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Blog Entries posted by Argumedies

  1. Argumedies
    Well I was having some difficulty figuring out the blogs so in my first blog I want to give thanks to Friendship_Cannon who assisted me with a bit of direction.
    But I was still having trouble cause I use a mobile and not all the tabs work for me. BUT I managed to find a back door in and so I now have my first blog *yay*
  2. Argumedies
    Okay, I have to write this out, I couldn't believe what had happened to me this afternoon and If i wasn't into Pony stuff none of this would matter.
    So here is my Brony moment for the day
    I was driving down the highway kicking it up on some classic rock radio station in southern Missouri when the song "Kick Start my Heart" by Motley Crew *an oldie but a goody* starts playing.
    So I turned it up and start jamming out when a thought occurred to me. On Youtube, BDeerhead had made a PMV with this song and it happens to be one of my favorites. so i grab my phone and look it up.

    (Yes I know your not supposed to be doing that while driving but i wont tell anyone if you don't)
    so I click on the video and it starts but the radio is already on the second chorus, so I click on it trying to fast forward the video (still driving).... AND IT LINES UP PERFECTLY WITH THE RADIO!
    okay... big whoop right! what does this happen to do with Pinky Pie?
    So I'm jamming this song and video while cruising down the highway all excited that i timed it just right and the song ends. and I'm felling extremely happy * enough to bring a smile to me* which doesn't happen too often**
    And no sooner do I do this, I pass a new Billboard on the highway *and I wish I had a picture* that read and I quote:
    "Think Pink Pony"
    I kid you not... I couldn't make this up.
    Pinky Pie has broken through to the real world and made my day
  3. Argumedies
    After now rewatching the new episodes for the umpteenth time, I happen to notice that Twilights new wings were larger then Rainbow Dash's wings
    I would surmise that by examining the other Alicorns, that the wings would have to be larger then a normal Pegasus and again I go back to the argument of bone structure.
    A normal Pegasus like Rainbow Dash, would have to extreamly light weight in order to archive flight and thus would need hollow bones to reduce weight without the comprise of strength and thus wouldn't need of large wings.
    But an Alicorn is much larger and heavier than a normal Pegasus and would need larger wings in order to archive lift.
    Twilight, although she's the same size as Rainbow Dash, she started life as a Unicorn and thus had more solid bone structure and thus needs larger wings.
    I have always been an advocate of the hollow bone structure of normal Pegasus and seeing this difference in my opinion confirms this hypothesis.
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