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  1. 100 duck-sized applejacks so I can show her who's boss. But what would it look like if there were 100 duck-sized ponies? Because that's a lot.
  2. Tis' the time for a Scootaloo episode. And tis' very exciting. Tis' the time for me to speak in a Shakespeare voice because tis' the time for excitement.
  3. Well, back when I was an anti-brony, I was searching Youtube and to use against bronies, I decided to watch their origins. After watching Twilight's, I was like, "Stuff it, I like ponies."
  4. Whoever said she couldn't fly (other than Lauren Faust but she's not working on he show anymore)? Just because we haven't seen her fly doesn't mean she couldn't. Scootaloo flew a bit in the latest episode so she definitely can fly a bit.
  5. What's life usually like?
  6. People are going to hate me for this but Ed Edd n' Eddy. It really does suck. I don't see the point in it. Ben 10 and Johnny Test are pretty stupid as well. MAD is kinda stupid because it gloats.
  7. Well, I don't really encounters idiots, but here is a conversation with someone online who hates shipping. Idiot: None of the ponies are lesbian *frowny face* Me: So you're saying it's alright to ship FlimxLuna, DiscordxSpitfire and PipsqueakxLuna but not ApplejackxPinkie Pie? And I never tried to shove it down your throat, did I? And how do you know the ponies aren't lesbian? Have they shown (except Rarity) any signs of being straight? It's my opinion and you have yours, so if you don't like it, don't look at it. Idiot: I dont ship any ponie's. Its a child show -_- Me: Like I said, it's your opinion and that's my opinion. If you carry on like this I will probably block you. This happened on Deviantart. Also, using the faces: O-o -_- does not make you smart.
  8. Okay, here are mine... Strong Tech Electric Speed Short Circuit (already suggested) Tech Burst Wire Strap Haywire Static Jump Split Second Conductive Metal Heavy Metal Heavy Static Electric Beam Static Beam
  9. I would be so happy that I would pretty much do everything with them. Too bad all my friends hat My Little Pony, I'm depressed now, if you excuse me, I need to be emo in the corner.
  10. They're all brilliant! The only bad one is Hayden, he just seems... Emotionless. Jasons haircut also seems a bit weird. Over than that it's perfect!
  11. We all know who that's gonna be, don't we? Princess Celestia, hands down. She's the most attractive and I'm a girl. Am I in-human for thinking Spitfire isn't attractive?
  12. If Pinkie Pie kissed me, I would probably become her girlfriend because I'm a girl. If I was a pony it would be a normal relationship, if I was a human it would be FORBIDDEN ANIMU RELATIONSHIP UGGU. But like most people, I would be a bit weirded out.
  13. Pinkie Pie, she just seems so huggable don't you think, if i had to choose a different pony it would be Rarity. But fluttershy seems equally huggable.
  14. Youtube, hopefully on the day season 2 comes out. I'm excited and scared. I want to watch season 3 on the day but I don't know how to.
  15. A pencil and a piece of paper, I am good at drawing. Or it could be for acting, I think it's drawing because some people compliment me on my art.
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