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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by NekromantiaFox

  1. I don't know why I like it so much, but I like it SOOOOO much!!!! This dude is fucking amazing and I can only DREAM of having his talent. http://kawiko.deviantart.com/ Saving up for commission, WISH ME LUCK!!!

  2. An alchemy experiment gone horribly wrong. Chimera's were never meant to be. (Sorry, nothing but fullmetal alchemist stuck in my head all day)
  3. 9.5/10 Gives me an unusual image for some odd reason, but I like it.
  4. The body shapes are actually very well done considering, though I suggest begining with a circle when you draw the head shape. Basically, the only major issue I see is the facial shape because it appears a little bit condensed and the full skull doesn't seem present. It's a simple error that is easily resolved As I've said, the rest of it is pretty well done and I love the complexity of your designs. PS: The specific positions you put them in are a bit akward (my opinion, never been too good at images with both eyes showing visably), but there are many tutorials out there that can help people understand that particular concept. That's the only reason I was ever able to draw an angle like this, lotz of looking back and forth untill I grasped the theory.
  5. I have but a single thing to say, and only that. Are you ready? You sure?
  6. You can practically feel the improvement. You are becoming quite the talented brony, keep practicing, it can only get better.
  7. My goodness!! I actually forgot I had this because I hadn't gotten a notice for a quote in so long. Sorry about that everyone, main character slots ahve been filled.
  8. What has the roleplaying world gone too? Have all standards been abandoned. Is it seriousely time for a complete roleplay revolution already? Shame, at least there are a few good witers out there.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. NekromantiaFox


      I'll look it up, I could use a bit of practice, I loose my muse writing the same thing for months on end, chu know?

    3. MiStErUnMeRry


      I took a break from RP ages back. I got sick of the drama and constant noobs, I was told I was good when I was in general practice. Still RP a little with Flaret but...meh, not that much since wer both busy normally.

    4. NekromantiaFox


      I remember I had an account on olf Haven a while before it got crowded. Roleplay was actually GOOD then.

  9. I haven't roleplayed in quite a while, but I could use the practice for my novels. I was thinking of either using Alora or Saphira (probabely Alora, I like her more). Both ponies can be found in my signature. PS: You know what?!?!? I'll just use both of them Text Color....AWAAAAYYYY PSS: Is there a content restriction, I'd be fine with anything, I'm just asking because I don't want any rule broken by Alora (sadistic and way too intelligent) or Saphira ("pretty" and knows it way too well) PSSS: If you need a male character, I wouldn't mind using Ninon either, it's almost entirely up to what your looking for.
  10. I've been searching for somone to vectorize my OC, Alora, for quite some time. In return for a fully completed Vector of her (transparent background prefered), I may give you free arwork or even, if I like it enough, actual money (don't have credit or debit, so all money would have to be mailed-in). If you wish to try her on for size FOR FREE, that'd be even better. Here is an example of my own artwork: Here is the exact refrence for Alora including hex codes: Here is other various images to aid in the proper formation of her body shape and facial shape, aswell as markings, ect: In truth, nearly everyone who even enters will end up with some sort of a reward, be it simple, complex, or pricey on my part. I seriously encourage people to try, it doesn't matter how good you are.
  11. Can someone make a vector of my OC? Payment in the form of cash or artwork will be offered!!!!

  12. I need to know something. What is your favorite OC of mine? Also, is this acceptable to put in a poll, or would that seem stingy er something?

  13. I'm horribly crossed between pansexual and bisexual. Hmmm, well......I do ahve a few standards I won't cross despite everything, so I think bisexual is more appropriate for me.
  14. I don't know how to explain this, but I just died inside a little. But, you know....in a good way.

