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Posts posted by Techno-chan

  1. i hate fluttershy. a lot.

    i really don't like the youtuber onision, he talked shit about a friend of mine and always seems to find trouble.

    i despise the term "natural beauty"

    im not a fan of discord.

    i hate the movie Frozen.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. you know, if people clop what the big deal? I say can do whatever they need to do to be happy! theyre not hurting anyone! the fact that people even try to stop them from doing it is kind of really shitty of them. I have no problem with cloppers! theyre still bronies like you or me!

    you know, if people clop whats the big deal? I say can do whatever they need to do to be happy! theyre not hurting anyone! the fact that people even try to stop them from doing it is kind of really shitty of them. I have no problem with cloppers! theyre still bronies like you or me!

  3. weeeellll, i personally love rarity and dislike fluttershy, but i wouldnt go as far as to say every loves rarity and everybody hates fluttershy. i personally havent even noticed much love coming to rarity. as a matter of fact, ive spoke to people who absolutley HATE rarity. and ive spoke to people who hate Fluttershy, or Rainbow Dash or Twilight or Pinkie or AJ or any other character because the fact of the matter is that every brony has a different opinion on different characters, you feel me? Now, i will answer the question you orginally asked but im going to answer it slightly altered;

    "why do YOU love rarity?"

    now, I love her because her element is very close to my heart, i value generousity very much and try my hardest to be a generous friend. that's how i fell in love with rarity. but once i started liking her, i realized i started liking other things about her such as her voice, her design, and mostly her personality. I loved how prissy she was! but she still managed to make time and help out her friends. that's why i love rarity, but everyone has their reasons, as i said. anyway, my point was; don't over-generalize the entire fandom by saying "well, everyone likes *insert name here* and EVERYBODY hates *insert new name here*. See what im saying? I personally think its great that rarity is getting some love *w*

    • Brohoof 2
  4. It's very good. If you want the constructive criticism, I would say that the nose looks a bit too masculine, but other than that great work!

    Alright, I'll be sure to fix that :) do you think it would help if I round the nose and jaw off more? Also, thank you so much for the compliments, it means a lot :)



    who needs school when you have Vinyl Scratch to draw. Other than the nose it would be nice to see it colored. the lines need more work. hope to see more from you

    Try telling my teachers that ;-; I would've coloured it, but like I said I was in the middle of class. I could have coloured it at home I guess, but I honestly like my sketches better than my serious art :o and thank you for the consructive criticism :)

  5. I drew Vinyl while I was supposed to be doing a project in school, it was so worth it xD My teacher didn't really appreciate it however I hope you do  :lol:


    Hope you liked it ":3

    Constructive criticism is really appreciated :)


    • Brohoof 3
  6. keep in mind, I'm horrible at writing and I wrote this really quickly so it might be terrible not very good






    Rarity looks at her dress and ponders. She cocks her head and squints through her red-framed glasses. Something's off, something's always off.. But what? This dress has to be perfect. She takes a breath and scraps it. She begins again promptly, she has no time to lose, after all. Once she finishes the 2nd, Rarity takes a step back and frowns. How could it be that this is worse than the original? Tears well up in her blue eyes. Tears she quickly blinked away. Rarity sighes, "Third times the charm, I suppose."

     For the third time, she stepped back. This time the dress blurred in front of her. She blinks and rubs her tired eyes. Her vision went white as she fell to the floor with a thud. The unicorn woke up several moments later, cold and shaking on the floor, She slowly stands on un-sturdy hooves. She sighs once more as she throws out the gown, that - moments before- was resting on the mannequin in front of her. 'this time,' she thinks, 'it'll be perfect!' 





    And that's the end of that.





    • Brohoof 1
  7. I always quote it at school, always. I make my friends Pinkie promise, I say 'Oki Doki Loki!' a lot, 'eeyup' is my most common one for sure and of course 'The. Worst. Possible. Thing!!' and recently I've started to say 'fabulous' and 'darling' like Rarity "xD oh and I also say "20% Cooler in 10 seconds flat!' a lot too :)

    Its fun because my friends think I'm crazy for quoting MLP and Adventure Time at school lol

  8. well derpy comes to mind but she has a huge fanbase so im not gonna go with her. i think colegate is alittle underapricated pony.

    just mane six, please :)

    I think Colgates pretty cool though, but she isn't my favourite background pony, for sure :T

    Honestly, I think Derpy is one of the most popular ponies. Although some people were offended by her, she constantly gets backed by an army of bronies. Not that thats a bad thing, I love Derpy, I think shes adorable. I just wouldn't say shes anywhere near unappreciated :)

  9. I loved the new song!! THE EPISODE WAS SO GOOD HNNNGGG

    It was so cute when Sweetie Bell cried ;v;

    All in all, I really liked the episode, considering it covered a real issue and resolved in a somewhat realistic way (well realistic for cartoon horses xD)

    One thing I didn't like was that Babs joined the CMC.. I mean I like Babs (not her voice though lol) but it feels weird having the CMC expanded :o butotherthanthatIlovedit <3

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Twilight Sparkle all the way! I'm motherly, a book worm, enjoy solving other's problems with my "vast" knowledge (that I mostly get from books and other people), have a difficult time making friends and I go a little nutty when I don't get something done on time...

    Like this...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmJ0DJX25Eo....from Season 2 episode 3 Titled: Lesson Zero


    Haha I love that episode xD I always have had a hard time making friends, I mean I do have friends I just have a difficult time meeting people e-o
    • Brohoof 1
  11. Fluttershy because of my social anxieties, I can relate to her shyness.

    Twilight because I love to read. Well, I mostly read fanfiction, but I do love a good book.

    Rainbow Dash because of how competitive I am in video games. XD I am also sometimes arrogant without meaning to be, which can get me into trouble.


    I get really competitive in video games too xD one reason why I'm not like Dash, is because I'm not active. Like, at all e-o I try sports, and I practice them But I never seem to get better at them. Not to mention I'm reallllyy clumsy ':D


    None of the Mane 6 really seems to fit me, and none of the others either.

    It'd probably be a mix of various characters, though:

    -At least some part Pinkie, mainly because I love pulling pranks on people, and I also tend to not take life very seriously.

    -Twily, as I love reading, and spend tons of my free time engrossed in various books. I also have a penchant for using somewhat obscure words.

    -Fluttershy, as I'm pretty reclusive(note, however, that this does not apply to the internet.)


    I agree on that note about Fluttershy. I'm socially awkward in real life, but online, I kind of tend to be a little more Pinkie-ish xD
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