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Everything posted by FractalMoon

  1. Paging @Derplight Sperkle Silver shakes her head, "Police is a good escape strategy, but not until we get out of the building... Till then, move slowly and try not to make too much noise..." Shade feels a strange tingling around his body, followed by the strange experience of seeing his body and Silver's disappear. She moves silently up to the lobby, trying to escape the area.
  2. Paging @Derplight Sperkle, @Pat.Rio.T. Silver rubs her temples through her hood, "I suppose I should have worded things better, I was in a hurry... Never mind that now." she sighs, "Well, police uniforms were plan B, so I guess it's straight to C... Plan C is simple, I cloak us both till we get past anyone guarding the path out, then we run like hell and blow the charges. Hopefully they'll think we're less important than a building collapsing... Unless you've got another plan... " The police officer shakes his head, "I don't know what's going on... I just was told to warn anyone who is in here of what the automated warnings are saying."
  3. Paging @Derplight Sperkle, @Pat.Rio.T., @Jellal Fernandes Silver reflexively activates her armor form until the Shield-bearing superhero is teleported out and Shade stops shooting. Thankfully for her she had heard the whirring of the minigun before it fired and what few bullets hit her just deflected away or crumpled on impact, but she still winces and turns to her partner, "Jesus fuck shade! I didn't mean for you to bring the goddamn Iraq war with you! Whatever happened to that guy, he's probably angry now, so let's get going before he notices us." she starts running up the stairs while ordering both elevators to rise to the top floor and not open, hoping it'll distract the two heroes above them. A scared police officer looks at Pat and Emile, "Excuse me sirs, I must request you leave this place. The building is reporting several critical problems, it could collapse at any moment..."
  4. Hmmm, either Chrysalis because I want a way to change myself into a form that more align with my ideals, or Nightmare Moon because she's basically a dark goddess and possibly the second strongest villain behind Discord when she was at her peak.
  5. Paging @Pat.Rio.T. Silver sighs, "I was trying to get you to go so we could finish this with a minimum of combat, but I guess we get to do this the hard way. So who are you? I can tell you're a meta of some kind, but I don't really recognize you..." She says, stalling as she sends Shade a message through her interface with her phone. At the same time she tries to look casual while slowly constructing a knife behind her back out of the titanium in the walls, praying it will be useful in the coming fight. Paging @Derplight Sperkle Shade receives a message on his phone from Silver saying, 'Hostile meta in front of elevators, diplomacy not working, trying to stall till you show up. Do not reply to this message, just show up. Hide B17 in your backpack thingy so he doesn't know why we're here.'
  6. Paging @Pat.Rio.T. Silver shakes her head, "There's one thing we need to grab from the lab, so we'll be right behind you... I don't know what caused that explosion, but wouldn't an intrepid hero like you be better suited investigating that than helping a couple able-bodied nerds get up an elevator? "she asks, hoping a bit of ego stroking will get rid of the hero. Her hope begins to fall though, and she realizes she's completely screwed in a straight fight.
  7. Paging @Pat.Rio.T. Silver shakes her head, "No need, we're all done now. Why don't you head out, and we'll follow you in a minute." She suggests, hoping that this person, obviously a hero of some kind, is at least willing to disengage without fighting. However, she subtly shifts her stance to prepare to fight him if necessary, queuing up a message to Shade in case she needs someone who is actually decent at fighting to take things over.
  8. Paging @Pat.Rio.T. Silver nods, "normally I'd agree, but if we left the attack would have had time to do billions of dollars of damage, and unfortunately while I share your observation that lives are more important, Corporate doesn't see it like that... In the all the more likely chance that this is just a routine test I would prefer to have a job after, so here I am cleaning up the messes." she lies, hoping that she is a good enough liar to deflect his suspicion.
  9. Paging @Pat.Rio.T. Silver nods, "I work IT here, my team heard the alarm, but we were facing an attack at the same time so we decided to finish up here before we got going..." she looks Pat over, "Who are you exactly? This is supposed to be a restricted area, and I don't think I've ever seen a shield like that before..."
