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Twilight Circuits

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Everything posted by Twilight Circuits

  1. Bummer, I was hoping it was me. What a disappointment...
  2. *sigh*... authorize the use of Wing Zero.... Pony... the test simulations fried the users synapical brain functions, that's why Celestia's scientists hid the blueprints in the first place! There isn't a pony live in Equestria able to handle to that kind of power, and we know this cause Luna got banned to the moon for her lunacy! We almost lost Canterlot in the process. But I do however, believe i have arrived at a solution...
  3. Although I'm not an Intel fan either. I actually find it beneficial to get quality hardware and for peace of mind. Glad to be of help if I was.
  4. I may be interested. I have a lot to bring to the table actually, both skills wise and and idea wise. I was already working on something of my own but would be interested in your ideas.
  5. I'm sorry but the second I read that ASRock was your motherboard that was my first red flag. Precious few people ever have a problem with them, only slightly more develop a problem in short time, the rest are giant headaches. Reviews are one thing but almost all things I read and equally myself have tried a couple times it's just never been worth it. Equally unfortunate is that a motherboard with problems can in fact begin to fry other hardware with voltage irregularities and the like. it can be hard to test what you have when spare parts aren't lying around that's for certain.
  6. Hmmm... This is almost funny, cause I think the Ford Mustang suits the fandom as it representing car of choice. I know it's mine... So if the mane six did have to drive a car... yeah, it'd the Mustang. lol
  7. You idiots! Celestia's all choked now because the test fire was supposed to hit the Vatican! Not only that, if you read the memo instead of listened to last month's video conference call, it was suposed to be installed on the Destiny's haul so we could fire through the stargates! Back to the original post. Fear me, or fear me not, for I am your friend, till you make me your enemy.
  8. As much as I love to smoke I could almost agree with it. But the topic of the post has to be true. So if you guys, as in the fandom were my bad habit, it would be a tough choice. Cause my question would be, why come back at all? lol The bigger problem I can see happening is the splitting of the two realities would create memories and emotional memories that are separate lives. In other words, having a memory from one version of life and having it's emotions recalled in another reality could have disasterous effects on the mind. Both worlds might actually make you a bitter person because no one else would know. The secret would be hard to keep and you would probably end making a choice figuring it would be best for yourself and the world you chose to leave behind.
  9. How many friends do I have? I don't know an exact figure... How many brony's are there in the community altogether? That would be my answer.
  10. Somehow I lost mine along with all my stuffed Garfields during the move from Alberta to BC. Ironically though, When i was that age, around 8 or so, I wished for a fat cat like Garfield. i'm 38 today and what do i have today? A fat orange tabby like Garfield. lol Only I named him Maximus instead.
  11. Yeah I was born in ''76 so i was a kid when it came out. I had the ALF sheets and a stuffed ALF at one point.
  12. I'm 6'1" and have been since i was 19. I like to pretend that's 1/5 the size of Celestia and Luna.
  13. Oh man, I actually remember when the first episode was supposed to air, but some stupid hockey game was in overtime so for years i had missed the first 15 minutes of the pilot episode. My mom actually remembers me being all upset about it.
  14. This. You're not supposed to voice anything about them doing something right. You're supposed to raise hell when they do stupid things like take out the repeat button.
  15. i heard a beer commercial on the radio talk about magical beer unicorns... now they're toying with us with drinking ads....

    1. MyLilPony


      Yea, I posted a meme on facebook and nobody but my mother liked it, I'd just get rid of my friends i've known over the years before my brony friends, beat their face off if they got sumthin to say.

    2. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      What meme is that? Let me see!

  16. But that doesn't make sense... I remember my account ending in 33... because that was the night I was born here....
  17. rainblow tails. I see rainbow tails everywhere...

  18. Waking up with no hangover... Pricless.

  19. I"m 38 by all things related to physical standards.
  20. Wow... I gotta say... that was interesting...
  21. Ignorant Pinkie Pie is ignorant

  22. Well.... you know... truth be told I actually kinda saw that coming Dr. Cause, I'm single and i'd probably do and say the same thing... but that gave me an idea for a blog post.... oh boy... Dr... you, my good pony, just opened up a can of worms... Cause I have a story, about this time that I attracted my soul mate...
  23. Why is it sometimes i come onto the forums and you guys have somewhat blown my mind...

  24. Thanks! My blog has a lot of music that i had never heard of until joining the fandom. Fascinatingly... I was actually considering making a blog post that had nothing but music songs that should be played one after the other to sort of tell a music magical journey kind of thing.
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