  15. That's positively fine, I like it. I'm off to go put it in my profile right now, oksie? An art day is a happy day. Although....I should really finish that song... My goodness, she must be even more difficult han I thought!!! Well, I gues you guys DON'T have the talent after all, huh? Sad, so very sad
  16. I leave it in because I believe in uncensored opinions. If I were speaking to you in real life, I wouldn't stop myself, therefore I can have the honesty to speak freely here. Your opinion on this subject doesn't really matter to me, though I am thankfull for your apology. Thank you, Shank XD I'll get to them as soon as possible, they seem rather amusing after all.
  17. I've failed at everything today, absalutely everything I have ever took pride on has been shot down in some form or another. I got too nervous and my voice cracked while singing today. Someone commented on how I don't take all requests, and I'd rather not quote what they said. I've completely butched absalutely every spelling chance I've got in the last few minutes due to my sudden depression. Ugh....

    1. khaine21x3


      There'll always be a next time! chill out and have some fun!

  18. My teacher refered to my sudden depression and bipolar problems to an "artistic crash"

  19. You don't seem to understand....I don't have an ego. I litterally hate myself to such an overwhelming extend. I...I'm going to try and stay on topic here. I don't know if I mentione dit in my hurry, but I actually like the screw up wing, the issue I had was actually the whole "acrobatics with wings tied down" part. It jsut doesn't seem that realistic. I'm glad your not yelling at me this time, it really fucked up my mood for a while there. The reason I mentioned my age is....well....I guess your living on my principals there more than I am. I guess I should thank you for not treating me like a piece of shit. Oh wait, you kinda did that! Sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry. I don't think I should reply for a while, I'm really confused. PS: I hadn't meant to insult your art skills, it's actually very good. I jsut had the urge to give you a few suggestions, but I thought it would be out-of-place here. PSS: I'm so sorry aobut my grammar right now. I'm such a fuck-up, I can't even spell two words right. I'm so sorry.
  20. I won't be making art for anyone any time soon....I don't deserve to pick up a pencil ever again. I'm such a fuck up...

  21. I feel like shit, everything I ever help close is suddenly crashing down upon me.

  22. My god! (even though I'm atheist). Why so much hate? My character is fairly powerfull, yes, but I give penalties to each of her abilities. While she can fly, this is because I designed her species with this capability and it DOES effect her rather greatly. Throughout my writing, she very rarely flies (domething you don't seem to understand, which I understand considering I'm not in any roleplays as of late). You also have to rememebr THAT I"M FUCKING 13 YOU BASTARD (I have to apologise for that, bit of a bipolar issue and I'm trying to hold myself together at the moment. Any ANY artist has the RIGHT to decline characters, if you go on DEVIANTART many people who do COMMISSIONS DECLINE CHARACTERS ON OCCASION. I've had my own character declined because of the complexity of the markings on her flank. The difference? MY work has been FREE. No, my character isn't superior, no character is in all modesty, and I TRIED to make that clear (even though it appears I failed). The only actual issue I had with your pony was the design, simply because it's a bit pony creator-ish specifically for my taste. To be honest, the only thing I really wanted you to change was the generic appearance. It's an OC afterall. Your pony doesn't have to be 100% cannon-acurate. MY PONY IS NOT A UNICORN. Her magic can be spent, which means that she isn't truly that powerfull. Once she is out of energy, she cannot use any of her magic. Therefore, no flying, no shooting, basically NO ANYTHING. This was the biggest penalty I put upon her simply because of the complexity of her character. I also gave her some very fucked up emotional problems because of this. It's not my job to give you improvement methods, idiot (flaring up again, i am truly very sorry). And by saying I was going soft, I meant that it was more of a critism than an analysis. If you didn't want to hear bad things, you shouldn't have signed up for this to begin with!!! My character isn't truly that powerfull, if you were only to look at it clearly. PS: I may have to come back later and fix this up a bit because the writing might be a little akward and off because of the sudden emotional rise. I truly don't blame you, it's not really your fault I have this problem. No no, I wasn't actually calling him a mary sue. There was a specific portion of his personality that struck me as similar, but only very faintly. I apologise if you had gotten the wrong idea. And, I actually praised him/her on the fact that he/she didn't make the character over-bearing or all-mighty in the end. I was actually more asking him/her to elaborate more on the backstory. Things are always better when they are explained.
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