  10. Paging @Derplight Sperkle, @Jellal Fernandes As Shade finishes up Silver shakes her head, "There's someone else here... They came down and I don't know who they are... You guys lay low, I'll try to talk to them. If things go bad, run for your lives and don't blow the charges till I send you a message. I'd rather not die, but if we get caught we can kiss the paycheck goodbye." She walks out of the lab and toward the elevator just in time to see Pat advance from the stairwell. Paging @Pat.Rio.T., Silver sees the shield first and panics, 'Meta incoming... Not good... How should I play this?' she asks herself before opting for the role of confusion rather than malice, hoping that the fact that her hoodie is obviously not lab attire isn't picked up, "Um... Hello there, can I help you?" She asks, trying to feign calm.
  11. Well, Silver is going to interact with Pat anyway, so you could always Rift out with Shade.
  12. Paging @Jellal Fernandes, @Derplight Sperkle Silver finishes up her cyberattack on the facility by placing a few hints that the attack was on behalf of e-corp while removing her own signatures from the logs, smirking to herself as she prepares to shift the blame from her herself to the megacorporation. After completing her security breach she opens the doors and walks back out to meet Shade, seeing Emile at the same place, "We're here for 17, but we might as well just take everything since we're here. Never know what this stuff might sell for or help us out with..." She smiles and notices that Shade has prepped the charges, "Alright, once you get the stuff we should scram. I have some old city police uniforms we can put on once we get out if we run into trouble, but..." She hears the elevator begin to go up as if someone called it, "Oh dear, we may have an uninvited guest..." She looks back at Shade, "Work quickly, I'll try to talk us out of this..." Paging @Pat.Rio.T., Pat sees the tranquilized clerk slumped next to her desk in the lobby, and as he approaches the elevator he sees a sign that informs him, "Evacuation complete sub-basement 1-5, 3 life signs sub-floor 6", and prompts him to lower to that floor.
  13. Paging @Derplight Sperkle, @Jellal Fernandes Silver sees a strange man come down from the other elevator and shrugs, "Third door on the right, take the hall down and you'll be fine. Tell anyone you see to run and make your business quick." She says, as if she didn't notice anything strange about the man who just showed up. She heads into the security office and sees a single bored-looking guard watching the monitors. She sneaks up behind him and chokes the man out, substituting the enhanced power of her nanite-laced muscles in order to make the man pass out quickly. With a smile she begins to access the computers in the security system, intentionally using brute force rather than finesse in order to create the appearance of this being a corporate attack. At the same time she sends an evacuation order to everyone in the facility, telling them that due to the explosion outside everyone is requested to leave for their own safety. Shade notices the few researchers here today filing out of the lab, not really giving him a second thought. Eventually he reaches the chamber where the target object is, behind a blackened glass wall that just begs to be opened. (Paging @The Dark Lord, alright, what's in the mystery room?)
  14. Paging @Derplight Sperkle, @Jellal Fernandes Silver sighs when she sees the clerk slump over, "You do know we're going to have to pull her out before we blow the building right? Should have just left her there." As they walk into the elevator she examines the panel and chuckles, "Class 5 biometric and passcoded lock. These guys aren't messing around... They say these are uncrackable..." She cracks her knuckles and places a hand against the panel, which flashes for a moment before showing that the password was accepted, "They obviously haven't met me." She taps floor 6 and the elevator slowly drops. They reach sub-floor 6 and Silver looks at Shade, "I'm going to take their security system, you go find the package. Feel free to grab anything else you see that's interesting, you never know what you'll find when you dig around these places..." She walks off, commanding the elevator to return to the top floor and open so anyone else here may be able to enter. Sub-floor 6 is a twisting maze of labs after labs, each labelled with a number. The security room is to the right, and their objective to the left.
  15. Paging @Derplight Sperkle Silver watches the guards drop, then nods, "Let's get this over quickly and cleanly then..." She says as the two advance toward the lobby of the building. Mercury labs's building is incredibly modern-looking, with an all glass and steel design that was noted in many design magazines as incredibly impractical but strikingly beautiful. Many of the civilians in the building are already at work, and the lobby worker doesn't question the masked man and his hooded companion as they approach the elevator.
