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Everything posted by Teller

  1. I like to watch the show and read the occasional fan-fic. I do go on Equestria Daily to admire SFW pony artwork as well.
  2. I could imagine Discord casting a spell that makes everypony mute. Then the Mane Six have to try to nonverbally communicate and figure out a solution. Hilarity would then ensue. Bonus points of Discord was the only one who could talk. "What was that? Could you try speaking up?"
  3. I love watching speedrunners play games that I have some interest in.
  4. This sounds kinda horrible, but... My niece. She is incredibly loud. My brother has to let her use his iPad to play Angry Birds to shut her up.
  5. One particularly annoying moment in my school life was in Driver's Ed. In Florida, if you're truant for more than 15 days of School, you can have your driver's license revoked. Our instructor mentioned this. Of course, the stereotypical dumb blonde girl scoffed, and proceeded to say, "They can't do thaaaaat!" Of course, imagine that statement sounding like it ended with a question mark.
  6. I have nothing to defend, I just figured I'd point it out because it's funny.
  7. You could literally replace the word "brony" with "weeaboo" in that post.
  8. Sega Genesis. We didn't have much spending money back then, so the only games we had for the thing for the longest time were Sonic + Knuckles and Dynamite Headdy.
  9. B-but... I just used MSPaint. ;_;
  10. Controversy, yes, but I don't recall any of his theories being disproven.
  11. I really don't think it's possible to apply the scientific method to finding out whether a Virgo is compatible with a Pisces, but that's just me and my crazy talk. And Psychology is a real science.
  12. Astrology is the ultimate pseudoscience. Also, Slushy Magic's "Snowflake Science".
  13. I sing in the shower, doodle, and build/learn about computers. Most exciting life ever.
  14. Sometimes I have this conversation with my friends, because hypotheticals. If I knew the exact second in which I would die, I know exactly what I would do. I would first delete all self-incriminating files from my hard drives, and then remove the passwords from my computers. I would then write a meaningless cryptic "suicide note" that would probably result in a Rickroll. If I have the time, I would probably watch a few My Little Pony episodes. With my last few minutes, I would submerge my hand into a jar of peanut butter, go into my dumpster with my upper body hanging out, and find a decent-looking position for when my body goes completely limp, hand still in jar of peanut butter. The crime scene investigators would probably have a blast trying to find out what, and why.
  15. I've been far too lazy to sketch and vector my own avatar, so I just shamelessly traced over a screenshot. Also the face is god-tier because reasons.
  16. My GPA was a painfully average 3.6. There was no 2D Comp IV, so I had to take AP Studio/2D Design, which really killed me.
  17. I received an impromptu ear-piercing during a fishing trip.
  18. Basically all of the Canadian flash-animated shows + anything after Chowder.
  19. I would love to live in the Animal Crossing world.
  20. Basically I want to completely disassociate myself from my family. Racism is horrible, and I hope that my children will never have to find out about my family tree.
  21. 1 and a half. I tested myself many years ago to see how far I could go. Needless to say, and the 1 and a half point, I fell asleep at my desk and woke up with keyboard keys imprinted onto my face.
  22. I have a slight feeling that I may or may not prefer Pepsi over Coke.
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