Oh, this is the section that I love. I'm interested in a multitude of things... Um, well... You see... I... Darn it, this always happens. Um, well, I'm interested in writing, sometimes. I'm interested in video games, sometimes. I dabble in Let's Playing, or at least I dabbled once. Then my computer broke, and well, you know the story there. Oh! Easy one. I am interested in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and things related to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Though, that's probably obvious from the fact this is on a website which is based off of the enjoyment of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and things related to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. So, as you can see, my interests are... nonexistent. Have a lovely day!
I'm not sure I like that many swears in a row. You can swear a couple of times, but to me, 8 seems a bit excessive. (For the record I'm just quoting Not Stanley by fatpie and in no way care how many swears you have in a row.)
Ahh the Neoboards.. The place that began my love of counter-trolling. It wasn't that bad really, but you had to be prepared to be frozen at the slightest slip up.