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Twilight Circuits

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Everything posted by Twilight Circuits

  1. I just had the creepiest thing happen. I got an Olivieri ad on youtube, had an Olivieri for dinner, yet not once did I type anything related to on the net....

  2. Hi... Welcome to the forums. We're zainy bunch it would seem and to be honest getting to know us all... well... that is a challenge and a half. Haha! The stories I could share...
  3. 300 ponies... You feel me...?

  4. We'll paint it red, to fit right in....

  5. Well... Can't point the finger at me pony. Since day one here Oct 17, 2012 on my introductory post I said "You're special. You're so special you don't know how special you really are." Cause, if you're going to ask me (which no one asks me anything... :*( ) "What would you do for the one's you love?" Well... that's what I said, and here is where I started. But... people have trouble giving me so much as 10 minutes. What the hell are you guys going to do when I need your attention for a couple hours, and it STILL would barely even begin to touch what i could share you all. Cause, I know what all of you say about love, which is pretty much summed up in one word. Nothing. Well... If you want to know what I said about love... I'm sure you'll find it since day one. But if I were to ask you a question today, the question is... What haven't I done yet....? Some Captain Obvious out there would probably say lots. To which I'm out of hero biscuits pony. Now if somepony wanted to ask; what direction am I taking...? Well, you're only just getting started....
  6. *snip* Missed the show did ya? Well, Don't worry. Things aren't over yet. I just hope you can remember what i said. In case you missed it, get ready to meet Celestia! Oh drat... I guess I'm back to square one on the writers challenge... but still ahead of you, even though i'm behind. Rules are still rules pony....
  7. Shouldn't all mods have open IM's...

  8. Shouldn't all mods have open IM's...

  9. So it's $750 to have a sonicrainboom and rainbowdash vinyled to the side of my truck. Post pics when it's done... :P

  10. I would agree with this but there is something I would in fact add to it. That would be that I would be curious, and am curious, how did all the jerks and bullies turn out later? I'm 37 so it makes me raise an eyebrow. At the same time, I also don't care. They no longer guide my choices, control my emotions but what they did do for me, is teach me how not to behave and why. Cause I don't need them to be a part of my life anymore when the day comes I could call them out by name. Cause in that way... payback's a bitch....
  11. For me that's relatively simple. Just look at what i have in my blog. Although I could have added a bunch more tunes, i'm afraid offline activities have been a dominant part life right now. Doesn't mean i'm still keeping an eye on things though... At what scale does the music mean something is the question you should ask yourself. edit: Thought i'd just leave this here....
  12. There is no such thing as being too open minded pony. The question behind that comment though, should be; what education is behind the open mind and is it not open enough. What you should really consider is telling your father exactly what I told my mother. I'm old enough to make decisions on my own, and you can't tell me what to do. The only thing you you can do is deal with it on your own. I thankyou for expressing your concerns but if that's the best use you can make of your time, you're not worth my time becuase yours isn't spent constructively. Which is unfortunate, becuase even though you chastise and judge me, I still hang out with you dad with little judgement becuase I love you. It's too bad you don't know how to love me in return, and can only defend your limited beliefs about people and what they can achieve. and then walk away and say nothing until he calls you back first.
  13. I'm all of those. The real question is; how much time do you have for me to explain it to you? Cause... I know you don't have that much time.
  14. Thanks for the carpenter Celestia and Luna!

  15. happy one year birthday to me!

  16. 10/17/2012.... remember that pony...

  17. I'm still around, pony. In case you were concerned.

  18. It'd be hilarious if a crop circle the shape of my ring showed up.

    1. ColtofPersonality


      For 40 monopoly dollars aswell you can also get an Asian Rabbi Genie in an envelope inside a smaller envelope that exists in your head that will tell you the secrets of Celestia and Luna's urine which has been endorsed by Oprah Winrey and Bob Saget.

  19. Actually, the brony community itself just over a year ago inspired me and is the very reason Twilight Circuits was born. More interestingly is the question; what happens when you spend a good portion of a year behind a computer? Cause, I was just minding my own business when *poof* I found myself here on this forum.
  20. Know what, put me on the list. I have faith that Celestia and Luna shall provide. Now that I think about it, in light of recent event s which equate to me losing a years worth of handwritten work, I might be able to make use of this thing as a tool during the implementation of a new project to replace my lost work. i'll take the 50,000
  21. Not sure where i'll be during that time but if I have the time available I'd take up the challenge. Celestia, willing of course.
  22. the true believers, thou shall be saved

    1. Shiki


      Smite those that you deem unfit. Do not accept things that are different. Live solely under the umbrella of his self-righteousness.

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