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Posts posted by Electrobolt

  1. Only recently have I been playing Morgana mid when Heimer isn't available or is a good choice... And I freaking LOVE HER!!! Just recently, I played a game as her against Karthus with an enemy WW jungler. Needless to say... I dominated hard although there was a surprise at the start :P Teemo tried to ninja-gank me but I escaped with my life. I then proceeded to crap all over Karthus and evade Warwick :P Even helped gank top with teleport (DAMN I freaking love that spell now)


    But yeah, I ended the game with a real positive score: 8/3/12. Even got a triple kill when I used my ult xD Freaking love that Morgana

    • Brohoof 3
  2. Oh man... I just played as Jayce top for the first time in forever... I'm questioning why I haven't been playing him at all now! xD It was in ranked too, but I at least knew how to play him... Main reason was because I was sick and tired of Teemo top, so yeah... I went Jayce lol


    But yeah, I'll definitely be playing more Jayce top in normals to get a better grip on him lol

    Hahah... Although I got stuck with ADC... I actually did damned good at it! Also helps that we had a great CC-based team comp :P And Fiora, but she did good as well. Seriously though, I got so damn fed that I was even able to get a triple kill before scumbag Jax came in and killed me with his dodge skill xD Anyways, the results are stronk!





    • Brohoof 1
  3. I typically can handle Mondays, but DST just throws everything out of whack. I feel like I wanna sleep some more but I can't...


    I hear ya... I really dislike DST for the main reason that we lose an hour of sleep x.x I was freaking dead tired yesterday because of DST

  4. That is why we are making a team 0 bitching :D so if you wanna learn something or try something new you can! Serious funzies is always best. You try to win but above all you have fun. Also the servers are down for NA right? Or is it just lappy?


    For me, the NA servers are down

  5. My summoners is MegucaIsMagic. That's an I, as in Meguca Is Magic. I'll add you guys when I'm on next, watching the LCS at the moment... Anyone else like watching pro play for LoL?


    Ah yeah, the LCS! I saw that yesterday... Dat TSM doe lol, with the 0-death Wukong #Kappa

  6. Ranked NA team, huh? Hmm... Sounds interesting :P I don't support at all, but that's taken care of xD I like the other roles, though I used to main jungle so hard in the past lol... Used to love Jungle Vi x) Now I mainly go top and ADC, but I can still jungle fine and my midlane pool could use some work though I have enough champs to do that fine too (I like taking AP Ez midlane lol)


    Anyways, summoner name is Electrobolt3




    ... And oh yeah, servers acting up for anyone else here in NA? Just as I said that, servers down lol

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Hey guys, quick word of warning: I'm on the road again, this time I'm heading home, so that means no more crappy wifi that restrains me from viewing videos and having web pages take a good while to load :3


    But this also means no posts from me until I can get back on my laptop... This time though, unlike on Friday, I should be able to make a post once I get back home :3 Doesn't mean I can't enjoy your posts though x3

  8. That's why I try and sleep through them but depending how long they are and it can be hard to sleep in a car too :/...

    Tell me about it... Normally I'd be able to recline and lie back, but this time it's a pretty full van... *sigh*

  9. So what is everyone up to right now? I just woke up, and I can hardly keep my eyes open.


    Just messing around a little until it's time for me to leave the house - in which I'll then be going to Gulf Shores for a few days

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