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Everything posted by Argumedies

  1. Finally, a season 6 episode that I liked. But then, it's Rarity *automatic win*
  2. I just couldn't enjoy this episode. Fact is, I just don't like where they've taken the show in general these past 2 seasons. I feel the writers have just lost touch with favoring the fan pandering over story content and this episode just lost it for me
  3. Ya, they upset me somewhat with this announcement that Alicorns were not born. I just personally feel that it subtracts from Luna and Celestias importance.
  4. I actually feel that it should have ended at the end of season 4 Not that I didn't like some episodes in S5 *doose Rarity ep's* But I am getting the feeling that this has finally started it's downhill slide
  5. This movie was by far a much better story then Frozen imho
  6. Why not.... It worked for Kevin and Kell
  7. I think they just went off the deep end. I didn't like this season opener and i think they just shot themselves in the hoof with this whole alicorn thing. And while i know it was just fanon, the idea of never haveing a born alicorn until now just diminishes the rolls of Celestia and Luna and erases the importance of Twilight altogether. I honestly think im done with this story
  8. NOOOOO!!!!!.... THEY REDEEMED MY FAVORITE BAD PONY.... AND THEN DID THAT OTHER THING... NOOO NNOOOOO NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!#!#!!!!!!!#!## THIS EPISODE DID NOT HAPPPENN!!!!!!! (and the worst part is that i totally loved it!!)*sob* congrats cmcs! No really, an awesome episode
  9. Keep the beginning Keep the ending (keep the "Sweetybell is on to your sh*!" Big Mac moment) BURN EVERYTHING ELSE!!!!!!
  10. Awake at 4 am because my Tantibus really hurt me last night. I post that only because i know only here would that be understood.

    1. thegoodhen


      It's not understood cuz I dunno what Tantibus is.

  11. Well i guess look at it this way, in a movie where there is only obvious plot lines, its one of the few things left up for debate. *shrugs*
  12. Had way too much Rarijack for my tastes but it was nice to see Coco again. I was hopeing she would make a return
  13. Well with the way the movie ended I'm going to fathom a guess to say that there are two sunset shimmes as well and they just haven't found her yet my guess is the next movie is going to be about finding her alter self
  14. Would have made more sense if these "games" were every year, not every 4 years. Its not like its the Olympics. Thats the only real problem i have other then the extreimly obvious plot, deadpan explanations and bland reactions to those events that defy all known physics and philosophys that define their world.
  15. Is it me or have the really loosened up the rules reguarding background ponies sence ep 100

  16. Dispite the lack luster title i think Rarity Investigates has become my new favorite Rarity episode. I think that this is the first episode since Dog and Pony show for DHX to portray Rarity not just as a fabulous fashionable fashionista but to showcase her intellect in combination with every she did and if this wasnt proof positive that she is best pony then i dont know what would
  17. Finally! Another fabulous Rarity episode but i am slightly disappointed in that they didnt bring in Coco Pomell
  18. For all of us Haunt lovers, its gearing up to be that season again https://youtu.be/m-W-Pmh7AH4
  19. Well ive read that the first two episodes upon the return in September will be Rarity episodes. Its an exceptional appology for haveing to make us wait so long.
  20. Give some one a fish, and you'll feed um for a day. Teach some one to fish... and soon they'll be hogging all the best spots on the pond!!!

  21. In a nutshell, just another meh comic and ferther proves just how little the IDW staff cares about characterisation and originality (spoilers... You've been warned) In a word... It all boils down to "Redundency" They've taken probably the three most "creative" characters in this entire story and used the most re-used characteristics for the contrivance of story plot. In this episode We have Rarity* and The Cakes through their respective business conduct yet another wedding episode, which leads into another wedding episode. BUT, toss in a convieneant high establishment 1%er whom dispite the fact their future ruler lives there, still looks down upon ponyville and plus the ever expanding nature of "kin folk", that soon leads in to yet another ill fated wedding episode desaster that it was meant to be. *remind me to never get married in Equestria* Come on IDW, its not like your even trying anymore
  22. Why is it that because im waiting for my turn to download windows 10 do i get the feeling im actually waiting on Skynet to count down?

    1. Fhaolan


      No comment...

    2. Argumedies


      Microsoft version... ARMAGEDDON!


  23. Luna is still stuck on the moon and this whole story has been her self entertainment creation to keep from going more crazy... Am I doing it right?
  24. Hiatus week 2: were good to go, weve got tons of fan works and adaptations that keep us occupied for the time being. We dont need the actual program show... Right?... yep, plenty of fan works... and repeats
  25. Nope, its all about the eyes and no pony has better eyes then Rarity
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