  16. Yeah, it seems like the downtime right and truly killed this... For shame.
  17. As do I. That's why I made it as big as possible, to try and attract at least somebody to what's going on.
  18. Paging @Derplight Sperkle Silver winces as Shade presses the detonator. There are a few seconds of wait time before she whispers, "It usually goes off by-" She's cut off by an earth-shaking bang from the hill where they planted the explosive. The Shockwave of the blast shatters glass for blocks around, and even manages to push the heavy car a bit off of the road as a massive plume of smoke is kicked up. The guards in the lab begin to rush out to survey the surroundings, having no idea what could have possibly happened.
  19. Paging @Derplight Sperkle Silver shakes her head, "I need a lot of focus to synthesize the stuff without winding up blowing myself sky high..." she sits back in the passenger seat, "It's not the power of the blast, but the type. It's an extremely high speed explosive, so it'll probably shatter windows for a couple of blocks, and it'll be heard for a mile or so, farther if the street acts like a focuser... It'll definitely make sure people are paying attention to it and not us, but this Hill will not be here when the dust settles. "she smiles," You said you wanted big, I brought big. "
  20. Paging @Derplight Sperkle Silver nods, "CL20 is definitely an earthmoving explosive, so I'll place a bit of it here, and we can mix it with the C4 you brought to take down the building later..." She closes her eyes and concentrates for a minute or so, at which time a small mound of crystals begins to spread in front of her till it's a cylinder the size of a dinner plate, about 4 inches tall. To this mass of crystals she attaches a small radio transmission detonator to it, then turns to Shade, "Alright, we're all wired up, this'll wake up the whole damn city..." she says with a smile, backing away from the explosive quickly.
  21. One of the founding hallmarks of the Internet is that people get mad over nothing, I'm just happy that my perspective could help you understand. Honestly, I'm not even that mad that the game is being made. I've played every game in the genre my second post listed with the exception of SWAT, which was too difficult for my tastes. I love squad tactical games, but they're not metroid. Keep Samus and exploration in metroid games, and make a new property with tactical shooting, or better yet bring back Republic Commando!
  22. Paging @Derplight Sperkle Silver sighs, "Sorry you went through that... Some scientists aren't exactly ethical with their experiments, not that I can speak exactly, seeing as I experimented on myself in order to try and make things better, but it just wound up doing this to me..." She shakes her head, "Enough self pity though, I do have to say that I can't even imagine what you went through, but if you want me to help you out I could try and help you recover your memory." She looks at the sign, "Either way, I guess it's time to focus up and get ready to strike a blow for freedom against whoever these guys are..." On the other hand, do I really want to get close to someone who may wind up getting contracted to kill me? She asks herself silently, pondering the idea.
  23. Paging @Derplight Sperkle Silver chuckles, "As much as being a living shield seems endearing, I for one don't enjoy being shot at, and the fact that I have to focus on that means that I can't be doing any hacking or anything else while that's happening." She watches the wound heal and smiles, "That seems like quite the useful ability, unfortunately it appears that we have the same weakness toward rockets. Any idea how far away we are?" She asks curiously
  24. Paging @Derplight Sperkle Silver winces, "Please don't let them shoot at me too much, it's an emergency thing, not something I enjoy doing for a long time..." She watches as Shade slits his finger with the knife, "I don't usually have to sharpen things, but I've done it once or twice... I guess I just got lucky..." She says with a smile before looking at the cut, "Is that going to be alright? Are you sure you should be cutting yourself this close to when you'll need all your fingers?"
  25. Paging @Derplight Sperkle Silver nods, "The sharper the better, I promise I'll sharpen it right back up once I'm done..." She takes the edge and rests it against her arm, then activates the nanite operation mode she calls 'Armor form'. Her arm becomes a dull metallic color as she drags the knife across it. The blade makes a sound of metal on metal as it is swiftly dulled against her currently-armored skin and she smiles at Shade, "So what do you think? Increases my survivability quite a bit, so long as they don't have anything capable of penetrating the equivalent of inch-thick tungsten carbide... Unfortunately, I slow down a lot when I'm using it since I have to manually calculate all my movements." She armors one of her fingers and begins to re-hone the knife's blade, "Sorry about your knife by the way, it'll be ready in a moment."
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