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Vinyl Scratch (Filly)™

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Posts posted by Vinyl Scratch (Filly)™

  1. tfw my motto was removed by mod because of it being something like this thread. "Promoting drugs" or something like that. I'm surprised this thread has been up for as long as it has been.


    Edit: My motto was something like "sm0k3 d4nk ku$h 3rry d4y" Can't remember.

  2. Dayum... read this and thought it was gonna be about fry ups! Not fries as in chips.


    I mean fry ups are the best, heck you can even have fries/chips with them!!


    Look at this sexy beast, it's the Ulster Fry



    On topic though, I prefer straight cut fries/chips.

  3. The plural of anime is anime not animes (sorry pet peeve). I suggest to anyone who is new to anime to just check out all the mainstream stuff out first, and then explore your favourite genres yourself.

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