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Everything posted by Teller

  1. They have a decent design and the colors don't make my eyes bleed. At a second glance, the two-tone contrast going on in Star Haze's hair is a bit distracting. Though I can imagine drawing Star Haze's hair from different angles would be a chore and a half.
  2. inb4 Hasbro gives them the ol' C&D Totally snagging myself a New Lunar Republic Pin. Thanks for sharing this!
  3. So basically you just have to make a pony thing in a better (or just different) style than Hasbro's, change the character design of Button Mash (Hasbro didn't give that brown colt a name), and remove any and all reasonable references to My Little Pony, just so the legal team at Hasbro will be happy. Eh.
  4. OC x Canon OC x OC in OC Universe full of OCS Tom x Boulder Human x Canon
  5. I was all about the Sgt. Frog/Minecraft fandom. Now I'm about the Pony/General casual gaming fandom.
  6. Probably a microphone. (Not of the singing variety, of course.)
  7. You can find shameful reproductions on eBay for around $150. Bob Ross originals (Also on eBay) will run you about $7000+. Also originalartbroker.com seems like a somewhat reputable site for selling his stuff.
  8. Alicorn OCs are kinda silly to me. It's very difficult for them to justify why they are essentially God. I'm getting a little tired of seeing OCs with backstories involving parents who died in some tragic accident, and either seek revenge, or become the protege of some OP as heck OC/Mane Six character. Also to add to the bandwagon, OCs with loud colors. ^ If your OC is any of these colors, stop. Turn around. Rethink your life choices, and read about pastel colors.
  9. 1. My name is Tom. 2. Everyone I know does not know my last name. 3. I am a soft-spoken extrovert. 4. I like reading about PC hardware and building PCs. 5. I believe that Macs are gross. 6. My favorite color is White. 7. I love art, even though I slept through art class. 8. I completely skipped the teen-angst phase in my life. 9. I have never beaten Zelda II: The Adventure of Link 10. Most of my furniture comes from IKEA.
  10. They're extremely unfashionable. You're better off wearing a sign on your chest that says, "You may not have my virginity."
  11. It all started as a joke on 4chan that backfired horribly...
  12. It depends. Introverts would probably prefer being single, while extroverts would probably love to be in a relationship. Me leaning towards the extroverted side, I enjoy having a girlfriend. It's nice.
  13. Being nice and being good are two different things, and I'm always friends with nice people, no matter how scumbaggishly they live their lifestyles.
  14. 1. My room contains absolutely nothing pony-related. 2. I'm pretty sure all of the furniture in my room came from Ikea. 3. I have no television in here, but I have 3 computer monitors and a laptop to occupy myself with. 4. It has a mini fridge that is always stocked with Pepsi, the nectar of the Gods in my opinion. The Gods of my opinion, you could say. 5. It has hardwood floors that are in need of resurfacing. I seriously can't moonwalk in here without getting splinters in my feet. 6. It has a king-sized bed that takes up a majority of the space. I'm more than willing to share my bed with a guest. 7. All of the outlets in this room are not grounded. 8. The walls have a color scheme of a watermelon, and I have yet to paint over it. 9. There is a stack of boxes for computer components filled with packing material in the corner. 10. The pull chain for the ceiling fan in this room is ridiculously long.
  15. A good person is someone who does what's right, even though it doesn't always mean everyone will be happy about it. Or say, someone who chooses to not cheat–not because of the consequences of being caught, but because it's wrong.
  16. I make eye contact when I talk to people.
  17. My father closed his eyes and pointed at a random name in the phonebook to give me my name. Therefore, I see nothing wrong with this. (Except for the Cthulhu.) Also I love how people intentionally forget to read the not-so-fine print: Let's not make mountains out of molehills, yes?
  18. I'm waiting for a headset to arrive in the mail. I wanted my voice to sound more clear on Skype.
  19. Seems fairly accurate. Your Aura Is White! Personality: Cool and calm, but not laid-back, whites are the ultimate in class. Whites are one of the best at what they do, and they don’t make a show of it, but they get the recognition anyway. White’s always getting the job done, always making the perfect play, never demanding the credit and always getting it anyway. With a wink and tiny salute of acknowledgment to the crowd, everyone will always remember you.You are neat and immaculate in your appearance, in the presentation of your home almost to the point of being fanatical. You are far-sighted, with a positive and optimistic nature. You are well-balanced, sensible, discreet and wise. You are cautious, practical. You tend to have a great deal of self control. You are confident, poised and self-assured when at your most positive, but can also be very choosy and fastidious when the mood strikes. You can be very critical of yourself and others. You are self-sufficient and a loner. You may appear to be shy, but you do have strong beliefs about most things and love the opportunity to air those beliefs.
  20. Speaking to people. I'm just so MLG pro at it. #YOLO
  21. http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2013/02/25/talking-angela-iphone-app-scare/ I can make a post about Flappy Bird asking me what I'm wearing on Facebook, but it doesn't mean it's true. But to respond to the title of the topic, it's possible to be children to be safe. Just, y'know, you gotta responsible. Reinforce the idea of saying no to strangers n' whatnot.
  22. Wasn't that proven to be just some kind of scary hoax?
  23. Because cloppers don't want to feel guilty about being sexually attracted to them. They don't look like they attend school or anything.
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