 1x Fluttershy, Animal Team 1x Mane Cureall 2x Forest Owl 2x Blue Jay 3x Winona 3x Rainbow Dash, To the Rescue 1x Holly Dash 2x Wild Fire 2x Pegasus Royal Guard 2x Emerald Green 2x Sweetie Sunrise 3x Resources: Picnic Lunch 1x Too Many Bandages 2x Critter Cuisine 2x Event: Gotta Go Fash 1x Yay! 2x Fears Must be Faced 2x The Horror! The Horror! 2x What Went Wrong? 2x Critter Calvary 2x Trouble Maker: Yellow Parasprite 3x Parasprite Swarm 2x Problems: Bunny Breakout 2x A Thorn in His Paw 2x The Problem with Parasprites 2x Bunny Stampede 2x Cloudbursting 2x Any thoughts?
  8. Is there a card that gives +kindness and +loyalty till the end of the phase? If not I'll have to be more careful about my opening hand when I start...
  9. The series 2 Applejack promo looks almost exactly like the series 1 card.
  10. Ah, I see. As for trouble makers, around how many should I have in my deck? I was thinking 4, 2 Ahuizotl and 2 Parasprite Swarms (I don't have any Nightmare Moon cards yet).
  11. I hope this card is as good as I think it is. There's a tournament coming up in my area in a couple weeks, and I have no clue what to build. I've always been bad at deck building XD
  12. Princess Celestia herself has swift, and Mane Cureall allows me to move a critter for free when I play her. Also, lemony Gem let's me move an opponent character at that problem when I move her to it. Would that be enough to sortof counter a high mobility deck?
  13. Ok, so a tournament is coming up near my area, and I'm thinking about making a fluttershy/something deck because I recently pulled the UR Princess Celestia. Since there are lots of kindness cards that get a boost when there's a critter friend at the problem, I want to combine that with maybe magic cards that give more power to my cards the more opponent's friends are at a problem. Cards like Spring Forward that gets +2 for each opponent character at a problem and Rare Find that gets +1. Any thoughts on this?
  14. Nah, I'm definitely going to keep it. It's the only mlp playmat that I liked. Figures they aren't selling it in stores...
  15. Anyone know if the deluxe dog tags were released in the U.S.? If so where can I find them?
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