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OK well I'm working on a rp that my newest oc I'm working on falls in love with his old school crush again who happens to be cheerilee. What I can say is that he's the lead singer and a guitarist in his band that got started and he lives a double life. This was going to be a story but I felt like it would work better and be a rp. This will involve multiple characters one or two villains for this I'll have more info when I'm not mobile and able to get to my PC. Any suggestions or ideas would be great.
@ I need you to contact me and Midnight so that we can get this past stuff settled out and everyone can play again. I was informed that the ambassador is going to die so it shouldn't be much of a hassle. Please get a hold of me ASAP.
We did and now we got stuck so we need to get the past stuff done so everyone can play again.
@, @@Midnight_Aurora We need to sit down and discuss what's going on in the battle sequence and what we're going to be doing here so that we can keep this rp going. We've dead stopped at a giant brick wall, and I feel that if we talk it out we can get this wall knocked down. Either we need to discuss it here or in a PM so someone needs to contact me ASAP with all three of us tagged or something. DM out for the night!
@ Faust looked on and knew that she couldn't block both of the attacks. Instead she moved her body just right so that the daggers would graze her sides. The daggers cut through the lighter mail of her armor easily causing Faust to wince in pain, while the crystal made its way to her. Once they were close enough she jammed her sword into the black crystals, they cleared and shone brightly having been purified. But then phase two happened, her horn lit up and she poured her magic into her sword and the magic was shot out in multiple beams towards the two intruders. Lavender: Lavender was unsure of what to make of the panicked sight before her as the Diamond Dog yelled at her to look behind her. Lavender turned, keeping her head lowered to conceal her glowing horn. She was ready for an attack from either side, she had vines hidden under the stone floor ready to strike in defense.
Oh yeah sorry I didn't know what you meant right away I've been kinda out of it. Yeah go right ahead.
Sorry guys been really busy lately with work and was out on vacation. Don't worry though I'll post a new reply tomorrow morning promise on my honor as a brony.
@, Faust deflected the magic blast with her blades, returning fire to the other dark magic wielder. Faust then raised her wings before taking off in a flash towards Nightmare Moon. Her swords swung to the ready, her speed was unseen before, landing in front of Nightmare and swung her swords. @, @@Yoshikupo Lavender could hear the yelling and panic outside from somepony, but it was a voice she didn't recognize. "It'll be just fine dears you two just stay in hear and don't open the door for anypony but me or your mother. I've taught you a little magic Tia and you also have my flowers, use them only as a last resort ok." Lavender levitated the two fillies and gave them a kiss on the forehead. "If I don't come back in 5 minutes then hide in here ok." Lavender used her magic and cast a illusion spell and cautiously moved out of the door. Lavender walked out and shut the door behind her making sure her earth magic blocked the door, thin vines covered the door. She stood in front of the door looking at the diamond dog down the hall. "Who are you? I know everypony here and I know that there have never been any diamond dogs in the castle. They have stolen before and we don't let them in." Lavender was ready to die protecting these special fillies if she had too.
@ Don't worry I'll let you take care of Lavender and take her out of the picture.........permanently.
@, @@Yoshikupo Lavender looked to Luna and gave her a gentle smile. "Of course Luna, I'm sorry we had to do it so early but you mother will be busy most of the day. As for her issues, it's just simple negotiations." Lavender using her magic, levitated some crystal lily flowers to the fillies. "You remember these right? My illusion flowers will help you hide better from somepony that might want to hurt you." Lavender shut the door and locked it tight. "No matter what, we can't go out until your mother comes for us ok." Just as Lavender said that, the sound of a blast of magic erupted in the halls causing Lavenders eyes to dilate and her heart started to race.
