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Everything posted by Discordian

  1. 3/10 Haven't seen you much around, but you pop in from time to time.
  2. Yeah, I love that one too. But as far as Sonic fans go the Heroes and Shadow games were on the lower end when it comes to favorite games. Me? I've always been of the opinion that the Sonic series has only gotten better since the Genesis days. Genesis were good but they pale in comparison to the games that came after them.
  3. I mostly say it cuz I'm a fan of Sasami, I haven't seen the actual Magical Girl Sasami anime...yet. xD Though I've had a taste of it through the Tenchi Muyo manga that takes place after the anime. There's a lot of Tenchi stuff, it's hard to find them all.
  4. Magical Girl Sasami. She comes from the series of the same name which is a spin-off of the Tenchi Muyo series.
  5. Adventure, Unleashed, Generations These three are usually considered the best when it comes to 3D Sonic games. Unleashed, of course, is a 50/50 situation. A lot of people only like one half of the game, the day stages where you play as normal Sonic, and hate the night stages where you play a more brawler type game as the Werehog. Of course, I've always believed the Werehog gameplay was far better and the levels are much better designed. At least in the PS3/360 version. In the Wii/PS2 version the Werehog levels are dumbed down a lot so I like the day stages better in that one.
  6. Always been a fan of Sailor Moon but haven't watched it in forever, Tokyo Mew Mew (Mew Mew Power) is another favorite too. And if you want to count it I always had a soft spot for Magic Knight Rayearth. It kind of stretches what a Magical Girl should be but I believe it fits in here. Speaking of Tokyo Mew Mew, I remember watching the anime only a few times but I've read the entire manga and all of it's half-sequel where the leader is no longer Zoe/Ichigo but is that cat/bunny hybrid girl. Of course, no one can beat the true magical girl:
  7. Talkin' about Sonic Adventure? If you are planning on getting both then I can give you reasons for both. Depending on the version you get (Dreamcast or Gamecube) they have slightly different features. Sonic Adventure one has six playable characters, each with different kinds of gameplay (though all revolving around platforming) that you unlock by meeting them in the story of any of the characters. You start out as Sonic and you can unlock all the characters in his story but you can unlock them in the other characters' stories if you haven't already unlocked them through Sonics. (If you beat Sonic's story you'll unlock them all so this only counts if you haven't beaten his and moved on to another person's story) All of the gameplay types are fun to play, though quite a few people don't like Big the Cat's gameplay which is mostly poorly programmed fishing but it's not like it's unplayable or not fun. The Sonic Adventure games have great stories that you'll see many sides to depending on which side you are playing. Sonic will see things differently than Tails who will see things differently than Amy and so on and so forth. Sonic Adventure 2 simplifies things slightly because it has no "Adventure Fields" which the first Sonic Adventure has that allows the characters to run around a hubworld of sorts to get to new levels and also talk to people and advance story events by going to certain places. SA2 doesn't have this and just progresses from one level to the next and you only play as either the good guys or the bad guys. Good guys consists of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles (each with very different gameplay styles, once again revolving around platforming but with drastic differences) while the bad guys is Eggman, Rouge and Shadow. The bad guys use the same gameplay styles as the good side. Shadow plays like Sonic, Eggman like Tails, etc. Once again the stories are seen from different perspectives but since there's no hubworld you just watch the scenes between each stage. They both also have a pet simulator known as the Chao World. You gather animals and chaos drives in levels to upgrade the Chao to give them better stats. I'm not sure if this has any particular use in SA but in SA2 there are some minigames to play with the Chao. Generally speaking the Chao are one of the things that defines the Adventure games for a lot of fans. (Me not being one of them) After you beat the stories of all the sides and characters there is a "Final Story" of sorts that is the true final boss. This final boss is usually hinted at throughout all the storylines you watch. The Gamecube version of Sonic Adventure also added a Mission Mode where you gather these cards that give you missions to do in the levels and the hubworld, usually consisting of getting a balloon that's in a hard-to-reach place or adding platforms to get it as long as you have the card for that mission or getting so many flags in certain areas that you have to speed through and such like that. ...Just a bit of a taste what the Adventure games have in store for you, should you get them. lol Don't ever let anyone tell you a game ruins a series, no matter how believable it is. They are extremely different from the Genesis games, yes, but they are generally considered the best in the series. Until you play them for yourself you shouldn't take that to heart. There were a lot of fans who didn't like the fact that it changed from 2D to 3D and wasn't exactly like the Genesis era games. Many didn't like playing any other types of gameplay that the games brought to the table like the mech type gameplay of Tails and Eggman in Adventure 2 or the fishing in Big's story in Adventure. The massive changes in gameplay are probably the biggest thing that people didn't like about the Adventure games, yet there are also many many supporters of the changing gameplay styles so it's really best to judge it for yourself rather than reading reviews. The opinions on the game are so evenly split there's no way to get a definitive view on them.
