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Posts posted by TheLoneyPony

  1. (In short, "Magical Mystery Cure" is missed opportunity, and a massive disappointment)

    Now a look at why "Magical Mystery Cure" has disappointed me.


    After finally watching the episode I must say I am massively disappointment with this episode. It needed to be at least 2 parts long and the writers didn't emphasis the whole "Switched Cutie Marks" concept, as much as I would of liked. It felt rushed and almost out of place. I was hoping that Ponyville would over time get run down, like the early screenshots for the episode seemed to imply [see bottom of post]. Don't get me wrong, Apple Jacks farm did get run down in the final episode, as with Rarity's Boutique, but it seemed they got rundown quite literally overnight, and is only briefly shown. Once Twilight found a cure shortly after she first discovered her mistake all was good again. There was no big test like in "The Return of Harmony" that strained the ponies friendship, and in general it was a very underwhelming finale. This is very sad compared to the quality of Season 2's ending. The episode had its moments, like some good songs and when Twilight becomes a Princess, but the episode is so rushed that those moments didn't deliver the punch they should of. Dark Qiviut sums all this up perfectly.


    But if there was one thing that really hurt the episode's overall
    quality, it was akin to Keep Calm and Flutter On: The pace was WAY too
    fast! Each moment leapt from one moment to another and had no
    time to calm down and relax. It started extremely fast and just
    increased in speed. Magical Mystery Cure is like a pot of water, except
    it boiled immediately and kept boiling faster and faster, hotter and
    hotter, and the water never evaporated. This finale would've been even
    better if it was a two-parter, as that transformation would've had more
    plot development and time to slow down the pace and foreshadow the
    moment even better. Here, her transformation had no in-canon momentum,
    not in this episode and not for the entire season following Crystal
    Empire, Part II. For a change this radical, you need to hint these moments more in order to build it up, and it didn't.


    • Brohoof 2
  2. So uhhh......


    I was Steve Irwin

    My father was a one-legged goose

    and my mother was an elephant


    and for some reason, there was a flood over where we lived.


    We were trying to escape the flood, so I managed to get on my mom's back and she could swim better than my father, who would roll on his side and float when he tried paddling with one leg, so I picked him up and held him while we rode on my mom's back through the flood.


    My mother screams out: "THIS IS YOUR CAPTAIN SPEAKING. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL HAS GRANTED US CLEARENCE." and she took off flying, no wings, nothing, just a flying, talking elephant.


    Then I heard a roar coming from the water, and my dad proceeds to scream out: "It calls for a sacrifice, I must go!" and jumps off.


    When he hit the water, the flood stopped, my mom landed, and turned into Ms. Piggy from the muppets, and just ran away. I was left standing alone on the grass. The end.




    Yes, this is all 100% true of what I remember, and is just too stupid to make up. Bear in mind though, I had gone on a HUUUUUGE youtube spree the night I had this dream.  ;_; It was so strange

    :huh:  That's just downright unusual? Flying, sacrifices? What the hell did you do before you went to bed? Watch a comedy movie? Lol. I definitely got a chuckle out of it though :lol:  

    • Brohoof 1
  3. When I was about 5 I used to constantly have a dream about a wizard, this wizard was called the "Tickler." Don, don, dooooon!!!! When he was near, I would act dead while he... tickled me? Stupid right? Then again I was only 5 or 6. Suspiciously enough, the wizard stuff he wore looked very similar to Twilight's' Nightmare Night costume :huh:


  4. My name is Joshua. I don't like people calling me Joshua though. I prefer to be called Josh. Good thing all my friends and family call me Josh naturally, I can't stand been called Joshua. It just doesn't sound cool. On the plus side its not as common as Michael or Sam etc.

  5. It took 2 days to watch the whole video (Me and my 2 brothers are closet bronies, our parents don't know we watch MLP) I now have a greater respect for the Voice Actors. They have affected peoples lives, me included. I used to have bad depression problems, but after I got into MLP a few months ago I was happier person.

  6. This may sound a little weird but I HATE the sound of a semi-blunt or blunt pencil sound on paper. I can't stand it!! That's why I have to have my

    pencil real sharp, so it doesn't make that noise.

  7. Also, you know when you are downstairs, then you head to go back upstairs and you feel something is following you so you run up fast, that also was something, heck, it still happens, not really scared of it, just have that feeling. xD

    Damn, I still do that. I used to think strange monsters and skeletons we're walking around our house. At this age though I have new fears. In our old house my room was at the real end of a long hallway, the toilet was at the other, and just before the toilet is a decent sized room where the front door was. At night, when I needed to go toilet, I always feared that a Demon or some kind of supernatural being was standing there waiting for me. I always looked over there in anticipation for a fright. That lasted the whole time I was in that house. Man I'm such a wimp ^_^


    I still fear that some supernatural being is lurking in our house. I also feel like I'm been watched while I'm trying to get to sleep, since I can remember I sleep with the sheets right over my head. I know nothing is out there but I still freak out as if something is stalking me.



    To this day, if possible I reach into a room to turn the lights on before I enter.

    I did the same thing, I still do it but its more of a habit then out of fear.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Without some escapism I probably would have put a bullet in my head years ago, seriously real life can be very depressing sometimes.

    Hmm, I do get some very bad depression some times and I have thought about what happened if I we're to just disappear. Although, if it weren't for one of my cousins I would of gone absolutely mad, he is my only friend. As it turns out just recently he was thinking of taking his own life, he even wrote a suicide note! If he had done that I would of absolutely lost it.


    My escapism is in the form of music, and gaming. FiM had massively helped my depression problem, I still get serious depression but nowhere near as often.

  9. When I was about 3 I tripped over in our backyard and smashed head first into a wooden post. That was about 10 years ago, got a cute *clears throat* manly scar on my forehead.

  10. Been the shooter nut I am, I have witnessed the death of many main characters. The most shocking death for me was Soap in MW3, I owned both MW1 and MW2 (Which my parents forced me to sell) so I got to know the characters and it was just so unexpected! I didn't shed a tear but I do fondly remember been in shock because I never thought in a million years that Infinity Ward would kill Soap. Other then Soaps death Rabits death from MOH was quite sad as well.

    • Brohoof 2
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