Faust glared at the creature, wondering and trying to figure out how she could know exactly what she was talking about and how she knew about Celetia and Luna's powers. Faust glided down to the bottom of her throne and readied herself for battle. Her magic pulled two elegant swords from behind her throne. "I'll stop you hear and now, for I'm not one who needs to rely on cowardice and hiding behind another to seem stronger than normal." Faust swung her blades and piercing light burst through the room and cut through any darkness. Faust had effectively made the first move in this fight. @, @@Yoshikupo Lavender Love was with Tia and Luna, quickly putting them into their shared room for now. She knew that if the queen had to put them here then it was dangerous. She knew she wasn't a fighter but her magic would aid her in hopefully keeping the fillies safe. "Are you two girls ok? I'm sorry we had to rush here but your mother feels you will be safe here while she deals with an issue in the court ok."
I'm going to be making a master post for the villains since Alex hasn't posted in a few days so keep an eye out tonight for a post to continue the story OK. @@Midnight_Aurora
@ Faust stood her ground, her golden armor shimmering in the sunlight that came through the stained glass windows. "I don't know what you're talking about but you stay away from my children." Faust takes a more determined stance an let's her aura show, that even in this timeline of old magic she's not to be messed with. "I will not let some dark and maleficent creature such as yourself remove the beauty that I've worked so hard to bring into this world." Faust's aura glows brighter, almost cutting through all of the darkness except for the creature for Nightmare and Sombra. She wanted to try to end this without incident but she knew that it probably wouldn't go that way.
@ The guards didn't know what to make of this dog, but they knew that they had to protect the queen until she could mount an offensive against whatever had her so worried. The guards secured her and took the dog into the castles dungeon and quickly locked her up. Within moment they were back at their posts unaware of the dark aura that had sealed the doors and windows. Faust was still within her chambers when she felt her magic cut off suddenly, it was then that she just stood and looked around her chamber at the shadows. "You can't hide anymore I know you're here so you might as well show yourself."
@@Midnight_Aurora, @ 45mins before the groups arrival in the past: Faust was moving quickly after she had felt the dark energy enter her kingdom. First thing was first, she had made sure that the girls foalsitter was with them. Lavender Love wasn't a fighter but she was well trained in illusion magic and would be able to hide them easily. Once her guards were stationed at their posts and the few needed inside Faust dawned her golden armor and headed to her throne room. Upon sitting on her throne she used her magic to touch the minds of all her guards, commanding them through her telepathy, unfortunately this left her at a disadvantage. "Ok everypony let's keep whatever it is at bay." Current time with group: Snow nodded his head and continued flying along with the group. "I understand, it's a sound plan for now Chrysteel and it should work just fine as long as we don't run into any problems." (OOC: The next few posts with me and Alex will be a little confusing but try not to jump too far ahead and I'll let you know what's going on in the OOC when it's time ok.)
I will need the two members to reply to the conversation I sent them for the next parts of the rp please. @@Yoshikupo, @
@ Hours before the groups arrival: Queen Faust walked the halls of the castle talking with her current knight captain, discussing the days report on the land borders and the Kingdom itself. "Very good Star Stitch, you are dismissed and can take the rest of th......." Faust stood still, her heart was beating quickly and it had felt like she'd been kicked in the gut. She could tell something sinister had just appeared in her land, but what scarred her the most was that it wasn't there before and magic couldn't be hidden from her, she could sense it all. "Star Stitch I want the whole watch on guard for any sign of danger or suspicious activity. Understood?" The captain knew better than to challenge the queen and quickly raced away. Faust stood there, fearing for her children. For this was the first time in her lifespan that her hooves shook in fear of the power that just entered her kingdom. Back to current time: "I'm with Chrysteel, we need to put our differences aside for right now and go to the castle to help the Queen." Snow then looked at Beraha with concern. "I am bothered though that we might not be trusted with a dragon on our side. Is there a way for anypony to change him back temporarily for meeting the queen? It might go better." (OOC: WAHOO FAUSTICORN POST FINALLY!!!)
I'm fine with everyone having a good time and all don't get me wrong. It's just a daunting thing to have two pages of stuff to read through when you get home is all. I would say please at least wait until 1-2 others have posted before posting again so that we don't leave others behind please. If it's just dialog between two characters then that's fine just as long as we aren't moving the story along so fast that others have to play catch up.
Can you guys slow down for a moment I'm not home yet and I just checked and I have 2 pages of studd to read and catch up on. Lol work sucks up my life.