  8. Which were the games you said you've played? Heroes and what else? You really should try several Sonic games throughout the series. They never stay the same longer than a few games so even if you don't like Heroes, you can try Generations, Rush, Adventure, Black Knight and Riders and get entirely different games. They all play so different you can't play any single Sonic game and judge the entire series from it.
  9. Still should get it as it's the best Sonic game ever. Main story is only about 5 hours long but there's a ton of stuff to do outside of that.
  10. Not metal cuz there's this Disney CD bein' played really loudly in the room with no breaks so I can't even play in between songs.
  11. VERY VERY much worth it. It is the best Sonic game since [insert favorite part of the Sonic series here] Though it's better for one who knows all the levels and sees all the references it makes you can still definitely enjoy it without being a Sonic fan. Hell, it might turn you into one.
  12. Well I'm guilty of that one. I used to tilt my controller with the way I turn even though back in the PS1 days (The only time I've ever really played racing games besides Mario Kart) there were no Gyros in the controllers. lol And sometimes I'll stick my controller out in front of me when I'm doing something strenuous or fast-paced. It's mostly how my body reacts to the situation more than thinking it'll do anything.
  13. I'll never understand people who swing the Wii Remote as hard as they possibly can. It will register with a mere wristflick. Some games even give you the option to go with broad strokes or small strokes and even the broad strokes are only a small elbow movement.
  14. Yes, they are very different from the Genesis games. You'll probably have a much easier time playing them. Personally I think they are far easier to control too. lol
  15. I haven't finished CC yet but I gotta say I like them equally but for totally different reasons.
  16. *Brohoof* Always remember that making mistakes is not inherently a bad thing.
  17. Oh it's quite alright, as long as you learn from your mistakes you can make as many as you want. Sometimes making the same mistake two or three times to learn it properly helps too.
  18. Deviantart is easy to use if you know how to look. And I don't think you are an idiot, it was a simple mistake. Everyone makes 'em.
  19. I didn't draw it, I can't draw worth ****. lol I just browse DA a lot so I find a lot of great pictures, this being one of them I found in someone's faves. Sure as hell wish I could draw like that though, that'd be awesome.
  20. It's ads like that that made it illegal (or at least against the rules) to directly bash on another company in your own ads. lol Also, because I love deviantart and the many wonders it brings I shall post this:
  21. Playing Chrono Cross, at the end of Disc 1 and this final dungeons is entirely different from every other dungeon I've faced in this game so far. It's long, complicated, and quite possibly gonna be impossible if I can't figure out one of these rooms. Dx I wish I had some Cream Soda, that would make this night awesome.
  22. Yeah, that came to my mind as well. LOL Just thinking that Metal will be the music of old people...it feels weird. xD
  23. I've been mostly a Nintendo Gamer simply because it's the systems my mom always bought. It wasn't until I was old enough to get a job and make my own money that I finally got something new. That's when I got my PS2 and PS3.
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