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Galex Dj

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Posts posted by Galex Dj

  1. I finished! The butt end was actually quite tricky to get to look right but I think I did ok!


    I'm uoloading them full sized and small for you!








    I also made myself a deviantArt account! Everypony trot on over there and watch me! wink.png



    Thank you so much for it, it's so amazing. I'm going to love these for the rest of my life. Thanks again so much, I absolutely love them. :D

  2. It does sound very possible is doing this for the to sales, then will change everything back to normal for the Bronies I guess. But what if they keep Twilight like this forever. My friend also had a stupid theory that each of the main six become Alicorns and Princesses of their own kingdom, but the chance of that happening as well is very, very slim. But a lot may happens since the ending is going to be a three parter kinda of thing.


    To me I wouldn't care if she changed or not. I still know that Twilight will always be her true self in the end and never leave her friends. Hasbro would never do a thing like take her away from her friends and make her live in the castle for the rest of her life. In the end, I really don't know if she will stay an Alicorn forever. As long as she stays true to her self, I'm fine with ever if she is an Alicorn or not. :)

  3. I have been waiting all morning for this episode. I'm happy yet sad that she is becoming an Alicorn. Only one more episode till it happens. :)


    I know a lot of people don't want this to happen, and a lot are fine with it, but I'm kinda ok with it. I know that Hasbro will make it work some how, they have done it before, they can do it again hopefully. I'm worried a bit, but not to much.  ^_^

    • Brohoof 2
  4. I use Google Chrome most of time now on my Macbook.


    THe only time I use Internet Explorer is for the Internet at my school, and even then some of the computers have Google Chrome on it.   I have a Macbook so Safari was my original browser on here at first. Now I just use Google Chrome. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  5. It could be possible since it was around the same timeline I guess. And I guess it would be a "Stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours" kinda relationship if anything. The two of them seem like they would of fighted a lot if they hung out together a lot, so yeah. It is a nice theory though, and something that would really make the storyline really entertaining. Just the idea of it makes my head turn with new ideas and theories for the show. Nice thinking about that though. :)

  6. To be honest, not even I now why myself likes her so much. She is one of my favorite ponies in the show, but I still don't know why. Maybe it's her laugh, maybe it's her flaws, maybe it her awesomeness, I don't know. All I do know is that every since the first the first episode I watched, I automatically loved her. She like one of those people that you are friends with, and you don't even remember how the two of you became friends, and now you just are. To me, it's kinda like that. I guess she just rubs off on people in the kinda way that they just love her no matter what.  :huh:


    But, I have always liked her for her flaws. She has the kinda flaws that I have as well, so I love her because I can relate to her. Like one of them is when she get nervous before she performs because she thinks that she will mess up in front of everyone. I have that exact same fear, so I lov eher because I can relate to her in a kinda way possible. But that is just me, a lot of different people like her for different reasons, that's just my reason. :) 

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I don't think that they have ruined Discord, I just think that they have changed him. Now that he is good, there might be less problems, but less entertainment. 


    I guess that it is a fifty-fifty kinda thing. It is good and bad that he has changed to the good side of friendship and magic. I think it's mostly good, but other pony's have different opinions you know. :) 

  8. Doesn't sound like you've read the recent posts on this at all dear... :(


    Again on one hand Hasbro has been VERY flexible on copyright and trademark's and that has ALLOWED thebrony community to grow and flourish but if they begin to crackdown on fan related projects that could all change and dry up. It's really up to Hasbro. But yes Mane6 made some poor decisions and they just might not have a way out.

    Sorry, it just just sounded very interesting so I thought it was a real life game. Sorry about the mistake i just did, I understand now. :(
  9. Hey do you think that you could do my OC doing the same kinda thing that Derpy is doing with the portals? :) I'll put pictures of her in the spoiler below, and the picture of what I want her to do below the spoiler.  Also can you make it two separate pictures, one of her head and one for her plot? :)









  10. I mostly love Cadence because she is calm, caring, and loving. In the last episode when Twilight got angry at Pinkie Pie for jumping in the mud bath Twilight looked at Cadence and they both did a breath in and breath out kinda thing for Twilight to calm down. And Cadence did it with her trying to get Twilight to try to stay positive and calm with the other ponies. She understands other ponies and always trust to look at the bright side and not make big deals about small things. :)


    But even with all this, I did agree with you. They creators have never shown her having any flaws of any kind what so ever so far. She up now has only been perfect in every way possible, making her hard to relate too as well. Like for example, I love Pinkie Pie because even though she is always mostly happy she does have her sad days when she is depressed, just like me a lot of the time. And like with Rainbow Dash as well, sometimes Rainbow Dash freaks out before a performance because she thinks she'll mess up in front of the whole crowd, also something I do as well. That why I love those two ponies a lot as well, they have flaws but I can relate to those flaws and feel happy that I'm not so perfect all the time. :)


    But I do hope that Cadence will get more screen time in the furture, with more time to show her and her flaws in her maybe.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. Hey Crystal Rose, here is my new request. :) Can you draw my OC doing the same kinda thing that Derpy is doing in the pictures. And can you make two separate ones, one for her head sticking out and one for her butt sticking out please. :) I'll put pictures of her  in the spoiler below. :D Also can you make it avatar sized as well please? :)










  12. I don't hate Trixie, but she isn't my favorite pony of them all. She was just a loud mouth pony who thought she knew it all in Season 1, but she did come back in Season 3 with a new attitude and a new amulet of course. :)


    In Season 1 I didn't like Trixie at all of course, but in Season 3 I started to warm up to her just a bit more then the previous Season. She's way less snobby, but was back to get revenge from Twilight.


    I do admit that I like Trixie way better this Season than last Season. She has learned her mistakes and has said sorry for them as well. She has a learned a lesson, and I do hope time see her again later, in a good way instead of bad. :)

  13. I also made your picture into two sigs, I must admit I like the second one better but I hope you find one of them suitable! I don't do this sort of thing very often so I hope you like them.





    Thanks you so much again, I love them so much. :wub: Right now I'm on my phone, so the second I get home I'll save them both and decide which one to choose as my singature. :)

  14. There is a bit of a story behind this one.


    I drew the sketch and inked it with pen, then I went to bed to finish it today.

    Came downstairs and the drawing was hanging on the radiator. My dad had spilled a drink on it in the night and dried it out, but by this point the paper was completely bucked and there was no way I could colour it without it looking absolutely terrible. Seeing as I opened this thread for practice, I thought I could scan it in, then digitally colour it. I enjoyed how the body looks, I think I'm better at that. The mane and tail look a bit crap, and if you really hate the whole thing I will do it again for you. Like I said, the purpose of this thread is so I can practice, which I did, but I also obviously want people to like the results.





    I know you've been looking forward to this one. I drew your avatar and scaled it to 150px so it should be just fine!


    I drew her flying adorably, which is a combination of both and I hope it's ok!




    I love it soooooooooo much! :D


    You did so cute and adorable, thanks so much, it looks absolutely amazing in every way possible. :wub:

  15. I'm just waiting for Animal Crossing to come out already. I have been waiting for that game to come for almost two years now. :lol:


    Anyways, I'm a huge Nintendo fan and love the 3DS XL. To me, it's way better than the PS Vita, bit that's just my opinion. But I do love Nintendo and all their games and consoles that come out. Especially 3DS games. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Not at all. They are ponies, not actual humans. If ponies eating cake is giving off bad diet habits to kids, I don't know whats happening to this country anymore. It is just a cartoon, not real life. And anyways, who doesn't love a piece of cake with some milk. :lol:

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