@ @@Midnight_Aurora Snow closes his eyes and feels Scarlett's magic flow around him and seems to put him at ease. Once she moves away and asks if he's alright, Snow let's out a slow, deep breath. Standing up on his hooves, Snow shakes his head a little before snapping his wings out and then back in quickly. "Yeah that seemed to really help Scarlett, thank you." Snow shuffled his hooves a little, he wasn't used to giving anypony praise or that sort of thing. "Um....well, yes let's see what we can do about Nightmare Moon now if everyone's had some sufficient time. Right Chrysteel?"
@ Snow groaned and raised his head once he saw the Flutterlings disperse. "Y.....yeah if you could help me Scarlett that would be wonderful." Snow couldn't wait for this feeling he was having to vanish so that they could start the hunt for Nightmare Moon. They were already a few hours behind her and Sombra, who knows what kind of trouble they could cause without anypony to stop them.
Snow could see the strange things known as Flutterlings flying around and trying to assist them, he just simply swatted at them with his wings. "Ugh, annoying things....I don't want your....*hurl*....ugh, aid!" Snow slumped down onto the ground and just laid there hoping the stomach sickness would go away quickly. "I'm with Ocean on this one. I'm all for taking down Nightmare Moon but doing this while sick isn't going to help...*hurl*...much." Snow let out a low sigh before plopping his head down on the ground too, still seeing the world spin. (@.@ Wow I'm gone for most of the day and I've missed a lot. Let's try not to get to far ahead of others or get anyone confused as to what's really going on. Anyway back out again made a stop to quick post and now away I go.)
Snow stumbles to his hooves, covering his mouth to keep from tossing what little food he had before the battle. Looking around he saw nothing but forest for as far as the eyes could see. Shaking his head Snow took flight to get to the forest canopy to see just what they were dealing with. Flying back down Snow landed shakily, still feeling the side effects of the time jump. "Ugh....from what I could make out through the spinning...is that we're in a giant forest. And let me put the emphasis on GIANT, I don't think there's a town for a while. I could make out what looked like a castle in the far distance but it looked to be.....oh boy excuse me." Snow dashed behind a rock and a hurling noise could be heard. Snow popped his head up once he'd finished. "Ugh a castle but it was at least a few days trek from us. And we know that Nightmare already has a jump on us."
@@Midnight_Aurora @ALL Snow looked around at the group that was now assembled before him, catching the sight of the dracopony was what really surprised him. Huh I haven't seen a dracopony in years. It'll be a treat to fight along side him. Snow snapped back to reality and made his introduction. "I'm Snow Breeze, you all seem well suited for the most part for this mission. But don't expect much we just need to get in defeat Nightmare and then come back." Celestia walked up to the controls and turned around to face the group. "Good work Chyrsteel, you've assembled a fine group. Luckily Nightmare left the coordinates put in all be it with a few minor error or two, you should arrive near where she came out." Celestia lowered her head upon hearing Ocean's hopeful statement. "I....I would like to believe my sister is alive but the moment Nightmare took her I felt her life force vanish from my senses." Celestia opened her wings and flew up towards the top of the machine that once housed the 5 element bearers and stood on the platform. "You asked how you're getting there, well......I'm going to be the catalyst for the machine. Shining and Cadence quickly objected to the idea but were not going to persuade her any differently. Celestia's magic started the machine and encased her in a orb and began draining her magic and life force quickly, starting the portal up. "Shining.....Cadence....in the name of my mother I.....gah....name you king and queen....may you...*screams*...lead Equestria to a new golden age." Celestia then turned her gaze to Chrysteel and the group. "The rest of you....please enter once I'm gone....stop Nightmare from changing the world. I hoped this wouldn't be a one way trip but it's looking like that....gah!!!! I name you the Light's of Equestria, now go and stop the darkness." Celestia let out a horrid scream, her last bit of life being drawn from her before the purple portal opened for the group. "In the name of the Princesses!!" Snow shouted, his wings flapped as he started towards the portal.